escaping Hell

Chloes Pov

It was midnight and Nick and Judy went to sleep. I couldn't sleep at all.

I need to think of a plan to get us all out... I thought to myself.

I got out my notebook I brought so I could right down plans. I was looking through the pages when I saw a picture of me and a jackel.

On the bottom it read...

Friends til the end,
                       Love, Jamie McSnout...

I needed to find my phone. I looked around and found it near the window I reached for it but stopped when the door was about to open.

I quickly hid behind Nick and listened to the mammals that entered.

" Do you think anymammal is going to come and find these two." Said a male voice.

" I don't know, but if they keep helping each other and won't kill each other, we need to kill them ourselfs. " said a female voice.

" that sounds better to me. " said the male voice once more before they left.

I got out from my hiding place and quickly dield the number...


Jamie's Pov

I sat in my apartment watching the tv... I got on my crutches and headed to my bedroom to change into shorts.

I sat on my bed to change. Than I saw a picture of me and my team from my job as a SWAT team member from the ZPD.

I smiled at the memorize.


my phone was ringing so I got on my crutches and answered it.

" Hello "

Other line:  " Hello, is this Jamie Mcsnout the jackel ". Said a female voice.

" Yes and who is this?"

" my name is chloe whiskers, do you remember me? "

I froze as I heard that name...

" Chloe is this really you! Omg it's been 5 years since I heard from you kitty, how are you." I asked in happiness.

" I'm not so great Jamie I need your help. "

" Whats wrong? "

" Nick Wilde and Judy hopps were kiddnaped by bellwether and a Jack rabbit, and a female pig. They are planning on distroy them." She explained to me.

" but Chloe you know I can't because i.."

" you can't walk right " she said before I could finish.

" Yes i know but I'm a small cat and I got this far, and you are a strong jackal, just because you can't walk doesn't mean you can't do anything. " She said.

I looked at the old photo of me and my old SWAT team members.

" ok I'll help what's the plan."

" ok, we are in the the abandond building near Sahara square.
I need you to help capture these three so I can help Nick and Judy get out safely."

I thought for a moment, than I had an idea.

" ok I know what to do Chloe"...


Chloes Pov

I had no idea what Jamie's idea was going to be, but I had full faith that he was going to help us.

" so what did your friend say Chloe " Judy asked me as she got up, and sat down next to me.

" well, he said he had a plan on getting us out of here, but he didn't tell me anything " I told her.

" hey, where's Nick at " I asked her curiously.

" oh he's try to brake the glass, hes in his savage mode right now " she pointed to Nick running and jumping to the glass window, and he landed with a thud, and a whimper.

He than growled and backed up and kept on trying to brake the glass.


Night fell, and Nick and Judy went to sleep. I was so worried that we couldn't get out in time.

I kept on walking in circles around the cage until a piece of paper fall on my right paw.

As I was about to pick it up the door to the room was starting to open. I ran to Nick and hid under him.

" what is the matter with you jack, don't lose this paper " yelled out the sheep

" man bellwether calm down " he said as he picked it up.

" I don't want you to lose this, because this is our plan to keep everymammal out, so nomammal can save these to freaks. "

" alright, but there is already somemammal here. "

I suddenly felt somemamml grab me by my shirt collar, and drag me out the cage. I screamed as I got dragged out of the cage.

" CHLOE " both Nick and Judy screamed and ran for me, but the sheep closed the door on them.

They started to growl at the sheep and rabbit, and pig but they only pushed me against the wall and cuff my legs and paws.

" well, well, well a little kitty cat car came to save the day " the sheep said as she laughed

" LET HER GO YOU BASTERD " Nick growled out. Judy hissed at them as well.

" no I don't think so, we have other plans for this cat " the rabbit said.

Than they got out a a needle out and they were coming close to me. I freaked out and kept on squeamering trying to get loose from their grasp.

Than I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and I passed out.


Nicks Pov

When I saw that they injected Chloe I felt my heart stop.

I growled louder and I revealed my claws to unlock the door. Once it opened I jumped out and clawed bellwether in her right eye.

" AHHHH!!!" she yelled out in pain and let go off Chloe.

Judy lunged at Jack and bit him on his shoulder.

" AHH!! YOU STUPID BUNNY " he yelled out as he throw Judy across the room.

I growled and ran towards him. He tried to get up but I lunged and bit down on his neck.

He screamed in agony, and as I was about to kill him I felt somemammal hit me in my head.

I fell to the floor, and I looked up. Bellwether  and smith dragged Jack away, and closed the door, leaving us alone.

" JUDY!!!! Are you ok!" I asked crawling to her.

" yes I'm fine Nick but..." she got up and ran to chloe, I crawled to her, and we kept on shaking Chloe to wake up.

Judy yelled out as she kept on shaking her.

I opened her right eye to see if she was still alive but I was shocked.

Her pupils were slits, like mine are.

I got scared for her and I growled to myself.

" Those stupid animals injected her with the serum Judy. " Judy let out tears as she dragged Chloe in the cage.

" No Chloe, please your a strong girl, you can fight this. " Judy cryed as she hugged Chloe close.

I felt so heartbroken that this happened to Chloe.

" I promise Chloe, that were going to get out soon "  i thought as I walked to Judy and Chloe and hugged both of them close.


Jamie's Pov

I got my equipment ready, located the location that Chloe gave me to hind them.

I was about to leave when I thought to myself.

"How am I going to do this myself "

I got my phone out and diled a number to call an old friend.

His name was William white, he was a white wolf and he was 37 year old marksman.

" hello this is William. "

" hi William it's Jamie, I need your help. "

" sure buddy, what do you need?"

" we're going to do a search and rescue again bud "

I could hear chuckles on the other line

" sure bud I'll help you out "

" thanks William "

I hanged up and looked at a picture of me and chloe holding hands.

" don't worry Chloe, I'm coming "

Character: william white was from the writer, naxizombies great writer check him out please and thank you

Well there goes another chapter, sorry I couldnt write in a long time it's just......this day has gone  horribly and I'm trying to take my mind off it😢😢😢....... but I hope it turns out ok..... hope you all enjoy it, and see y'all in the next chapter.
