Chapter 5

When ceil woke up he felt someone else's presence. He opened his eyes sleepily. Chii was on her hands and knees on top of him.

"Chii?" She said and tilted her head to the side.

Ceil sat up in shock. Chii moved back a little and sat in front of him. "Chii! What are you doing?" Ceil asked. "Chii was worried about ceil so chii came to check on ceil." Chii said. Ceil looked at her for a long moment then scooted next to her. He held her hand and said "you shouldn't worry about me chii...." He looked down at the bed covers. "But.......chii....cares about ceil...." Chii said. Ceil looked up at her. "Chii......." Ceil whispered her name softly and put his hand on her cheek. "Chii?" She said and tilted her head to the side again. Then ceil pulled her in for a hug. Chii hugged him back. Then Sebastian knocked politely outside the door. Ceil let go of chii and said "come in." Sebastian came in and handed ceil is tea. "Thank you Sebastian...." Ceil thanked him. "Are you alright my lord?" Sebastian asked. Ceil looked at his tea for a long time. "I feel.....different...."

That surprised Sebastian so he said "how so master?" Ceil looked at chii then back at Sebastian. "Sebastian.....can I speak with you in the hallway?" Ceil asked. Sebastian nodded and said "yes my lord." Then Sebastian went into the hallway. "Wait in here okay?" Ceil said then got up and went into the hallway. "Sebastian.....what dose it be in love?" Sebastian was very surprised now but smiled and said "it means your willing to do anything for they are..." Ceil looked up at him. Sebastian looked down at him and said "you are in love aren't you?" Ceil blushed bright red and said " guess I am....." Ceil looked defeated. "So you want advice?" Sebastian asked. "I.....I want to keep her at a distance but......something is keeping me from doing so...." Ceil said and looked down at the floor. Sebastian bent down to him and lifted his chin up. "When your heart gives you a chance like should take it..." Sebastian said. Ceil nodded and said "thank you.......Sebastian....." Ceil said quietly. Sebastian stood back up. "Your welcome young master...." Sebastian said.

Later that evening ceil was about to get ready for bed when chii passed by heading to her room. "Chii." Ceil called out to her. Chii stopped and turned to him. "Yes ceil?" Chii asked. Ceil took a deep breath and said "can you come here for a second?" Chii nodded and stepped inside his room. Ceil closed the door and turned to face her. "Chii.....I thought about what you said......about you caring about me...." Ceil said. Chii nodded and said "yes chii cares for ceil very much." Ceil took a deep breath and sat down on his bed. Chii sat down next to him. Ceil grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Chii......" Ceil said her name softly. Chii looked up at him. Ceil leaned down right by her face and kissed her on the cheek. Ceil blushed a lot then got up. "You should go sleep chii..." Ceil said holding open the door. Chii nodded and left the room. Ceil lay on his bed and thought about chii.
