Chapter 15

Alois couldn't take it anymore and began to fight with ceil. Alois got his hands around ceil's neck then ceil punched him off. Ceil kneed him in the stomach multiple times. Alois pushed him into a tree and punched him in the rips. Ceil pulled off a tree branch and started to beat alois with it. Alois grabbed the branch from him and hit him over the head with it. Ceil kicked alois in the shins. Alois then pushed him back into the tree.

"You are so dead..." Alois said then pulled out a pocket knife. Alois ran toward ceil with the pocket knife. One minuet ceil saw alois with a crazed look on his face running towards him the next minuet something was in between them. Alois saw his knife coming down to ceil's heart then suddenly saw someone's shoulder. Neither of them knew what it was till ceil and Chii screamed at the same time.
