the mission

Unknown Pov

" I told you to get the bunny not that dumb fox." Said the mammal

" Yes, yes I know master I just got distracted with that fox at the hospital ." The other mammal smirked

The three mammals where arguing back and forth until someone came through the door.

" now, now Smith he did a better jod." This female said.

The two other mammals gasped at her presence.

" Dawn bellwether finally out of prison I see." Said the male mammal.

" Yes know who are my two team member supposed to be?" She asked to the two mammals.

They took off their hoods.

" Well, well if it isn't my old friends....  jack savage, and Smith hoggs."

" Did Jack get Judy to fall for him." Bellwether ask Smith.

" No he only made her mad at him." She said in a angry tone.

" Relax Smith Jack can still do his part." Bellwether said with a smirk.

" Now here's the plan Jack you need to go to the ZPD as a agent from the ZBI, and act that your going to train the ZPD officers. Than you need to separate Judy and Nick so Nick won't protect her. Wonce she is with you Smith will dart her with the new serum. We will than do the same to nick." Bellwether explained the plan to them.

" but why to the both off them." Jack asked.

" To show zootopia that a savage fox, and a bunny can't be heros." Bellwether said with a smirk.

" But what do we do when we do inject both of them with the new serum." Smith asked.

" we will put them to sleep for the night, than in the morning before they turn, we through them into the ZPD so all the officers can see a savage bunny, and fox." Jack said as he felt proud with his plane.

" Very well we all agree with our mission.....our mission to distory Nicholas Wilde and Judy hopps, for ruining out plans." Bellwether yelled out as she but her hoove in.

Jack and Smith looked at each other, than but their hoove glove and paw in.

They all smile and agreed to the plan.

"LET'S GET REVENGE ON NICK AND JUDY MAHUHAHAHA." They all yelled and laughed in union

"Poor Nick and Judy won't stank a chance between us." Smith said with an evil smile.


Meanwhile at the ZPD...

Judy's POV

Nick and Judy sat in the balcony enjoying there self.

" Nick will you always be with me." Judy said as she broke the silence between them.

" off course judy, I will always be with you. I will never hurt you too." He said as he smiled at me.

I hugged him and looked at the stars.

Nothing will break us apart...

I thought as a closed my eyes, and relaxed.

Sorry for the very short chapter guys I ran out of ideas because I'm lazy😂😂😂😋😂but I promise the next one will be longer.

Peace peeps✌
