"But I want to go to dance classsssssugh" My complaining filled the hallway as I dragged myself towards the living room, trying to make it as dramatic as possible and annoying as possible. Trying to convince Justin to let me fucking go.

"Sweetie, no!" He basically screamed and a crack on his voice fell. I let out a silent laugh.

"please," I popped my head up to the couch, pouting and trying to get Justin's attention.

He sighed and clenched his jaw while he closed his eyes in frustration "Fine, but no flipping or cartwheels. You can't fuck up your finger again"

I squealed and clapped my hands

"Or clap"

I stopped clapping and started smacking my bare foot on the wood floor. Justin couldn't help but crack a smile. I dragged myself again towards the room and slid on some random socks and my vans. Picking out a long sleeved black and white baseball crop top along with some jeans and my high top black vans.

I dug my nose in Justin's bag of hats, looking for a cap since the teacher had asked us to wear caps for the next class for 'new tricks'. Eventually finding a black and white one and slipping it on my head while letting my hair down.

Letting out a sigh, I grabbed my adidas bag and swung it over my shoulder. Walking downstairs and being greeted by Justin.

"But why my cap?"

"Cause I don't have one here and the teacher asked us to bring one to the next class" I smiled innocently and he nodded, chuckling.

I smiled to myself and walked outside, calling an uber to pick me up and take me to dance class.

"Thank you, how much is it?"

"Fifteen bucks" The uber driver answered and I handed him a buck of ten and one of five

"Have a nice day"

"You too"

I walked towards the dance academy, the loud music and cheering was to be heard while my feet was muted by the loud sound. I opened the glass door and it was like having a big ass fan hit my face from how loud the music was. It literally blew my hair away.

"Oh helloooooooo" Krystal poked my shoulder and I smiled, engulfing her in a hug.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I've been good, how are you?"

"Eh, not very good but now I'm here, the best place ever"

I looked around, red and white walls, loud lights, a huge crowd of dancers, big boom boxes with the volume all the way up, polished wooden floor, mirrors on two walls. It's amazing.

"That's right, o-"

"Adeline!" My dance teacher, Leída, sprinted towards me "Come on, you know we have a YouTube channel and people have been commenting for you to dance! Come on!"

"Sorry" I mouthed to Krystal "I'll talk to you later" I shouted over the loud music as the teacher dragged me towards I don't know


"Okay, so the song you will be dancing will be 'Remember Me' by TroyBoi alone. So just, do a freestyle, go with the flow ok? Do you remember the song?"

"Yeah, I have it on my playlist" Smiling, I walked to the center of the large crowd of people while the camera man crouched down as he adjusted the camera.

(The video is her dancing ;D seriously! It's Dytto (aka Adeline) dancing!?!;$);*#)


"Yes I'm going to sneak back in my house to grab my phone back you ass" I exclaimed as I fixed my black hoodie while talking to Justin who was nervous and anxious for what I was about to do.

"Just don't...." he sighed and his hand traveled down his face in frustration "Just don't get caught and look at your surroundings" He chuckled

"Yeah yeah. Thanks Jay. I'll be back, I hope"

Closing his room door, I sprinted downstairs and jumped the last stepped. And being the stupid assclown that I am, I twisted my ankle. Letting out a dark groan and simply shaking it off.

"Why the fuck am I so stupiddddddd" Complaining and walking out the door.

It was pitch black. The clock read 3:28 in the morning so mom should be asleep by now.

My ankle began to feel less painful so I started sprinting towards my house. Counting my steps; it's a bad habit I have.

Then I saw the one and only blue splatter of paint splashed on the sidewalk. Meaning that I was already home.

I looked up and started walking towards my window. Climbing up the brick wall with pushed bricks which made it seem like stairs.

Lucky meeee

I have a final jump and landed on the side window. Sliding it up as silent as I could and jumped in.

The addicting smell of my One Direction perfume finally brung back my memories. Face timing him, texting him.

I shook my head and walked to my door, opened slightly and again...

Lucky meeee

The door didn't creak thankfully. I walked to the laundry room where mom always keeps our electronics in case me and Jack get grounded or something.

I took a deep breath and lifted up a towel. Revealing my 'Marlboro' cigarette black phone case that one of my friends have given me. I smiled and faked cried.

I grabbed it, getting that motherfucking feeling (🤘🏽😭)

Tippy toying towards my room and jumping out of the window. I closed the window and running to Justin's house.

I heard a car approach. I glanced and it revealed my mom with another man.

My breath hitched while I hid on one of the bushes that were in the street. The car light was on and it showed the activity that was going inside the car.

It wasn't dad... it was the man that was in the movie theater months ago.

John Cena?


I started recording on my phone. They were about to do the deed.

My heart shattered until I threw a big rock to the car. Mom jumped and Dick Sucking Evan did too.

I crawled to the back of the house and started walking until I couldn't see them.


"Did you get it?" Justin asked while he rubbed his eyes

"y-yes" I placed my phone on the drawer. Still shook from what my mom was about to do.

I have to call Daniel

"I-I'll be right back" I took off my hoodie and i was left on a tank top and my pants. I clasped the phone and walked downstairs.

Unlocking my phone and going straight to contacts and calling Daniel.


My heart fluttered, my skin was covered in goosebumps, my cheeks sting along with my eyes. I couldn't help but choke on my tears.


I could hear his breath hitch and shuffle around.

"baby..." I sniffled and let out a deep breath "im sorry"

"I-Ah-Eh-I-I" His voice shattered as well as my heart. He let out a deep breath.

"I can finally talk to you. I need you. I need you right fucking now. I miss you. I missed your voice, your eyes, your body I missed you. I've been a wreck without you. I-I-" He was talking softly and low, almost sounding like a whisper

"I love you" I interrupted him. He paused for a few seconds; anxiety can grow in a matter of seconds.

"i love you more"

It felt amazing to hear those three to four words.

"FaceTime me" he blurted

"W-What?" I know what I heard, I just didn't want to accept it. I looked like a bruised potato.

"FaceTime me." He said blankly

"Daniel I-" He hung up and later received a FaceTime call from him.

My heart raced 30815845937 miles per second. I answered.

He did look like a wreck

He had spilled millions of tears in a matter of seconds, he didn't look happy, he looked broken. Even tears rolled down to his naked chest.

God I hate how fit he is

"Baby..." Daniel cooed and began to smile, until he realized that I was beaten up "W-Why do you have bruises on your face?"

My breath hitched "Daniel I-"

"Please tell me that you didn't get into a fight" He spoke softly

"I wish I could say no to that" I let out a dad chuckle and raised my gaze. I saw some bags and suitcases behind him and less things on his room. I decided not to point anything out.

I just wanted to have a normal conversation with the love of my fucking life.

He cleared his throat "Why? Then"

"It was Mackenzie. She got back from school and she started fucking with me so I fucked back"

"Alright let's cut the chase. Who the fuck is Mackenzie and where does that hoe fucking live?" He looked furious. His jaw was clenched, as well as his fists, pulling his hair softly in frustration.

"I don't know, hoe land?"

He chuckled "I missed that tone" He murmured with a raspy tone

"I missed that tone" I said, referring to his sexy ass voice. I could see his cheeks go a light red while he shook his head

I took a split second to admire his body "Fuck you" I blurted

"what?" He said, knowing what I just said

"Fuck you" I chuckled

"Gladly" He winked "But why?"

"you're so..." I couldn't find the word


"you're just..." I looked at my surroundings, trying to find an answer that will appear from the fridge.... sarcasm


"SoFuckingSexy" I shrugged. Daniel froze while red rose up to his cheeks, to his ears and lastly, to his nose

"Am not" He said, obviously embarrassed while giggling nervously

"Challenge me bitch" I blew a kiss.

"God I wish I was beside you" He rested his chin on the palm of his hand

"one day baby.... one day" I reassured

"Sing me a song" I nuzzled up to the couch and pulling a fuzzy blanket over my body that was on the side of the sofa.

"W-Which one?"

"Any one you'd like" I smiled while adjusting my phone on my lap "Preferably Five Seconds Of Summer" I giggled

"Alright" He nodded while he smiled widely. He stood up from his chair and walked all the way back to his room and grabbing a guitar. He made his was back to the chair.

"Ooooo" I teased. He sucked between his teeth while he looked at me with an annoyed look

I don't wanna go I don't wanna go

Silent words are hard to speak

He started strumming his guitar, skipping the parts he didn't know, he simply hummed and looked adorable.

Don't ever leave, she said to me

And when we both fall asleep, underneath the same sky

So close but so far away

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come home

I wish I was, I wish I was

Beside you

She lies awake

I'm Trying find the words to say

I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you

I made a promise that I'll come home soon

Bring me back

Bring me back to you 

And we both wake up underneath the same sun

Times stops, I wish that I could rewind

So close but so far away

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come

I wish I was, I wish I was beside you

She lies awake

I'm tryna find the words to say

I wish I was

I wish I was

Beside you

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come home

I wish I was

I wish I was

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come home

I wish I was

I wish I was

Beside you

She lies awake

Im tryna find the words to say

I wish I was

I wish I was

Beside you

He hit that one high note which had me on the verge of tears. He sang perfectly, he SINGS perfectly. Everything about him is perfect.

She sleeps alone

My heart wants to come home

I wish I was

I wish I was

My jaw dropped, literally finding the words to say.

"Daniel" I breathed out "That was, breath taking, wow, I'm-"

"Terrible" He scoffed

"Daniel.James.Seavey how fucking dare you" I furrowed my eyebrows. He started laughing

"God I want to marry you"

Author's Note: Will that be good news or bad news.....?


it makes me have mixed feelings y'all better listen to it :)

Btw hi omfg I love you guys 💞 just wanted to let you guys to know :)
