"Daniel got a girlfriend" Camila munches on her sour skittles

"Yeah" Angie says

"Wait what" Grant furrows his eyebrows "For real? It was about timeeeee" He chuckles and I roll my eyes

"I'm not that ugly" I frown playfully and Camila fake frowns also

"Should we hang out after school?" Raegan looks at all of us

We all look at each other and shrug "Yeah" we said and Raegan smirks

If Raegan or Camila smirk, we're all dead

"Uh oh" I blurted

"well fuck" Grant bangs his head on the table

"Oh" Camila laughs at Grant and so does Angie

"Where are we going?" I take one of Camila's skittles

"To the big ass cliff" he winks playfully "In the beach"

I blink at his stupidity but he's my best friend. I'm half stupid, everyone's half stupid, and when we connect.... The world might die because of us

"Well, uh, okay" I chuckle and I felt my phone buzz and I earn looks and smirks from everyone

"What" I said as I pulled out my phone, revealing my beautiful girl

Queen🀀🍜: I love you :) remember that

My heart falls at her caring and adorable emotions, a smile crept on my lips and my cheeks went hotter than anyone or anything, except her, she was everything to me, and is.

"Well would ya look at that" Camila snatches my phone out of my hand and read the message

"Give it baaaaaaaack" I groan

"Awww, she's so cute" she fake cries making me chuckle

"AWWW" Everyone said in sync and I laughed

I heard the ding when you are going to FaceTime someone and I shoot them a mad look

"Hey Dan- what" I heard my beautiful girlfriend's voice

"Hey Daniel's girlfriend" Camila waves

"Oh, hi" I could tell she was smiling

"Give me back my queen" I join in

I saw that she was blushing making my heart melt

"I love you more, remember that" I mimic her and she blushes even more and the rest of the guys awed

"I wish my boyfriend was like that" I heard Camila mutter "Just kidding I'm single bitches" she raises her voice and Adeline laughs

"This is Camila, Angie, Grant and Raegan" I was pat the top of their heads making them bounce "And that's my beautiful queen, Addy"

"Nice to meet you all" she smiles with her perfect set of white pearls

Addy's P.O.V

"I need to see you fully" Daniel pouts

I'm face timing Daniel on my computer, since I'm home alone.

"What?" I chuckle

"I need to see you fully" he repeats

My heart and stomach drop, I laugh nervously "Okay" I ask/answer

I put my computer on my bed and I walk in front of it, in wearing a big white Trasher hoodie and tight short shorts

I start dancing around like a crazy person, just to make him laugh

He laughs "Okay my turn" he smiles

He puts his computer on top of something and I heard clothing being shuffled

I get confused at the sound, and sooner or later Daniel starts running around, naked, in his room

"DANIEL" I Yelp, laughing covering my face

His back faces the screen, his toned asscheeks jiggling

"WHAT THE" I yell "AHAHAHHAHA" I bursted out laughing

"That's what I meant" he says grabbing his shorts

I furrow my eyebrows "What do you mean?"

"I JUST GOT NAKED IN FROMT OF YOU. My wonker just saw your face" he said in a goofy manner

I realized what he meant, he wanted me to get naked

"Um, Daniel" I said nervously "I don't think that's a good idea"

He frowns "But babyyyyy" he complains "Just in your underwear"

I gulped "Daniel" I sigh "I swear if you say something I will kill you when I meet you" I said just to lighten up his mood


"Shut the fuck up" I hissed, making him laugh

I walk out of the frame, locking all of the doors and closing the windows

I take my shorts off, leaving me in my underwear and my hoodie, I take off my warm hoodie and throw it somewhere in the room. I had always belly fat, which made.
me less confident than I already was. I look down at my breasts which were on top of my belly , some girls when they saw their bellies they would be able to they their bikini bottom, and then there was me, not being able to see it.

"Baby, you're beautiful" Daniel said, and I looked at the screen, me forgetting that the mirror would get the perfect reflection of the computer to me

I walk to the frame, blushing with my arms over my belly

His eyes travel my half naked body with a smile, acting like a four year old kid that had found a box of his favorite candy

I giggle "what?"

"Remove your arms" he frowns and I quickly shake my head no

"Whyyyy" he complains

"Because I'm not skinny like the other girls"

"You don't need to be skinny like the other girls, you can be thick like yourself" he said with a calming, husky soft voice, boosting my confidence "Come on"

I remove my hands slowly from my covered stomach, now fully exposed to my Internet boyfriend

He smiles "See? You look amazing Addy. You aren't either fat or skinny. You are thick, like my wonka" he said, making me burst out laughing

"I love you" I said, completely forgetting that I was half naked

"I love you more"


Daniel's P.O.V

"Yo Daniel, I'm going back to New Jersey in a week or so, and I got three passages" He smirks


"Yes you headass, for some reason I bought three passages" he smacks the back of my head

"yay" I smiled

"ANGELINA" I yelled

"YES DANIEL?" She yelled



"lazy ass" I muttered

"I HEARD THAT HEADASS" she yelled back and I chuckled

I guess I'm going to New Jersey with Corbyn and Angie. I wish Adeline lived there or was friends with Corbyn.

Addy's P.O.V

"Addy, Corbyn is coming back in a week and is bringing two of his friends I guess, I'm not sure" Jack said as he rested his head on my shoulder

"Really" I smiled as I took a bite of my chocolate "Do you not know who are the friends?"

"Mm, no"

"Oh" I chuckled as I felt a sharp pain on my lower stomach

tHe fUcKiNg CrAmpS

"Agh" I groaned as I clutched my stomach, making Jack lift his head up in a confused mode

"Don't look at me you doofus get me a warm towel or something" I growled and Jack stood up faster than he would stand up, going to the kitchen and grabbing a stuffed animal that you could either microwave it or freeze it

He whipped it into the microwave, hitting the 30 second button, tapping his foot like a worried or annoyed mother waiting for their children to either shut the fuck up or she hasn't found them in the park

"D-Do you want anything else?" If I was on my period or in a bad mood, he would get very nervous, since I'm capable of breaking something that's around me when I'm mad. I've done it before and I'm absolutely not sorry.

"Give me that basket of chocolate please"

He nods with a small smile and takes the basket from the counter, handing it to me

The microwave dinged and Jack sprinted to get the hot stuffed animal

He took it out, and as soon as he sticked in his hand, he immediately took it out since it was veRy hOt. "AH" came out of his mouth making me burst out laughing

The cramp got worse, making me wince in pain and curling up into a tight ball, knees up to my face, ambushing my face in between them

Jack lets the stuffed animal cool down and hands it to me, he sits down next to me and a weird habit he does it's that he takes a pillow and places it on his lap

whAT iS HIs wOnkA dOing

I shrugged and rested my head on his lap, making him chuckle

"oh shit" I murmured, but Jack didn't seem to catch it luckily

Mom is five months pregnant

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: random fact

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: if I was born a girl my name would have been Amanda

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹:i found out today

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹:and I thought that it would be very interesting

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: im very bored D:

Me: guess what

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: what

Me: I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in two weeks

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: oh shit


Me: stfu phedophile


Me: I want cuddles

Me: and pizza

Me: and chocolate

Me: and cuddles

Me: and Daniel James Seavey

Me: and cuddles

Me: did I mention pizza?

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: its that time of the month isn't it

Me: yeh

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: awww

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: if I was there with you rn I would've bought you a giant teddy bear and a box of chocolate as big as my wOnkA

Me: why would the chocolates be so small ☹️

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: ADDY


CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: VERY BIG


Me: oH



CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: no you don't

Me: ilysm

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: ilyt

Me: do you know what I wrote?

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: Yeah? I love you so much

Me: incorrect my friend

Me: it means

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: wow

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: you prefer that poopie than me?


Me: and no. I prefer your wOnkA than his πŸ™ƒ

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: AHAHHAHA btw I hate chocolate



CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: I DO

Me: phew *wipes forehead* I hope you did or else I was gonna bite your wonka off πŸ™ƒ

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: ouch

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: id rather have my nipple burned off

Me: that was plan B

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: oh

Me: πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: babyyyyyy

Me: what

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: love me


CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: gosh Adeline

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: you're such a child and a loser

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: and that's why you're mine :)

Me: Yeah or else I would've made you double the loser that you already are

Me: I love you

CvπŸ€€πŸ’‹: i love you more Spider-Man

Me: bitch

I chuckled as I turned off my phone, glancing at the tv which was playing Modern Family

I look up at Jack who is half asleep, trying to stay awake with one of his eyes looking at Donald Trump's ass and the other one was in the kitchen

I giggle and I heard the door open, revealing Jonah

"H- Jonah?"

"Addy" he smiled

"Hey, what's wrong?" I signaled him to sit on the couch as I sat up

"I have to tell you something..."


"It's Dylan"

A/n clIffHanGer bItCheS

I am truly sorry for not uploading chapters! I just went through another hurricane which is 1037 times WORSE than Irma. My house flooded and we had to go two streets up to my aunts house. With the water up to my chest. In the middle of the hurricane. Yes I did got hurt but it isn't that bad! I think I may have dislocated my shoulder and I scraped both of my knees hOrrIbLy. I went with my 9 year old sister UP THERE AND SHE HAD A PANIC ATTACK AMD SHE STARTED SCREAMING AND I WAS WITH MY PUPPY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HURRICANE. And obviously my mom and dad. I lost almost everything guys. But I'm okay I swear I just won't have electricity for the following 8 or 9 months

I love you guys take care and be safe ❀️.


So I'm graduating middle school and my classmates made a group of the graduating students and I'm in it. And there's this fuckboy which I've been with him last year and this year he's saying that I'm his girlfriend yada yada. WHICH I AM ABSOLUTELY NOT! I would never cheat on Daniel James Seavey wtf?! Anyways, in science class he grabbed MY WAIST just to call everyone's attention and it just caused me to smack his noodle shoulder. And in the gc (his girl cousin is in there aND SHE IS AN ABSOLUTE BULLY and she's in my group *sigh*) in the groupchat my best friend texted EVERYONE. LEGIT EVERYONE. to watch out for me since I have a boyfriend which is that boy but he's NOT. Then the boy's cousin said that he grabbed my ass wHICH HE DID NOT AND MY SUPPOSED CALLED BEST FRIEND CAUSED ALL OF THIS SHIT TO HAPPEN AND IVE GOT THE SCREENSHOTS AND WHEN I SEE HER IM GOING TO FLIP HER TINY MICROSCOPICAL TITTIES AND PUNCH HER IN HER HEADASS. Anyways, the thing that hurt me the most is that he called me ugly. Like bITCH I know that!!! I SEE IT EVERYDAY IN THE MIRROR YOU DONT NEED TO POINT THAT SHIT OUT THANKS. To be honest, he looks like a piece of shit. No wAit, I can't offend the thing that comes out of our assholes everyday.

im legit crying right now I just don't want to get bullied again

thank you for listening

Now if you'll excuse me I'll kermit.
