Chapter 6: Embarrassing Fall

It didn't take long for Yasmine and Ryder to reach the gates of the cinema inside Macy's mall. They had chosen to see "After Everything," a highly anticipated romance film. Once inside the dimly lit cinema, they found their seats in the middle of the row, ready for the exhilaration they were about to embark on. As the lights dimmed and the movie began, the couple settled in, their hands occasionally finding each other in the darkness. The screen came to life with the captivating love story, and they were both immediately drawn into the world of the characters. The film didn't disappoint. It was a beautiful, heartfelt journey filled with love, laughter, and tears. As the story unfolded, some people in the audience couldn't help but get emotional. Sniffles and soft sobs could be heard throughout the cinema, but Yasmine and Ryder remained absorbed in the film. They shared a box of buttery popcorn, occasionally stealing glances at each other during the most touching moments. The movie seemed to fly by, even though it was 1 hour and 33 minutes long. When it was over, they were in no rush to leave. They waited until the last of the audience had made their way out of the cinema. As they strolled through the mall's corridors, they couldn't stop talking about how good the movie was.

Yasmine: I usually don't watch romantic films, but this one was quite touching. I almost cried.

Ryder: Yeah, that was something special. I'm glad we saw it together.

Ryder: Maybe we will experience something romantic like the main guy and girl.

Yasmine: Not sure. I'm still too young for romance. I'm only supposed to focus on studies and chores at this age, according to my parents.

Ryder: They need to let go of this traditional mentality they have. It's not like you're not allowed to live, Yasmine.

Yasmine: I know...But they're too stubborn. I can't argue with them.

After leaving the cinema, Yasmine and Ryder decided to grab a bite to eat at a Chick-Fil-A stand to talk about many other things and continue their night out. They still had a few more hours left until it was time for Yasmine to sneak back home without her parents knowing she went out. As they approached the Chick-fil-A stand, they noticed that it was bustling with people. The aroma of freshly cooked chicken wafted through the air, enticing their taste buds even more. They joined the line, which was moving steadily but was quite long due to the crowd. The line snaked around the stand, with many people patiently waiting around. After the person in front of them paid with his credit card, it was finally their turn to order.

Clerk: Hi, what can I get for you both?

Ryder: Hey, can I get the grilled chicken sandwich meal with fries and a large cup of Pepsi...

Ryder: I would also like some ketchup and mustard, please...

Clerk: He turned to Yasmine. Ok, what about you?

Yasmine: I just want the original classic chicken sandwich meal with fries and a medium cup of water. I'll also have some ketchup.

Clerk: Done! Your meal will be ready shortly. Go ahead and scan.

They waited for a few minutes until their number was called. They grabbed their tray of meals and sat back down. Yasmine felt a mix of gratitude and a touch of guilt about Ryder paying for both of their meals. She appreciated his gesture but didn't want to take advantage of his generosity.

Yasmine: You sure you were okay with paying for both of our meals? I felt bad for not having my credit card out.

Ryder: He shook his head. Nope, perfectly fine with me. I didn't mind that.

Yasmine: I'm also supposed to buy AirPods for my brother as part of the deal for me sneaking out tonight.

Ryder: Let's go look for AirPods together after this. I'm sure we can find something.

Yasmine: Yeah, we should be quick with it. I don't want my parents to be home when I get home.

Yasmine: I don't want to be questioned about where I was or what I was doing.

Ryder: Don't worry much. Your bro Jasper agreed to cover up for you, didn't he?

Yasmine: He did, but only because I convinced him.

At a corner adjacent to the Chick-fil-A stand, there was a dance occurring. The catchy tune of "Replay" by Iyaz was blaring from a nearby speaker, and a group of enthusiastic teenagers had gathered to dance in a coordinated pattern, grooving to the music with synchronized moves. Unbeknownst to Yasmine, one of the energetic dancers in the group happened to be Elijah. He was lost in the joy of dancing, his movements perfectly in sync with the others, and he wore a big smile on his face as he danced to the beat of the song.

Yasmine: Hey, Ryder. I need to use the restroom. Would you be ok watching my stuff?

Ryder: Sure, I will. Take your time. I'll be right here.

With a quick smile, Yasmine got up from their table and made her way toward the restroom. As she dried her hands with a paper towel after washing her hands, she couldn't help but glance at herself in the mirror, adjusting her hair and making sure she looked presentable. Satisfied with her appearance, she turned to leave the restroom. Just as she was walking away from the restroom entrance, a guy approached from the opposite direction, moving quickly. In the blink of an eye, a collision occurred. Elijah, who had been dancing with joy just moments ago, accidentally bumped into Yasmine. Their collision sent both of them tumbling to the ground, and in the chaos of the moment, their lips unexpectedly met in an accidental and brief kiss. Yasmine's eyes widened in surprise and shock as Elijah's torso accidentally landed on top of her chest. As they both quickly scrambled to their feet, Yasmine's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Elijah: He smirked. Oops, that was an epic kiss I didn't expect. Amazed to see you here, Angel.

Yasmine didn't waste a moment, and in a moment of frustration, she gently but firmly reached her hand up and slapped him across the face. Elijah, still recovering from the unexpected collision, was taken aback by the slap, his hand instinctively moving to his cheek.

Yasmine: You again! You should watch where you're going!

Elijah: Oooh, I see you getting red. You must enjoy me bumping into you.

Elijah: Since you're here, may I have what you're up to? You don't seem like the type to go out on school nights.

Yasmine: That's NUN of your business what I'm doing. You annoyed me enough for one whole day at school and now this!

Elijah: He continued to smirk. Oh, yeah? You like it, don't you?

Elijah: Didn't see you complain like an angry squirrel during chem and drama class. I'm sure you like funny people, but pretend to shrug them off by acting salty.

Yasmine: No, I don't. I'm okay with funny people, but not rascals like you.

Elijah: Oh, I'm a rascal...But a respectable one.

Yasmine: Whatever. I need to go. I shouldn't waste my time talking to you...

Elijah: Wait, where-

Before he could say anymore, Yasmine already walked off back to Chick-fil-A stand where Ryder was sitting.

Yasmine: Ryder, I'm back.

He noticed the uneasy look on her face.

Ryder: Hey, you alright? You're sounding a little skittish.

Yasmine: No, I'm fine...Are you finished with your meal?

Ryder: Yeah, I'm about to throw it away. Let's go get AirPods for your bro and then head back home.

Ryder: We should hurry so your parents won't find out.

Elijah observed Yasmine and Ryder from a distance as they stood in line at the Chick-fil-A stand in the bustling food court of the mall. His brow furrowed in disapproval as he still couldn't quite understand why Yasmine chose to spend time with a boring guy like Ryder. From his perspective, Ryder appeared to him as a rather dull and buttoned-up individual.

Elijah: On the inside. I see...Basically, she went to hangout with him without her parents knowing.

Elijah: On the inside. He sounds like the most boring guy ever. He doesn't entertain her or make an effort to light up her sulky mood.

Elijah: He continued in his thoughts. I don't know what drew them together to be friends. 
