Chapter 17

Chii saw alois about to stab ceil. Chii had to do something so without even processing it Chii jumped in between alois and ceil. Alois stabbed Chii. Chii had never felt so much pain. When she fell over she could hear people yelling, footsteps, and sobbing that she wasn't sure if it was her own or someone else's.

Someone then picked her up and carried her some where. Where it was she was laid down and someone seemed to be working on her wound. It hurt her so much. Every time she opened her eyes she could only see blurs. But she could barely make out someone working on her wound and someone leaning over her.

Finally the person carried her to a bed and laid her in it. But someone came over and kissed her on the head then she heard footsteps and finally a door closed. Then silence.....
