Ch 8

Chapter 8

They came to pick up Bai Zhi. Before Bai Zhi woke up, she had already been carried into the nanny car.

Li Manzhen's face has regained some color, and she has put on exquisite makeup. She looks full of energy, just like usual.

Next to him, Shen Mozhou was wearing a crisp suit, but he looked like a human.

As soon as she saw Shen Mozhou, Yuyao remembered the injury she had suffered before. After the injury, she would never forget the pain she had suffered. She had been held in the hands of her father and brothers since she was a child, and no one dared to touch a hair on her. This was the first time someone dared to push her to the ground at such a young age.

She clenched her little fists, thinking what would happen if she went up and smashed the head of Shen Mozhou dog?

However, Yuyao's head is still clear, and she knows that this is a legal society, and even the heads of scumbags cannot be hammered casually.

The fireflies and butterflies in the purse were more responsive than she was, twisting their chubby bodies restlessly, wanting to come out of the purse to vent their anger on their owner.

She grabbed the purse around her waist and comforted the two little ones to calm down.

Li Manzhen had been greeting people around her with a gentle and appropriate smile, but after seeing Yu Yao, her expression subtly paused, and then returned to her natural state in an instant, and almost no one around her noticed.

What, you suddenly changed your look?

Are you planning to parade around the market under her banner again?

It's a beautiful thought. Once you have been her substitute for one day, you will never be able to wash off the label of impostor for the rest of your life.

Li Manzhen did not pursue Bai Zhi's matter, but instead apologized to Yuyao in a gentle voice: "Miss Yu, what happened today was because Mo Zhou was too nervous about me, so I misunderstood you. I already explained the situation to him in the hospital." 

"I have known Shen Mozhou since he was a child. He is very frivolous and his attacks are neither gentle nor serious. If he hurts you, I will apologize for him." She seemed to be blaming Shen Mozhou, but her tone was full of showing off.

Shen MoZhou calmly straightened his sleeves and acquiesced to Li Manzhen's wishes.

Yuyao's eyes widened in shock. Is the sun really coming out in the west?

According to the plot, shouldn't it be that Shen Mozhou hates her to the core now, Li Manzhen is proud of crushing her opponent, and then she is frozen and banned?

It seemed that the exposure of taking laxatives to lose weight had a big impact on Li Manzhen. She had no choice but to tell the truth to Shen Mozhou in order to win sympathy.

Yuyao also returned the greeting with concern: "Sister Li, I see that your face and body are already healed. Don't you have diarrhea?" 

Hearing this, Li Manzhen 's face almost tensed up, and she subconsciously glanced at Shen Mozhou, but Shen Mozhou's expression was not the same. Nothing unusual.

Li Manzhen has a lot of confidence. In her opinion, Yuyao's carefulness is not worth mentioning, just like a clown dancing around.

Moreover, this stupid woman must not know that Shen Mozhou had already communicated with her in the hospital and promised that he would find a way to convince his family to marry her back home.

Li Manzhen smiled generously and said: "I had gastrointestinal discomfort a few days ago. I asked you to pay attention to it. It is better now." 

"That's good. Sister Li, you must take good care of your body and lose weight healthily. Stop taking laxatives and eat well." Yuyao dug out a Swiss roll from a pair of snacks in her arms and reluctantly gave it to Li Manzhen, "Here, this is for you. It's delicious."

 Rarely, Shen Mozhou agreed with her words and nodded: "The doctor also said, you are weak, so you can't do it casually anymore."

For Shen Mozhou's sake, Li Manzhen reluctantly took the Swiss roll.

Just at this time, Xu Guochen was about to leave and called out "Three girl" angrily. Yuyao ran over happily holding snacks.

The girl's innocence was extremely dazzling in Li Manzhen's eyes. She accidentally noticed that Shen Mozhou was also looking at the girl with a dazed expression.

This was the first time that Shen Mozhou saw Yuyao's lively appearance. Yuyao had a sensitive personality and low self-esteem because she had been dependent on others for many years. She acted cautiously and always looked like she was bitter and resentful.

He never knew that a girl could be so charming when she smiled.

Li Manzhen's face changed slightly. She pulled Shen Mozhou's sleeve and gently called him: "Mozhou..."

Shen Mozhou came back to his senses, lowered his eyes and responded with a faint "hmm".

Li Manzhen: "Speaking of your body, I have something to ask you, and I don't know if you are willing to do it."

Shen Mozhou smiled lightly and said, "As long as it is your request, why should I not agree?" "

You also know I'm not in good health, but "The Legend of Meng Ge" will start shooting in a few days. I also want to do some action scenes by myself, but I'm afraid that my body won't be able to handle it. I wonder if I can ask Miss Yu to join the set with me. Can I , I won't bother her if I get involved."

Li Manzhen used a soliciting tone, but she knew that Shen Mozhou would definitely not refuse her.

As expected, Shen Mozhou responded readily: "She has nothing to announce. If you don't mind her trouble, bring her into the group."

 Before leaving, Li Manzhen gave a meaningful look at Yu Yao, who was smiling heartlessly, and drove off. The Swiss roll was thrown out from the crack of the car window, rolled alone under the wheels, and was crushed to pieces.


Yu Yao never expected that she thought she would be refrigerated, but ended up becoming Li Manzhen's exclusive substitute.

Wu De's call came at eight o'clock in the morning. At that time, Yuyao was wrapped in a soft and comfortable quilt, like a caterpillar, with only half of her delicate and rosy face exposed.

The two little Gu insects on the pillow were also covered with a handkerchief, in the same posture as hers.

The ringtone woke up the two little guys first, and they jumped up and hung up Wu De's phone.

He hung up again and again, called again and was hung up again. On his eighth call, he was finally picked up by Yuyao.

Wu De was so angry: "What are you doing! Don't you know you will join the group today?!"

Yuyao didn't even open her eyes, lying on the bed in confusion.

"What group should I join?" Wasn't she banned?

"Join the team with Li Manzhen and be her substitute. Are you still sleeping at this time?"

Yuyao stood up and sat up from the bed, suddenly waking up.


"The Legend of Meng Ge" is Li Manzhen's first comeback work. It tells the legendary life of a peerless beauty.

Shen Mozhou invested 10 million, allowing Li Manzhen to easily fall in love with the heroine Ji Mengge.

Today's filming was about Ji Mengge's girlhood scene. Li Manzhen wore a light pink skirt and it took three hours to apply makeup on her face, which was delicate and girlish.

The makeup artist's skills were extraordinary. Li Manzhen looked at herself in the mirror blankly, as if she was seeing her youthful self again when she first debuted.

The makeup artist praised: "The goddess is still the same as before. You haven't changed for so many years. You are too old. I am so envious."

Li Manzhen retired five years ago to get married and have children. She is 33 years old this year. Not long ago, she was married. The divorce was exhausting both physically and mentally, and what I worried most about was that time would leave traces on my face.

The makeup artist's words touched her heart. Just as she was about to reply with a smile, Yuyao, who was wearing the same skirt as her, flashed past the mirror with sleepy eyes.

Different from Li Manzhen's carefully painted girly makeup, Yuyao's face is full of collagen and plump apple muscles are the most beautiful girly makeup.

There is no harm if there is no comparison.

Li Manzhen's assistant was too embarrassed to say that she was asking Yuyao to be her substitute. Are they really not afraid of being overshadowed by others?

The makeup artist also felt embarrassed and asked for a stand-in to be more beautiful than the lead actor. I really don't know what Li Manzhen was thinking.

"Miss Yu doesn't need to show her face anyway, so why don't she put on makeup? The weather is very stuffy and makeup is uncomfortable." Li Manzhen looked at Yu Yao with a smile.

Li Manzhen just asked casually and did not ask Yuyao's opinion at all. After she finished speaking, the makeup artist began to pack things.

Yuyao tilted her neck and dozed off on the makeup chair. She didn't even move her eyebrows when she heard this.

Li Manzhen had bad intentions when she asked Yu Yao to join the group as a stand-in. She was a capable actress and had never been a permanent stand-in before. The purpose of calling Yu Yao here was to slowly grind her down, humiliate her, and let her know that she couldnt' compete with her in the end.

Let Yuyao wait on the set before starting work, and let her experience her acting skills. Only after Yuyao sees it with her own eyes will she realize that what she had learned from her in the past was just imitating others.

However, the real situation was different from what Li Manzhen expected.

She took a break from filming for too long, and even after dozens of shots, she couldn't find her groove. The male co-star stood with her in the scorching sun for more than two hours.

At first, the director would patiently explain the scene to her and let her relax.

Later, the director became impatient and told her that there were too many stories in her eyes and that she was not as ignorant as a girl with haircuts.

It is implied that she brought money into the group and grabbed a role that was not suitable for her.

Li Manzhen was under great pressure, resulting in one item being worse than the other.

Sweat was pouring down her face, and her carefully applied makeup was gradually starting to become mottled.

Seeing the anxious atmosphere, the producer clapped his hands and said, "Mr. Shen from SL Entertainment has sent a cold drink. Let's all line up to get it."

 The director pointed at Li

Manzhen, his eyebrows knitted together: "Who is that? The female lead quickly went to fix her. makeup."

This is the first time Li Manzhen has been humiliated like this since her debut.

The assistant held an umbrella for her and returned to the rest area.

She was so tired that she was sweating profusely, but she saw Yuyao lying leisurely on a folding chair with half a large watermelon in her arms. She was surrounded by more than a dozen crew members, some of whom were holding little ones for her. A fan and someone to hold an umbrella for her.

A group of people chattered non-stop.

"Baby Yuyao, you didn't know that I watched your episode of "I Detective" at least ten times. Your performance in it was simply wonderful!" "Yes, yes! Yaoyao has the highest IQ in the entire
show. On one person."

"You don't know how to be in "I Detective" yet, I still want to watch Woo Woo Woo." 

"I have inside information. I heard that the director who initially targeted you was kicked out of "I Detective". 

"What did your company think that you were asked to be Li Manzhen's stand-in? Why didn't you just let you play the role? Is it true that she had an affair with your boss, so she can be a leading actress with such poor acting skills?" 

"This is the case . The clothes look really good on you!"

"Daughter, you are so cute, can I pinch your face?"

Li Manzhen was so angry that her blood pressure rose sharply and she felt dizzy.

For a moment, I didn't know whether she brought Yu Yao into the group to learn from each other or to enjoy the blessing.
