Chapter 2


Suddenly someone grabbed chii from behind and everything went dark. She soon woke up in a strange bedroom.


"So your name is chii?" Said a voice from the side. Chii looked over to see a boy about ceil's age with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Yes chii's name is chii." Chii answered. The boy walked over to her and sat on the bed.

"My name is alois." He said as he crawled across the bed and sat next to her. "Al.....alois." Chii said his name. "Very good chii." Alois said. Chii looked up at him.


"What dose ceil not compliment you?" He said as he played with her long hair.


"Yea it's like when you like something about someone so you tell them that you like it."

Chii had never heard of this before. She looked at him for a long time.

"Dose alois want chii to work for him?" Chii asked.

Alois looked at her for a long time and finnally said "no, I want you to be my friend. You can be with me during the day and we can play together." He said.

"Play?" Chii responded. "Sheesh did ceil never give you a break? Come on I'll play with you." He said as he grabbed her hand and led her outside.

He showed chii what playing was and they played all day. Finally in the evening alois introduced chii to his butler Claude.

"Chii this is Claude."

"Pleased to meet you miss chii." Claude said and bowed. "Pleased to meet you." Chii responded.

Later that night alois lay on his bed and chii sat next to him.

"That was fun,right chii?" Alois asked.

"Chii!" Chii replied joyfully. Alois lay back smiling, chii copied him. Alois smiles at her and turned to face her. He put his hand on her cheek and soon fell asleep just like that.

The next day while alois was walking with chii though the woods with Claude behind them.


Chii looked around for the voice. Suddenly ceil burst out,grabbed chii and pulled her over to him. Sebastian stood in front of them guarding them. Alois smirks at ceil.

"About time you came." Alois said to him.

Ceil glared at alois.

"Don't ever come near me agein."

Alois laughed.

"Okay then." He said then ran over and grabbed chii. Chii looked at ceil confused.

"Let her go alois." Ceil threatened

"Nope, she likes me better anyway." He said as he hugged chii. Ceil got more mad and finally said "Sebastian, get her and let's go."

"Yes my lord." Sebastian said then he grabbes ceil and chii and runs off. When they got back ceil walked up to chii and yelled at her.


Chii was so shocked she fell over and was crying alittle. When ceil heard her crying he stopped yelling turned around and looked at her.

"Chii....don't cry......I didn't mean to be so harsh...." Ceil sat down by her. Chii looked up at him. Ceil hugged her witch surprised Sebastian. He then picked up chii and put her inside the house.

"My lord my I speak with you for a moment?" Sebastian said later that evening. Ceil steppes outside with him and looked up at the sky.

"You seem to care a lot about miss chii...."

"Yeah.....I guess I do....a lot...."

"You should go rest my lord."

Ceil nodded then left to his room.
