Chapter 10: Scene In Mind

On that fateful Tuesday, the day of the first weekly element quiz, tension and anticipation hung in the air as students gathered in Mr. Waisanen's classroom. In the moments leading up to the quiz, students quickly reviewed their notes and quizzed each other about the elements, trying to reinforce their knowledge.

Jodie: Yasmine, wanna test me before Mr. Waisanen hands out the quizzes?

Yasmine: Yeah, I'll do it now Jodie. I don't need you to test me though...I already memorized everything.

Elijah: He thought to himself. I don't need anyone to test me either!

Finally, the teacher decided they should start the quiz.

Mr. Waisanen: Okay, students...Let's get started with the quiz and put everything else away except for your pencil and eraser.

Mr. Waisanen: Also, no wandering eyes or peeking! That'll be considered cheating.

He distributed small pieces of paper to each student, and they were given a tight 20-minute window to write down their answers. With no room for error and only a brief period to recall the information they had studied, the quiz became a hit-or-miss challenge for everyone. As the minutes ticked away, students feverishly scribbled down their responses, hoping to recall the elements and their symbols accurately. Some felt confident in their knowledge, while others felt the pressure of the time limit bearing down on them. However, Elijah and Yasmine finished the quiz a lot earlier than the time limit.

Elijah: He thought to himself. I knew this quiz was a piece of cake! Now waiting to see how Angel did too.

Yasmine: She thought to herself. Phew, finished! I hope I didn't misspell anything.

After 20 minutes, Mr. Waisanen spoke up again.

Mr. Waisanen: Alright, class. Everyone should be finished with their quizzes by now. Put down your pencils and take out a sharpie.

Mr. Waisanen: I want you all to swap your quizzes with the person sitting in front of you.

Following Mr. Waisanen's guidance, the students passed their quizzes to the person sitting in front of them. Elijah and Yasmine exchanged their papers as well.

Elijah: Oh, look at that pianist handwriting you got there. Your words are just as small as yourself, Angel.

Elijah: Let's see how well you answered with no mistakes.

Yasmine: She rolled her eyes. Yeah, right. Don't get too cocky about your quiz though. I bet I can detect a mistake in your writing in seconds!

Elijah: Maybe...I can be careless like a sloth sometimes. I'll give you an Oscar if you do.

As Mr. Waisanen displayed the answers on the projection screen and the students began to grade each other's quizzes, Yasmine had hoped to find some errors in Elijah's quiz to get back at him playfully teasing her. However, to her surprise, it turned out that Elijah had gotten all his answers correct, as they matched exactly what Mr. Waisanen had written as the answer key.

Yasmine: On the inside. What?! He got all of his answers correct?

As everyone finished grading each other's quizzes, Elijah and Yasmine were about to exchange their papers, but Elijah couldn't resist one last teasing remark. With a sly grin on his face, he pretended to be disappointed in Yasmine's performance.

Elijah: Not sure if I'm gonna regret giving you back your quiz or not, but I need to say...I'm disappointed in you.

Elijah: It kinda ached me when I had to mark some of your answers wrong. You misspelled Beryllium and Potassium.

Yasmine, momentarily falling for Elijah's trick, looked at him with a nervous expression.

Yasmine: Oh, no...Really? If that's the case, I don't want my quiz back.

She seemed genuinely concerned that she had made errors. However, Elijah couldn't keep up the act any longer.

Elijah: He chuckled. Chill and don't fret. It's nothing like what you're thinking. You got a perfect score! You can give me back my quiz now, Angel!

He handed Yasmine her quiz back, complete with a 100 and a smiley face written on the bottom right. Yasmine, while relieved to have received a perfect score, couldn't hide her annoyance at Elijah's prank.

Yasmine: Elijah, that's so not funny! You almost made me fall off of my desk!

Elijah: He laughed. Sorry, Angel...But if you did, I would get up and catch you in no time.

He winked at her and Mr. Waisanen spoke up about their learning objectives for the day.

Mr. Waisanen: I hope everyone did well on the quiz...If you didn't, it's okay. Just need to study harder next time.

Elijah: Of course I did splendid on the quiz and I didn't even study! I took one look at them and the words were all activated in my head.

The entire class roared with laughter.

Yasmine: On the inside. Now he's just bragging! A 100 on a quiz isn't special if other people got a 100 as well.

Mr. Waisanen: He laughed. Well, that's good to hear, Elijah. Okay...We're going to watch a video on Atomic theory!

Mr. Waisanen: But not only that, there's a worksheet due on canvas tonight that corresponds with that. 

Mr. Waisanen: All the questions will be in order of the video. 

Their teacher was always eager to engage his students with different teaching methods, decided to use a Crash Course video to delve into the history of atomic chemistry. He quickly found a video hosted by Hank Green, a well-known producer who held a BS in biochemistry from Eckerd College and was famous for his humorous and informative approach to science education. As the video began, Hank Green's charismatic and witty style came to the forefront. He used humor and vivid explanations to make complex topics more accessible. However, to Yasmine's slight annoyance, she found Hank Green's style to be just as amusingly irritating as Elijah's.

Yasmine: On the inside. Not those crash course videos again! This Hank Green guy is just as annoying as Elijah!

Yasmine: On the inside. Great...He talks super fast and his words are gibberish! This is gonna be so "exciting" to watch...

She couldn't help but roll her eyes, feeling like she was caught in another round of playful teasing and humor, this time courtesy of the Crash Course host. Despite her annoyance, she knew that the video would likely provide valuable insights into the history of atomic chemistry, so she settled in to watch and learn. However, while everyone had their eyes focused on the video, Yasmine found herself spaced out and daydreaming about her scenes with Elijah in their drama play Water of Life as Princess Anna. While she was daydreaming, she envisioned herself as Princess Anna, locked up in a tall tower, her voice echoing as she cried for help. Elijah, donning a medieval soldier's uniform complete with a sword at his side, was navigating through the challenges of the moving warrior statues, searching earnestly for Princess Anna as Prince Joseph.

Princess Anna: She screams. HELP ME! Someone please help!

Prince Joseph: I can't help you unless you tell me where you are!

Princess Anna: I'm somewhere under the museum!

Prince Joseph: He picked up the pace and said, Keep talking! I'll find you!

He then heard where her voice was coming from. He went through the path inside the dark path that led to the museum. As he ran, he ended up finding himself standing outside of another end of the castle and the full moon shone up upon the waters. His determination to rescue her was palpable as he tried to force the door open, but it remained stubbornly shut. Frustrated by the unyielding door, Elijah, still in character, drew his sword with resolve, attempting to break the lock and free Princess Anna. However, the tension in the scene grew even more as his sword ended up breaking apart on impact, leaving him momentarily helpless in his quest to save Yasmine's character.

Prince Joseph: I can't get through the door! The lock is stuck!

Princess Anna: I beg you, please, please, please! Hurry up...The dragon is gonna eat me!

Prince Joseph: He banged on the door. Keep away from her! Leave her alone, you monster!
