"ugh," I groan as I try to open my shut, sleepy eyes "what time is it" I look next to me and see that Angi is sleeping peacfully next to me

I look at the clock and see 9:57am

"an hour,?" I groan "fuck," I leave the bed softly as I went to change into some comfortable clothes

I walk to my drawer and just grab some basketball shorts along with some socks and a hoodie. I made my way to the bathroom and change there since I didn't want to risk Angi's eye virginity to me changing. And make it uncomfrotable.

I walk out of the bathroom and bunp into Zach

"yo," he says with a croaky voice "why are you up so early," he questions rubbing his eyes

"um," I try to talk since I'm half asleep "I went to sleep an hour ago since I woke up at three in the morning and stayed all morning watching movies with Angi," I huff and yawn "And went to sleep at eight in the morning but woke up" I chuckle and Zach follows

"Why are you up so early?" I mimic him

"Same reason expect I don't have someone" He laughs and this time I follow

"Are you going back to sleep?" I question

"Actually, I was going to sleep in your room because it has air conditioner" He admits and I chuckle

"Well come on in" I walk to my room and he follows behind me

I lay on my bed and Zach lays on the other bed.

Something tells me that today is going to be a stressful day

Addy's P.O.V

"Hey, Hey, Hey" I heard someone whisper in front of me

"Mm" I groan as I turn to the other side

"Addy" The voice raises "Get up, you have to go to school"


"Ughhhhhhhhhhh" I groan and sit up

"Come on" He pays my back and I look at my side and Jack is sleeping

"Mm, what about him?" I'm still looking at my brother sleeping

"Who?" He furrows his eyebrows and he looks beside me and laughs "Get the shaving cream" He whispers and stands up

"What?" I smile "Are you serious?" I chuckle

"Yes, now go and get the shaving cream" He shoots me off and off I go

I walk in the bathroom and the first thing I see is my reflection,

My hair is a mess, the bags under my eyes are unbelievable and my lips are partially cracked and dry

I shrug and grab the shaving cream

I run to my room and Jack is still sleeping

"Go go" Dad starts recording and I plaster a ball of shaving cream on both of my hands

"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaack" I complain and sit next to him

He groans still not opening his eyes

"JACK" I yell

"WH-" before he opens his eyes I smack his face with shaving cream and my dad bursts out laughing

"RUN" My dad yells and we both go off to the living room

"ADDY!" Jack yells from my room and our laughter grows

"Um, tell him to come down while I hide so I can get dressed please" I said as I laughed

"Okay, hide in the bathroom then," He pushes softly and I run to the bathroom, locking the door "JACK COME DOWN HERE" Dad yells

"COMING" Jack chuckles

I heard the door open and his footsteps fade away

I open the door to peek and I have the chance to run to my room

I Yelp as I run to my room locking it

I huff in relief and chuckle as I walk to my closet grabbing a green olive blouse with long sleeves and some black ripped shorts

I grab my black combat boots and leave them on the bed as I grab my towel walking to the bathroom

I open the door to be seen with Jack and a handful of shaving cream

"Oh fuck" Those were my last words before he shoved tow hands of shaving cream to my face

"Payback" he laughs

"Dad told you didn't he?" I wiped a chunk of shaving cream off of my eye not mad

"Yes" He sighs

"Get out assclown I'm about to take a shower" I walk in and turn around to face him "Go" I chuckle as I push him out


I walk out the bathroom and make my way to my room to get dressed

I put on my clothes and as usual, sit down in front of my mirror to do my hair and a little bit of make up

I put on a camo bandana in a shape of a triangle to the back. For make up I just did my usual eyeliner and this time I use a light pink shade for lipstick

I put on my long dangly earrings and my necklace that Jack had gave me for my 16th birthday that said 'A' for.. Ya know. Adeline dUH

I walk downstairs to grab some breakfast and see that Jack is already dressed as me

Olive green shirt, black jeans and black vans

"You change" I said quickly and he shakes his head no

"Fine" I said standing next to him "I'm not changing because this is cute" I said signaling my outfit and he giggles

"Um" Dad almost chocked on his coffee "How do you guys, how? Is this twin normal?" His face is shook and me and Jack laugh

"I don't know" we said in sync and dad dramatically faints

I snort and walk to the stove and see some bacon already cooked

I look to my side and see a toast and grab it along with the bacon

"This for me?" I said while I already have half of the food in my mouth

"No that's mine" Jack says ironically since he has his food in front of him

"Too bad" I grab my ice coffee that my dad had bought me yesterday for school and start drinking it

"Jack you ready?" I walk upstairs to get my backpack and my phone

"yeah" he follows to his room to get his stuff

I grab my sunglasses since its really sunny in New Jersey

My black sunglasses on my eyes and Jack has his blue type circle ones

"Um," I look at him "Not that one" I walk to his room removing his sunglasses and hand him some circular black ones

"Thanks" He chuckles as he puts them on his head

"Bye dad love you" I kiss his cheek and grab my car keys as I walk out the door

"Bye dad" Jack yells and follows behind me

"I'll drive because I want to" I stick out my you he and Jack smiles

"Fine" He rolls his eyes playfully

I hop in my turquoise jeep and smile to myself

Jack hops in and I turn on the engine

"What song?" I said as every morning we have

"Remember me by Troy boi" He smirks

"YESSSSSSSSSS" I smile widely

"GO" He plugs in the aux cord and I put it in the maximum volume

"Windows down" I smirks and we both roll down our windows


I park and grab my backpack as I hop off of the car and face a chest

"Well hello there" I look up at the one and only, Jonah Marais

"Hey" He smiles and hugs me

"How's it going" He pulls away and we start walking

"Hey Addy wait" Jack yells running behind me and glares at Jonah playfully

"Hey man" Jonah nods at Jack

"Hey" Jack nods back

"Yo Jack" One of the jocks yell

"Um, see you later" Jack pats my back and he runs off to the jocks

"Back to what I was saying" Jonah chuckles

"This could be us but you playin" I quote the song and he sucks in between his teeth annoyed

"Addyyyyy" He complains laughing

"Okaaaay" I groan "So" I smile

"Uh oh" He wiggles his eyebrows "Who's the lucky boyyyyy?" He shakes me softly

"Stop and thanks I guess" I smile "Yes there is a lucky boy" I admitted

"Name? Address? Age? Looks? Height? Eye color? Skin tone?" He slaps his hands in between every words

"JONAH" I yell "Let me finish please and thank you"

"Feisty" He backs away playfully

"It's kind of hard to explain. Anyways, I'm just going to say it. He's my internet bo-"

"Boyfriend" He blinks softly nodding his dad softly

"Yeah" I smile

"Be careful Adeline" He looks at me concerned

"Yeah yeah, I've face timed him before anyways" I walk up the stairs of the school with Jonah

We walk into the school and I flinch softly from the loudness of the hallways

"Where's Anthony?" I scan my eyes in between the group of people

"Where's Adeline?" I heard someone mock me. Already knew that it was Anthony

"Fuck off Anthony" I laugh

"You were looking for me" He ask/answers

All I could do was laugh and Jonah followed as well

"So, how are all of you sexy motherfuckers?" Madeline pops in and hugs me

"Hey there" I hug her back

"I'm good how are you?" Jonah smiles

"Same" she smiles

"I can't speak Russian" I said it since it was an inside joke we had

They burst out laughing and my knees become weak since I was laughing very hard

"Where's Justin?" Jonah looks around

"Here bitches" He walks in front of us with his boyfriend, Connor

"Hey bup" I wave and wave at Connor

"Did you do the math homewo-"

The bell rang and Justin's face drains

"Yes take it" I grab my math notebook and hand it to him

"Ugh thanks Addy, you're a life savor" He hugs me and I laugh

"Remember to give it to me in biology" I yell as I made my way to Spanish class with Anthony and Jonah

"So, care to tell me more about this 'boyfriend' Jonah walks in the class room and Anthony looks at me confused

"Um, yeah" I chuckle as I sat down in the table for three. Were we sat

Anthony, Me and Jonah. In that order

We sat all the way back of the room so no one could hear us or just even pay attention to the class

"Um, hello? I am right here you know? I exist? I am your best friend?" Anthony says slightly offended

"Can you just let me talk" I growled and the backed away playfully

"So his name is Daniel and I met......." And so I told them the whole Cinderella story


"Awwww" Jonah blurts out and Anthony laughs harshly

"Yeah" I blush as I smiled

"Class dismissed" The teacher yelled and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion

"Already?" I look at the chalk board and nothing is written on it

"Oh well" I shrug and stood up and the guys followed

I was just to walk out the classroom when I was faced with another chest

I look up slightly scared and see. James

The bully of the school or also known as the fuckboy


"What do you want Martinez" I call him by his last name and roll my eyes annoyed

I try to walk out and he places his arm in front of me

"You princess" He winks and I want to throw up

"James, leave her alone" Jonah is already annoyed and Anthony is too

"I don't remember asking you" He spat and Jonah is already mad

"Fuck off James I have a boyfriend" I push him and he looses his balance making Anthony snort

"Is something funny Manning?" He walks up to him and that's when James is on the floor

Jack pulled him by the collar of his jacket without even noticing

"Go" He looks at me straight in the eyes and I walk to my next class, Biology

Jack walks behind me fast and we burst in the classroom. And both of the guys go to their current class. Art.

Luckily James isn't a student of our class. Neither our age.

I'm a sophomore and he's a senior.

I just have a really early birthday. That's all.

I sit next to Justin and Jack sits next to Cameron, the girl he likes.

I give him a thumbs up and he turns red

Cameron is honestly, really pretty. Long curly hair, short, blue eyes, pink plump lips, light skin, and she likes the same music as Jack. I know that Cameron likes Jack. She told me

I don't want to say it, but I encourage Jack to ask her out sometime.

I glance at Cameron that's blushing and I smile

"Here" Justin breaks my train of thought

"Oh," I grab my notebook "Did you copy it?"

"Yes" He huffs "The teacher didn't notice" He chuckles

"Good good"

"I hate biology" We said at the same time and we look at each other with 'that's-my-best-friend' look

Justin is a really good kid. He's always there for everyone. He doesn't Ayer anyone except obviously, James Martinez. He isn't hateful either. And to be thruthfull, he's transgender. Which doesn't bother me at all. After all he is gay. Which makes it even better to have him as a friend. He isn't attracted to me, he's attracted to boys. He is actually really good with outfits which makes me happy.

"So why didn't you come to school yesterday?" Justin whispers so that the teacher doesn't hear us

"Hospital" I wrote the notes that the teacher had gave us

"What? Are you okay?" Justin sounds nervous but I chuckle

"Yes and yes. I just stabbed the back of my thigh with a piece of glass in the bathtub. Rare story I know" I admitted after all

He exhaled in relief and laughed "So, is all good?"

"Is all good" I smile

"Excuse me miss Avery and Mister Blake. Is there something you want to share with us?" The asshole of the teacher calls us out

"Actually yes" Justin answers

"Oh fuck" I murmur

"The point of this class, actually, there's none" He stands up

"Justin!" I whisper yelled

"I'm sorry?" She says slightly annoyed

"Um you heard me honey" he smiles innocently "We both know this. You don't respect your students. After all, we do respect you" He claps his hands together making her flinch

Then the bell rang "Oh, there's the bell. Bye sweetheart" Justin blows her a kiss and leaves as a savage that he is

Everyone's jaw is on the floor and Sydney, one of our class mates starts clapping and everyone follows

I walk out of the classroom giving the teacher a disgusted look

"Well, that felt good to get out of your chest huh?" I laugh at Justin and he has a huge smile on his face, proud of what he just did

"Definitely" he admits

"Damn bro you a savage" another of our class students shakes him softly and runs away

"I know!" He yells and the boy looks back shorting him a thumbs up

"Adeline" Someone, non familiar yelled for me

I turn around and see the one and only, Mariana. The fucking slut of the school, or the bully. Yeah the blut or the sully. Yeah I know. Weird mix of names

As soon as I looked at her face I turned around and returned to walking away with Justin

"I don't remember telling you to walk away"

"I don't remember telling you to call me" I spat and the hallway was filled with 'oh's' and 'uh oh's'

"I'm sorry?" She stops walking

"About what? Being a bitch?" I turn around my head and kept walking

She scoffs and I heard her ugly ass heels fade away

"Double the savage today huh?" Justin judges my fore arm and I giggle

"Certainly" I smile as I made my way to art class with Justin, Madeline and Connor

Art class was my second favorite out of all of the classes. The teacher was really nice, she was quiet unlike the others. She was in her late 50's. Meaning that she was very tranquil and chill.

We never had a loud mess in that classroom. EVER.

I'm  her favorite student *flips hair* luckily. Jack didn't understand this class but the teacher has patience. A LOT of patience. Especially with him.

I walk into the class room with the guys and the teacher gives me a warm smile and I reply with a warm smile also

"Good morning class, how are you doing today?" She asks with her soft voice

"Good" the sound of the whole classroom answering filled the echo in the room

"Well that's amazing" she smiles "Today we will be drawing this bowl of fruits. You can draw the whole bowl or just a single fruit" She places a bowl of fake fruits on her desk and a bouquet of flowers next to it

"Time starts" she says meaning that we should get out our sketching notebooks

"Now" She said and I immediately start with the bouquet of flowers


"Times up sweethearts" She says calmingly and the sound of pencils dropping on the desk filled the room

I huff in relief and I look at Connor who is not happy with his job

I laugh at his confused face and he looks at me

"I've done this horribly" he says with his harsh British accent

"Let me see then" I grab the sketch book and I must say, he did better than last time

"Connorrrrr" I ugh "This is actually pretty good, you've done worse than this, no offense" I hand him his notebook

"None taken" He smiles "But look at the grapes," he slaps the paper "they look like shit balls" he says and I hold my laughter in, only giggles and chuckles coming out of my body

"Okay that was legit" He laughs

"You are really talented" He looks at my paper

"No I'm not" I tap the paper with the pencil

"Sweetie, you can dance and draw" Justin rests his head on the back of my shoulder

"Okay okay, but not more talented than you" I tap his head "You can sing, I sound like a dying potato"

"Potatoes can't sing" Justin looks at me confused

"Exactly" I nod my head slowly and Madeline bursts out laughing and Connor flinches

"Hello there" Jack drags his chair to were I was

"Hello there noodle head" I mimic him and annoy him

"Hey!" He says mad but laughing

"Sup" Justin opens his mouth and shuts up harshly on my shoulder

"Ow you assclown" I said and he giggles

"Ello" Connor waves his hand and his accent is even funnier

"Hey biiiihhhhh" Madeline smiles

"Y'all want to see me fail?" Jack says out of nowhere?"

"What?" Connor is confused

"What?" Justin is a laughing mess

"Look a butterfly" Madeline and her ADD

"Where?" And me, also with ADD looking for the butterfly

Jack laughs at me and Madeline

"Here" Jack hands me his drawing and its fucking hilarious

"Bro WHAT is that" I point at the 'apple' and it looks like a squashed rat first of all

"An apple" he says casually "Feel free to roast me" He leans back on his chair and I run my hands together evilly

"That Apple looks like a squished rat first of all" I laugh with my eyes in tears

"Banana looks like an actual dick" Madeline rests her head on Connor's shoulder and Connor snickers

"How do you know what that looks like?" Connor lifts an eyebrow

"I have a baby brother dumbass,he runs around naked in the house with his pipi flopping around" She flips her hand around mimicking the 'pipi'

Jack laughs harshly and Justin is a laughing mess next to me, moving around not staying still

"The lemon looks like a titty" I point at the 'lemon' and Jack looks at me confused/laughing

His face is red due to laughing so hard and his eyes watering too

"What is THAT" Justin furrows his eyebrows pointing at I don't know what the fuck that is

"That's supposed to be the pear" Jack furrows his eyes and passes the paper to us

"OH" Justin yelps "I thought it was a piece of shit. Literally" Justin laughs between every two words. Literally

"Might as well be James Martinez" Connor huffs

"Ooohhhh" Madeline takes it as a roast. Which it is

"I am the one oh yes I don't need a gun to get respect up on the street blah blah blah blah me myself and family, mah enemy's" Madeline sings it out of chorus and that's what made me laugh the most

"Class dismissed" The teacher said softly and the sound of desks, shoes stomping on the ground, the sound of the key chains of the backpacks and zippers clanging into it was the only sound, plus the murmuring of people talking.


"Finally lunch" Justin breathes out chuckling

"Yea I'm starving" I walk fast to the cafeteria and I get a text message

Cv👀💕: hy :D

Cv👀💕: babehhhhhh

Cv👀💕: you're probably in school but fuck it anyways

Cv👀💕: I just wanted to say I love you and put a smile on your face :)

Cv👀💕: ?cheesy much¿

Cv👀💕: yeah

Cv👀💕 sent a pic

Cv👀💕: help me my hair is being murdered by Angi

Me: who TF is Angi touchin my mans hair

Cv👀💕: my best friend

Me: more deTAILS BITCH

Cv👀💕: ALRIGHT. She only sees at me as a friend and I do to. Plus, she already has a crush and knows about you *wink wink*

Me: oH

Me: okay 😰😰😰😰😰😰

Cv👀💕: I gtg

Me: Y

Cv👀💕: my phone is about to die

Cv👀💕: and I didn't bring a charger AWESOME



Me: love you more mr.bean

Cv👀💕: 💀

I giggle and Justin gives me a 'what-are-you-doing-?' Look

"Here" I hand him my phone as if it were his

"Mm" He lifts an eyebrow as he takes my phone and scrolls through messages

"oh" he smiles "my" he says "GOD" he squeals excitedly

I laugh softly before talking "I know" I smile innocently and he hands me back my phone

"Gurllllll" We walk toghether to get our food "Not gonna lie, he's pretty cute" He tilts his head in awe

I tild my head in awe but..."that's my man so back off you got Connor" I stuck out my tounge at him and he giggles

"Fine girl" He backs off play fully as both of our trays shake due to the food being literally smashed on it

I look at the food and fucking see a worm out of it

I see that Justin is looking at it confused and disgusted. I turn around to hand the next students the tarys and they said thank you comfused

"Let's go and get pizza" I grab my backpack and he nods

As I was about to open the cafeteria door someone blocked my exit

"Excuse m- here we go again, move out of the way Mariana" I push her out of the way hard, making her stumble amd the whole cafeteria laughed

"You bitch!" She cries

"I know" I yell back and walk out of the cafeteria confidently

"You are a savage today" Justin catches up to me

"Haven't I always have?" I look at him and he chuckles

I walk out of the school with Justin and I inmediatly see James walking up to me and my fists automatically ball up

Justin starts walking faster and I just keot my normal pace until he yanks my arm, causing me to go faster

I grab my car keys and unlock the door and Justin, shitting his pants climbs through the drivers seat and makes it to the passenger seat

I sigh and chuckle as I sat down on ky seat


"Heck yeah"

A/n hello ass wipes :) this is my LONGEST chapter ive ever wrtitten in my life! 4,023 words! Taking out the a/n PHEWWW took me all day but iz all gud. My legs hurt like a fucking bITCH but yEET

anyways love you guys and we are So so sO close to 1k reads in less than a month! DAMN
