"Hey uh, you guys can stay here for a while" Corbyn offers as we arrive to his house "It's not a problem" He smiles

"Uh yeah sure let's go" I smile and Jack nods

Jack parks and we run to his house

"So uh, what do you guys wanna do?" Corbyn leans on the counter

Me and Jack look at eachother and shrug

"OH" Corbyn yells startling both of us

"WE CAN DO THE TWIN TELEPATHY CHALLENGE" He jumps up and down like a little kid

"Um and what's going to be the purpose? Do you even have a youtube channel?" I lift my eyebrows and Corbyn tilts his head confidently

"Maaaybeeee" He shakes his shoulders and goes to his room

"We are beyond fucked up" Jack adds and I chuckle

"I swear if he adds a punishment when we fail, like if we get it wrong and he shoves a plate of shit to my face. He'll never have kids" I cross my arms and Jack bursts out laughing

"GOT THE CAMERA AAANd i don't know where is my tripod" Corbyn has a camera in his hand and he looks for the tripod

"Its right there" I point at the tripod that's right next to the counter

"Assclown" Jack adds and Corbyn shoots him a death stare as I giggle


"THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING MAKE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW THESE ASSCLOWNS, I MEAN TWINS ON ALL OF THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA OKAY PEACE OUT PEEPS" Corbyn yells at the camera meanwhile he's full of whipped cream, random sauces, sodas, food and random shit. And me and Jack of course. Holding our laughs since he looks like a doofus and were clean.

"Dude we SOOO owned that challenge" I holler and Corbyn rolls his eyes playfully

"Haha very funny" He forces the 'haha' sarcastically as he stood up to get a paper towel and glances at the clock

"ITS ALREADY TEN O'CLOCK?" He yells and I look at Jack with the look 'we-should-go'

"STOP YELLING JESUS" I mimic him and he looks at me

"You have school Tommorrow" he crosses his arms and I open my eyes graciously wide

"we better go then" Jack stands up and Corbyn frowns

"Ah Corbyn, maybe I could visit here Tommorrow since you're the genius and help me with homework" I smile as I approach the door "Okay? Okay Tommorrow at four byeeeee" I leave him without answering and Jack follows laughing


"I'm about to take a shower" I said as I walked up the stairs straight to my room

I grabbed some short shorts, a simple black shirt and a towel

I was about to walk in the bathroom but I realized that I didn't had my phone so I walked back to my room and grabbed it and realized that there was something laying on my bed

I walk up to my bed and see a tiny blue box with pink dots

I grab the tiny box and open it revealing a golden necklace in a shape of A, as in Adeline.

I smile and close the box and yelled







I giggle and this time not forgetting my phone,I went to the bathroom and turn on the faucet

"Actually" I strip out of my clothes "Imma take a bath" I put the clog on and I'm still in my underwear. Using it as a bathing suit since Jack can come into the bathroom anytime

I sit down on the little bunk that's in the shower and scroll through Spotify to look for some slow and soft songs

I text Jack

Me: I might spend an hour here :)

Noodle Head🌚🍜: oookay in the mean time do you want me to get food or something? 🙃

Me: you know me sO FUCKING WELL

Me: yes pls

Noodle Head🌚🍜: Kay IMMA buy McDonald's or Noodle Head in The Box?🤔

Me: haha very funny and yes noodle head in the box pls and thx love you

Noodle Head🌚🍜: love you more :D

I smile and went back to Spotify to make a playlist containing,
Sign Of The Times- Harry Styles
Talking With Strangers- Miya Folick
Running, lose it all- Jack Avery Cover *wink wink*
This Town- Niall Horan
Another World- The Vamps

I suddenly felt some strange feeling in my stomach, must be hungry. Whatever, Jack's getting food and I'm in my underwear using it as a bathing suit so Jack can bring in the food.


I realize that the bathtub is already full and grab one of my turquoise bath-bombs and set it aside before I sink into the water

I dip in my feet and later my whole body. I play the songs and I turn off the faucet. I drop the bath-bomb in, making fissing sounds. It was perfect.

I dim the lights low and set some candles on that we're on top of the tiny counter beside me

The smell of vanilla and cinnamon filling the smell, the sound of the music playing and the fissing sound of the bath-bomb filling my ears, the sensitive touch of the water flowing all over me, relaxing me, slowly relaxing, more and more.

I felt a sharp pain on my thigh, but I was too tired and relaxed to see what it was.

I close my eyes, not falling asleep, passing my hand under the water, making ever more sound,making it even more relaxing.

I open my eyes when the song was already on Runnin Lose It All since I was about to sing along.

I open my eyes, my mouth following to sing. But a tiny scream comes out as I see that the turquoise color was gone. Replaced by a pink-ish red. I stand up to see if I was on my period


I wasn't, I look around to see if there was some type of pink or red color on the label of the bath-bomb. Nope.

"What the fuck" I start to panic slowly

I was about to crouch down and I just felt a sharper pain on my thigh. It felt like if you had stabbed your thigh with a knife and just kept dragging it down to your calf

I Yelp and pass my hand behind my aching thigh

Yep, there was it

I grab a paper towel and place it on my thigh. I felt dizzy. Really dizzy. Please don't tell me I'm about to faint.

Just keep your eyes open Adeline. Keep them open.

Breathe. Deep breaths.

I heard the front door open and I sigh in relief closing my eyes. Feeling relaxed

Everything went black and I hit my head with the wall

I heard everything muffled

"Addy? Stop playing dead" I think it was Jack

"Addy" he started to shake me "What th- no no no no no no" he panicked

"Addy addy addy" He cupped his hands on my face

"Ummm" I could hear him pace around

He called someone


Next thing I know I wake up in an emergency room, tubes shoved in my arm, beeping sounds crashing into my ears, snoring from other persons making it more uncomfortable.


"Mh what" he groans still asleep

I chuckle and grab a small pillow and throw it to his face directly

"Wha- Addy" He smiles and hugs me

"What happened?" He sits next to me yawning

"Okay so first of all I was enjoying peacefully my bath and just felt something sharp in my thigh but I ignored it" I giggled " I don't know if I fell asleep or what but all I remember is seeing the bathtub full of red. At first I thought I was on my period. Wasn't. I stood up to check to see if the bath-bomb had some type of pink color in it. Wasn't. I was about to crouch down and I felt that sharp feeling again in my thigh"

"So you passed out?" Jack adds

"I think so" I shrug "I've lost all the blood" I say creepily and dramatically

"Oh no!" Jack follows with the act


"Okay we got you stitched up and you're free to go, just no running activities or whatsoever" The nurse said and we nodded

We left the hospital and I glance at the clock

"Six in the morning?" I Yelp

"Yeah, we shouldn't go to school Tommorrow" Jack smirks

"Today" I correct him

"Do you mind if I crash in your room?" Jack smiles like a little kid

"Why?" I look at him confused

"Because I'll have to take care of you" he said making it sound like if it was an obvious answer

"Aw sure" I hug him by the side and we made our way home


"Good night noodle"

"Night pasta head"

I fell asleep in my bed with Jack cuddling next to me

Man I have the best brother ever

A/n HELLOOOOOO yes I'm super sorry for not adding a chat between Daniel and Adeline but I promise you to my balls that I'll add one in the next chapter :D

I'm supposed to be sleeping right the fuck now but YOLO LMAO

