Chapter 14: Giving In

As Jodie playfully teased Yasmine about her daydream, Yasmine felt a sudden surge of embarrassment and bashfulness. She attempted to downplay the significance of her thoughts and quickly denied any connection to Elijah.

Yasmine: Nah, Jodie. You're reading too much into it. There's no freaking way I would be thinking about Elijah!

Yasmine: Why would I be daydreaming about a bratty jokester?

Despite her attempts to dismiss the notion, the subtle blush on Yasmine's face betrayed her true feelings. The bashfulness was apparent, and Jodie couldn't help but notice the telltale signs of a secret crush.

Jodie: Girl, your face is red all over! You can't fool me otherwise haha.

Jodie: You say you don't like Elijah, but you get flustered easily whenever he's close to you.

Jodie: Your mind says one thing, but I know your heart disagrees!

Yasmine: Ugh, for one last time...I do NOT like Elijah in any way.

Yasmine: He and I are like opposites. There's no shot I would fall for him.

Jodie: Hmm hmm...Sure.

Yasmine: Can we please talk about something else?

Unknown to both Yasmine and Jodie, Elijah, who had been standing at a distance, overheard the conversation and couldn't help but smirk to himself. His mischievous gaze lingered on Yasmine, and the playful twist of his lips hinted at an awareness of the effect he had on her. It was a secret satisfaction, knowing that he occupied a space in her thoughts, even if she tried to deny it.

Elijah: He thought to himself. I knew it! Something was definitely going on in little angel's mind...

Elijah: On the inside. I can't wait to woo her more in drama class...

Elijah: On the inside. Focused, studious girls like her are more complex than they seem...I knew she would be daydreaming about me.

Elijah: On the inside. Reading her is a piece of cake!

During lunchtime in the cafeteria, they were filled with mostly junior and senior students. Yasmine and Jodie were sitting across from each other eating and talking. Elijah also sat with his best friend Louis like everyday and they chatted and joked about random topics until Elijah brought up the topic relating to Yasmine in chemistry class. Meanwhile, across the room, Elijah and his best friend Louis settled into their routine, exchanging jokes and banter. As the casual conversation flowed, Elijah steered the topic towards the events that had transpired in chemistry class earlier.

Elijah: Bro, another "outstanding" thing happened during chem class today.

Elijah: I guess you can tell what I'm trying to say...

Louis: Let me guess. It's about that Yasmine girl, right?

Louis: What did you do? Kiss her?

Elijah: He smirked. I might save that later for drama class...But no.

Elijah: I could tell she was lost in her thoughts thinking about me even though she denied it to her friend.

Louis: Oh, what did you think she was daydreaming about, Elijah?

Elijah: Absolutely something very...kinky.

Elijah: It shows she has a dirty mind despite acting clueless all the time.

Elijah: He smirked. But I would still like to know what exactly happened in her imagination. I'm pretty sure I'll be honored to hear it.

Caught in the midst of Elijah's conversation with Louis, Yasmine found herself unable to resist the temptation of eavesdropping. Her gaze involuntarily drifted towards their table. Jodie noticed this and seized the opportunity to tease Yasmine once again about Elijah.

Jodie: Looks like a birdie is staring at her cute crush Elijah!

Yasmine: She blushed again. Umm...I'm not staring at him or anybody.

Yasmine: I thought I heard someone call my name...

Jodie: She laughed. Girl, stop lying! It's clear as the blue sky that you're into him.

Yasmine: Shh...Don't say that out loud.

Yasmine: I wasn't staring at Elijah or his friend.

Jodie: Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you...Mariah Carey is coming to town to perform at this new music concert that just opened recently.

Jodie: Wanna come with me to watch her sing live?

Yasmine: I want to, but I can't. My parents are still mad at me about that 93 I have in home ec.

Yasmine: They said no more hangouts on the weekends until I bring my grade up.

Jodie: She sighed. Your parents are too strict. Why are they so worked up on you being Miss Perfect?

Jodie: You always do nothing but study all day in your room!

Yasmine: I know...But you know it's an order from my parents. Plus, I don't wanna sneak out anymore.

Yasmine: I already feel bad for the time I made Jasper cover up for me.

Jodie: No wonder why you don't have any love for life! It's your lame parents' fault.

Yasmine: I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back...

After that, Yasmine got up and went to the bathroom to wash her hands thoroughly. As she focused on the task at hand, thoroughly washing away any traces of unease, Elijah quietly entered the bathroom, seizing the chance to continue his playful teasing. When she finished, she turned to leave, she was met with the sight of Elijah blocking her path.

Elijah: Well, well. Lovely to see you again, angel.

Elijah: Couldn't resist staring at me huh?

Yasmine: She rolled her eyes. Don't flatter yourself, big boy.

Yasmine: I would rather listen to Ballads than stare at your silly face. I wasn't thinking about you.

Yasmine: Unlike you, I work hard to strive in school. There's no room for me to even "imagine" about anyone.

Yasmine: Now if you would excuse me, I need to-

As Yasmine tried to get past Elijah, he continued to block her direction and then gently cornered her to a wall. He wouldn't let her go until she told him about what she was daydreaming about.

Elijah: Hold it there, angel.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wooden bracelet. To Yasmine's astonishment, it was the one she thought she had lost. The realization hit her, and she looked at the bracelet in Elijah's hand with surprise.

Elijah: Don't tell me you left THIS in class during the morning...

Yasmine: Hey! That's my bracelet!

Yasmine: Give it back, Elijah!

Elijah: He lifted it high in the air. Come and catch it if you can!

Elijah: I'm serious...I won't hand it back to you until you tell me exactly what you daydreamed about.

Yasmine: Ok...Ok! Fine. I'll tell you!

Desperate to get her bracelet again, decided to finally give in and tell him. Elijah listened attentively, and as Yasmine described the dreamlike beach scenario with its flipped gender norms and his starring role, he burst into laughter. But at the same time, he wasn't too surprised. 

Elijah: He chuckled. I was wearing a bikini while other girls were half naked?!

Elijah: Haha... what a typical gender bender thing! Who knew you fantasized such crazy things.

Elijah: Never knew I could be the star of such a bizarre imagination. But hey, you got me there!

Yasmine couldn't help but blush and look down. 
