the trap

Judys Pov

It has been 3 days since chief bogo came to help us. Today was the day we could be free from the cliff side hospital. I got my last shot that I needed that would help me get to normal. The nurse gave me a fresh pair of cloths. Once I changed I went to go get Nick.

He was held where they kept the savage predators. He was already in his usual green Hawaiian shirt and brown khakis. He smiled at me and hugged me.

" Ok miss Hopps and mister Wilde you are all set, all we need you to do to get completely back to normal is to take these anti-savage pills everyday for a month ok." The nurse explained to us.

" you both my have some episodes where you might have a mild savage attack but nothing too severe ok."

" One question what happens if we forget to take the pill." Nick asked

" Well, you might not get better and there is a 90% chance you might go savage again." She said

We looked at each other but than smiled.

" Ok nurse we got it". We both said in union.


Nicks Pov

Me and judy walked out of the hospital and we were greeted by chief bogo in his police cruiser only this one was the most best one of them all. We smiled and we got the cruiser and headed to the ZPD.

( really quick authers note...what chief bogo, judy, and Nick didn't know was that underneath the cruiser jack savage was riding with them to gather more information for their new plan......dang it I said it...oh well😅😅😅😅 I'll shut up now )

Still Nicks Pov...

We got to the ZPD and chief bogo was leading us in throw the back. All of the sudden I see a black shadow in the corner of my eye and stopped immediately.

" Nick, are u ok" Judy asked concerned

" I, um....yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said as I continued walking. I swear I saw something but I just brushed it off.

When I entered the ZPD, to our surprise all the officers greeted us. They would clap, and cheer, and said all these nice warming things to me and judy.

" Thanks you guys we really apressiat it." Judy said with a wide smile.

" Yeah we really do". I said smiling

We got to our office and just worked on some case files for the rest of the day.

3 hours later....7:59pm

Chief bogo pov

" Ok officer hopps, and Wilde you two can go home now." I told them as I opened their door.

" Right ahead of you chief..see ya tomorrow." Nick said with his dumb smirk. I just sighed.

" Bye chief." Just said tiredly.

" Bye" I said as I walked up to my office. Everymammal went home so I was all alone at the ZPD. As I walked up the stair case I heard shuffling in my office. I got confused and I started to open my door. Once I did I saw the window open.

" Sleep tight" I heared a voice say as I felt a sharp pain in my head and passed out.

Next morning 6:35am.

Judy Pov

Me and Nick were walking to work and he was as more annoying than ever. " ( snort ) oh Judy you look like a t-hent with that uniform on." He snorted than laughed. Unfortunately that duffous lost my last uniform last night so I wore nicks uniform and it was really big on me.

" Ha-ha-ha.. that's not funny Nick its your fault I look like I tent." I stared at him, playfully punching him.

Once we got to the ZPD clawhauster looked worried and scared. Like someone threated him to do something bad.

" Hey claws what's wrong, you look scared." Nick asked rather confused for the chubby cheetah.

He sighed before speaking.
" I'm fine chief bogo needs you in h-h-his office." He said. He looked like he was about to cry too.

" O-Oh ok clawhauster. " I said confused. Than me and Nick headed up to chief bogo.

" Nice fatty now Jack is going to get them and take them away." Bellwether was hiding behind clawhauster this whole time with a knife to clawhauster back so he could get Nick and Judy to there trap.

" You could never trap those two you nasty sheep." Clawhauster said as a glared angrily at bellweather.

" Well see about that chubby...but for now, sleep tight." Bellwrather said with an evil smirk as she injected clawhauster with a tranquilizer dart.


Nicks pov

As we got near chief bogos office I smelled a scent that seemed to familiar.

" you smell that." I asked her as I stopped her from getting any nearer from the door.

She stopped and smelled.

" I don't smell anything, but I do fell uneasy." She said as she shrugged at me.

I looked at her and told her to stay close just in case.

As we entered his officer the chair was turned towards the window.

" Uh chief you said you needed to see us." I asked chief bogo.

" Oh I did Wilde."

I new that voice...jack savage.

He turned around with the chair and smiled at me and judy.

" WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE CHIEF YOU BASTERD." Judy yelled out in rage.

" Oh I assure you he is in good hands. Now miss Smith can you dispose of them please." He said as he smirked

Suddenly I see Judy fall to the ground and as I was about to help her I felt a pain in my head than passed out.


" Nighty night you freaks." Jack said as he spit near the middle of Nick and


Later that same day....

Judys Pov

My head was throbbing, I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was in a big dark room. I tryed to move but than I noticed i was chained to the
Wall. Than I heard a moan on the other side of the room. I looked up and saw Nick just walking up.

" NICK, NICK ARE YOU OK." I shouted to get his attention.

" Carrots....yeah I'm ok are you." He asked sighing in relief. He also was chained to the wall.

I was about to speak when the door flew open to reveal Jack and bellwether.

" Oh I see our pets are awake." Jack said with a smile.

" YOU B*#H, YOU BETTER LEt US GO NOW." Nick yelled out in full rage.

" Yeah that's not gonna happen. Hey have you guys meet our friend Smith pork." A female pig came in and she had a devilish smirk. My eyes widened.

" mayor smith...but I thought mayor lionheart banished you from zootopia." I said in shock.

" Well that stupid lion can't keep me away for ever. But I didn't come here for revenge on him I won't revenge on you for helping out predators you freak." She said as she growled at me.

I tryed to struggle out to punch her but I failed. They all laughed and I only struggled. I heard Nick growl.

" YOU LEAVE HER ALONE YOU JERKS." He yelled out as he growled.

Than my watch went off, telling my that Nick and I needed to take our anti-savage pills.

" Oh are you looking for these." Smith held he huff out with the anti-savage pills.

Than Jack untied Nick and through him into the cage with me.

" there no you to can suffer together and possibly kill each other." Jack said as they as laughed and walked out the door.

" COWARDS" Nick yelled out.

I just sat there so worried what might happen.

" Dont worry carrots well get through this, and find out where chief bogo is." He said. I smiled and we hugged each other. And fell asleep.

Jack's Pov

" Do you think their going to crack jack." Smith asked me.

" Dont worry they will, once they do we can say bye bye  the ZPD, and chief bogo, Nick wilde, and Judy hopps, and hello zootopia, the city of all prey." I said as we all laughed.

" nothing can stop us now" I said in happiness

OMG THIS CHAPTER IS SO SUSPENSEFUL😨😨😱....but dont worry more chapters are on the way. Hope you like this chapter and see y'all in the next one.

