The new case

Nicks Pov

Me and judy entered the ZPD, and we were greeted by clawhauster.

"Hi judy hi Nick, how are you guys this morning."

He said with a donut in his paw.

"Hey claws, we are fine and you."

"Good, oh by the way chief bogo wants to see you guys in his office."

Judy said goodbye, and we headed of to chiefs bogo's office. We enter and he was looking out the window.

"Hopps, Wilde sit." He huffed. "We had a report of a attack near Sahara square, and this attack was a....Savage attack."

Me and judy looked at each other with worry in our eyes.

" A male deer was attacked, and injured by a savage wolf named Alex Mchowl, and I want you both to further investigate, and find out why this happened."

I thought back during the missing mammal case we destroyed the nighthowler serum.

" Sure thing sir, me and Nick are on it."

He handed us the case file, and we went to our cruiser that was made for our size." Judy didn't we destroy the serum years ago.

" I asked her while she was typing the direction of the the attack on the GPS.

" Yes we did, but...i don't get why this would happen." We stayed silence for the whole rude.

Judy Pov

We got to the site where the deer was injured and we started to find any clues that would help us.

" Uh.. Judy can you come here."

I heared Nick say on the other side of the alley. He showed me a red powder that was on the floor. I got a glove and examined it.

" Hey Nick do you think this is a new serume."

" I don't know fluff but we need to get this back to the ZPD."

He said while getting a bag to put the powder in. We made it back to the ZPD, and gave the powder to bogo. Me and Nick got back into our office that we shared and did further research on the wolf, and deer. I would look at Nick and he would wimper at his screen." Nick are you ok." I got up and looked at his screen. What I saw was horrible. The deer lost one lung, and broke a rib cage very badly.

" I'm afraid I might do this to you."

He said with sadness in his eyes.

"Nick you would never hurt me, I promise we are going to get to the bottom of this ok."

He smile and said ok. In my head I thought

"Everything is going to be ok."
