Chapter 4: Bus Ride

For the rest of drama class, everyone continued to play the introduction game and Yasmine got bored and tired very fast.

Yasmine: She wondered. Can the teacher stop making us get up and sit down simultaneously?

Yasmine: On the inside. My feet are getting tired of moving and the seats feel a bit hard to sit on.

Elijah: He thought to himself. I love this game. Never get bored of introducing my awesome self to anyone who loves to hear me crack a joke.

When the clock strike 2pm, the bell rang outside the drama classroom, its metallic chime echoing through the hallway signaling the end of the period.

Mrs. Delacourt: Alrighty, my new thespians! That's a wrap for today.

Mrs. Delacourt: So happy everyone had fun during the game and remember, tomorrow I'm picking your acting groups!

Mrs. Delacourt: It's non-negotiable so whoever you end up with are the people whom you'll be working for for the rest of the semester!

Mrs. Delacourt: So, that's my spiel! Have an amazing rest of your day and see you guys tomorrow.

Yasmine: She thought to herself. Don't remind me...I don't wanna work with people who do nothing but fool around and never do any work.

Yasmine: On the inside. Especially that fool Elijah. I know for sure he won't help me get a good grade.

Elijah: He thought to himself. I really wonder what she's thinking. If we end up in the same group, she'll have no choice but to follow my lead.

Elijah: On the inside. She needs to learn how to take it easy more.

Yasmine had been feeling the weight of the classwork and the presence of Elijah, breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the bell signaling the end of the class. She knew this was her chance to leave before he annoys her. She grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder, and made her way towards the exit of the door. When Elijah left the class after her, he watched her walking real fast.

Elijah: Hey Yasmine! Wait up!

Elijah: Where are you walking so fast towards?

She didn't answer and she continued to walk fast until she was running towards the parking lot and bus stop behind building 13. She tried to find her bus number 365 and finally found it behind 4 more buses. She sat down on one of the aisles up front and she was the first one to get on the bus.

Yasmine: On the inside. Finally, I'm on the bus.

She had managed to escape the drama classroom in a hurry, hoping to avoid any potential awkward conversations with Elijah. She felt a rush of relief as she made it to the school bus, thinking she was in the clear. However, after at least 10 students stepped on the bus to look for a seat, she noticed a familiar face approaching through the window. It was Elijah. Yasmine's initial joy at getting on the bus first quickly transformed into a sense of unease.

Yasmine: She said to herself. Oh, no...Why does he also ride the same afternoon bus as me?

Yasmine: On the inside. Yasmine, look away. Pretend you didn't see him and pray he doesn't sit next to you.

She had been trying to maintain an air of rejection and disinterest around him, not wanting to reveal her feelings. But fate had other plans. Elijah, with his customary confidence, came down the aisle of the bus and, without asking, took the seat next to her. Yasmine's heart skipped a beat as she felt his presence so close to her.

Elijah: Hey, Yasmine. Riding bus 365 as well, huh?

Yasmine: Umm, yeah. I didn't know you also rode the bus.

Elijah: Is that why you were walking really fast after class? You're not getting away from me haha.

Elijah: You thought you would be "safe", but Laughable Zilla isn't going anywhere without you.

Yasmine: She rolled her eyes. I should've known! You're so annoying, Elijah.

Yasmine: I-I wanted to start this semester fresh, but you ruined my day!

Elijah: Oh, is that so? What did I do to ruin your day, Angel?

Elijah: Can't control whenever I appear or disappear. Sometimes you need a little laughter in your life instead of putting on a pouty bitch face.

Yasmine: Excuse me? This is why I hate "class clowns". You guys always know the "best" way to make someone feel better.

Yasmine: Even when they're not in the mood.

Elijah: Hey, love us or hate us...We're the reason why comedy shows exist.

Elijah: Also, don't feel bad about no one watching the anime you mentioned during the game.

Elijah: I thought it was pretty cool.

Yasmine: Oh, really? Wanna give me a summary of what it was about?

Elijah: Well, what do you call a fairy and devil couple?

Elijah: A match made in heaven and hell!

Yasmine: Uh, huh. What a "nice" summary...

She wanted to maintain an air of detachment and indifference, as she had been doing for some time to avoid revealing her true feelings. However, Elijah had a playful and charming way about him, making it challenging for her to stay aloof. He continued to make jokes, making it difficult for Yasmine to fully ignore them. Elijah, noticing her attempts to remain stoic, continued with his playful banter. He'd tell a joke and Yasmine would respond with a half-hearted chuckle or a curt nod. As the bus ride continued, she couldn't help but wonder if her facade was beginning to crack. She had tried so hard to appear unaffected by Elijah's presence, but deep down, she knew that the more she resisted, the more her true feelings would come to the surface. With each passing moment, Yasmine's internal struggle between her desire to seem uninterested and her genuine attraction to Elijah became more apparent. It was a delicate balancing act, as she didn't want to give away her true feelings too easily. Yet, her heart betrayed her with every stolen glance in his direction.

Yasmine: She thought to herself. I want to look away, but I can't.

Yasmine: On the inside. He's making it impossible for me to not want to smile or laugh.

As the bus rumbled along its route, the time came for Elijah to reach his stop. He leaned over slightly to grab his backpack, ready to disembark. With a mischievous glint in his eyes and a playful smirk on his face, he turned toward Yasmine, who was still seated beside him. Elijah's voice took on a lighthearted, humorous tone as he bid her farewell.

Elijah: Well, Angel...I guess this is where I make my dramatic exit. You know, like a movie star.

Yasmine: Yeah, sure. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Yasmine: Because the director and producer would not be so thrilled to hear about your little mischief getting you late in a show.

Elijah chuckled at her response, his laughter infectious. He swung his backpack onto his shoulder, the twinkle in his eyes never fading. As he stood up from his seat, he leaned in a bit closer to her, his voice dropping to a cheeky whisper.

Elijah: Oh, don't worry about me, Angel. We're only at the beginning of the show...

Elijah: So those theater people can't kick me out otherwise their show would be shit without me.

Elijah: Watch me win an Oscar one day.

With that, he winked at her playfully and turned to make his exit from the bus. Yasmine watched him go, her indifferent façade momentarily slipping as she couldn't help but smile at his charming parting words.

Yasmine: She thought to herself. Even though I'm not used to his jokes, he does have talent with them.

Yasmine: On the inside. Next stop is mine...Home is boring for me. 
