Ch 38

Chapter 38

The middle-aged man trembled slightly and remained silent. Director Tian implicitly agreed that he had agreed. He put out his cigarette butts, piled the scripts together, and said in a formulaic tone: "No problem, I'll let the finance department call it for you soon." Money."

The man stood up and held down the script with one hand, clutching the cover with his fingers, eyes wide open: "That's not what you said when I sold you the script. You clearly promised me that if I make money, you will give me an increase of ten this time. In case of one."

Director Tian's expression remained unchanged: "Did I say that? Did you drink too much and get hysterical?" 

"These scripts are my proud work in ten years. If it weren't for this time, my mother I won't sell you money while waiting in the hospital to save your life."

Director Tian smacked his lips impatiently: "Okay, I also know that you are in trouble, we are all old acquaintances, don't say that I didn't take care of you, so be it, I'll give you another five thousand, okay."

"Five thousand? In your eyes, I'm worth fifteen thousand more in ten years? Don't think I don't know that you can sell one play with my script. I have made tens of millions, and have made a lot of fame and fortune, but you just use fifteen thousand to send me away?" The middle-aged man clenched his fists and slammed the table.

Director Tian was angered by his words. He lowered his face and said rudely: "Are you settling a score with me? Don't forget that if I hadn't taken care of you regardless of past grudges, would you still be able to make a living by writing now?"

"If you look at the entire circle of screenwriters, is there anyone who has plagiarized the teacher's work and still sold the script? I have given you face without suing you. My colleagues all advised me to ignore you, a white-eyed wolf, and let you fend for yourself, but every time the last time you came to me, I relented and gave you a bowl of food out of kindness. Now you treat me like this?" 

The middle-aged man was so angry that he bluntly asked: "I told you that I never touched your body. Outline, your hard drive is in a locked drawer and I can't get it even if I want to. You admitted it was a coincidence at the time, but why did a marketing account report it the next day, saying that I plagiarized your work?"

Tian director narrowed his eyes: "You mean I leaked it to the marketing account to deliberately ruin your reputation?"

"Didn't you spend money to promote it?"

"It seems that you don't want to sell the script today. Come see me again when you learn how to speak." Director Tian swept the script on the table, gave the man a warning look, and got up and left without mercy.

The middle-aged man was left with his eyes widened and at a loss.

Director Tian is confident because he knows that the man has only one choice, unless the man no longer wants to sell the script. But this useless man has nothing but good writing skills. His emotional intelligence in interpersonal communication is almost zero. He has neither connections nor fame. It is undoubtedly wishful thinking to sell the script in his hand.

What's more, the man is still eager to use the money. If the man wants to extend his mother's life, he can only sell the script to him today.

Director Tian turned around and took a few steps and was already making small calculations. If he bought a script for fifteen thousand, he could sell it hundreds or a thousand times. He would earn not only money but also fame.

He took out his cell phone and pretended to make a call, and his steps gradually slowed down, just to wait for the man to call him.

As he expected, within ten seconds, the man called him.


"Brother, are you short of money?"

As soon as the man spoke, a pleasant female voice sounded.

Director Tian turned around and saw the well-armed young girl next to him speaking.

The man was so nervous before that he didn't notice that there was a girl sitting on the same sofa. He was startled when he heard this. He was not good at communicating with others, so he nodded shyly as a greeting.

Seeing Director Tian turn his head, the man apologized hurriedly and said: "I'm sorry, Director Tian, ​​I was impulsive just now and spoke uncontrollably. I hope you, the Prime Minister, can hold the boat in your heart and don't care about me." 

Director Wada's guess was right, the man was in urgent need with money, Director Tian is the fastest option for him to get money.

"I agree with the price you proposed..."

Director Tian secretly chuckled. Just as he was about to raise his lips, he heard the female voice say again.

"How much money do you need, I can lend it to you."

The man's mind went blank for at least five or six seconds. He thought he was hearing hallucinations. What was this girl talking about? They were strangers to each other, so she said she wanted to lend him money.

"Do you want to lend me money?" The man spoke nervously and incoherently.

"Aren't you raising money for your mother's medical treatment?" Yuyao glanced at Director Tian, ​​who was about to come back, and pointedly said, "Some people want to take the opportunity to maliciously lower your price. If you sell, you will lose money." It's too big."

"Little girl, please don't talk nonsense, why did I maliciously lower the price?!" Director Tian said angrily.

Of course, no one cared what he said. The man only knew that the young girl next to him was willing to lend him money to help him out.

He once again confirmed to Yuyao: "Are you really willing to lend me money?"

"How much money are you short of?" Yuyao calculated the previous income from filming and endorsements. Now she does not have the company to take a commission, and the money earned is deducted. The taxes are all her own. During these days, she only earns money without spending any money. She can be considered a little rich woman.

However, Yuyao did not pretend to be fat. She still made a patch with self-awareness: "As long as it does not exceed seven figures." "

No, it doesn't need to be so much. I collected part of it, and now it's only three hundred thousand short." "The man pinched his legs in embarrassment, and asked the young girl to borrow money, which made him blush. If he hadn't been forced to have no way out, he would never have opened his mouth.

Within Yuyao's budget, she readily agreed, "Okay, I'll lend it to you."

Director Tian became anxious, rushed over and pointed at Yuyao's nose and cursed: "Do you know what his name is? Just lend him money? You're afraid you don't know that he usually lives at home and needs his mother to help him with three meals a day. Do you think he can afford to pay you back?"

Director Tian's words touched the man's heart. At the painful spot, his face was ashen and messy, and he hurriedly explained to Yuyao: "I will pay it back. I will definitely return all the money to you."

 Yuyao asked Director Tian: "Isn't it because of you that he is so poor? If you didn't mean it If you suppress him, will he be so depressed?"

Director Tian: "I harmed him? It was obviously him who harmed himself. He was dishonest and came to my studio as an intern to steal my script outline. After I found out, you asked him what I Did you care about him? I persuaded him to change his ways and study hard in the studio, but he left in frustration and couldn't survive and even had food to eat. It was me who accepted his script. This is called suppressing him ?"

The man was afraid that Yuyao would doubt his character, so he hurriedly said: "I didn't steal the outline of the script, and I don't know why I collided with the outline he wrote. It was a story I created during the summer vacation of my freshman year of high school. I didn't know anything about it at that time. Knowing Director Tian, ​​how could you possibly copy his outline?"

Director Tian snorted disdainfully: "Since you have evidence, why didn't you show it then?"

The man's aura weakened, and he lowered his head and said, "That notebook is missing..."

"That means there is no proof. You can say whatever you want. Do you still want to say that the truth is that I plagiarized you?"

The man's pupils opened slightly and trembled slightly.

"I think what Director Tian said makes sense." Yuyao held her chin and listened for a long time before coming up with her own plan.

"Director Tian is right. You and I are not related, and I don't even know your name. There is no guarantee for impulsively lending you money." 

The reactions of the two people present were two extremes. The man was worried and flustered. Director Tian was secretly pleased.

Then Yu Yao changed the subject and said, "Then you can mortgage the script to me. According to Director Tian's promise to you, one hundred thousand for one film. If you have four films here, I will give you another hundred thousand and make up for four hundred thousand." I'll return the script to you when you have the money to pay me back, what do you think?"

Director Tian retorted first, "No!"

Yuyao ignored him and waited for the man's response.

The man's eyes lit up and he was ecstatic. He had paid 300,000 yuan here before. He was afraid that Yuyao would regret it. Unexpectedly, Yuyao readily borrowed an additional 100,000 yuan. Now his mother's treatment expenses were covered. , there is no need to skimp on nutrition costs.

He thanked Yuyao with tears of gratitude: "I will definitely repay the money, and I will give you the script."

Director Tian's abacus crackled, and in the end, the bamboo basket came to nothing, and his face was extremely ugly. He almost gritted his teeth and said: "Little girl, don't be impulsive, these things are just a pile of waste paper if you buy them back."

He then tempted the man and said: "You give her the script to a little girl who doesn't understand anything. Let your script rot in her hands, don't you want to see your script made into a film and television production?"

The man solved the most troublesome issue at present, and his mind was surprisingly flexible. He said bluntly: "What does the filming have to do with me? And I am most short of money right now. The first thing I want to do is to cure my mother's disease." 

Director Tian Biting his cheek tightly, he finally compromised with difficulty: "Considering your mother's illness, I can buy these scripts for 100,000. How about selling them to me?" 

Yuyao let out a strange sigh : "Didn't Director Tian just say that Big Brother's script couldn't be sold? You sold it to give him face and give him food. Why do I think you are rushing to buy Big Brother's script now?"

 Director Tian was blocked by Yuyao's words. He was speechless, furious, and asked: "Who are you? We are talking about cooperation and you keep interrupting. Are you from our company? Which department?" 

Before Yuyao could speak, he went to find someone. Sang Zhi is back, and with her are director Yang Feiyue and producer.

"Sister Yaoyao." Sang Zhi introduced to Yuyao when he came back, "This is Director Yang Feiyue and this is the producer Mr. Liu."

Yuyao nodded in response, then took off her mask and sunglasses, and A clean and delicate face appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as he saw Yuyao, Yang Feiyue, he looked at her from head to toe. The more he looked at her, the more he felt that he fit the image in his heart. It was not in vain for him to convince the producer to change her.

Yang Feiyue stepped forward seriously and exchanged greetings: "Miss Yuyao has kept you waiting for a long time. I am Yang Feiyue."

Just looking at Yuyao's appearance, producer Liu also nodded with satisfaction, "Director Tian is also here. You are the chief screenwriter. Come with Miss Yuyao for her audition."

At this moment, Director Tian also recognized Yuyao and knew that she was here to audition for the female lead, and the situation changed 180 degrees in his mind.

Director Tian sat calmly on the sofa and said slowly: "Don't worry, now Miss Yuyao wants to compete with me for the script. We might as well solve the immediate problem before auditioning. What do you say, Miss Yuyao?"

 Everyone listened. It turns out that Director Tian is threatening Yuyao, and if she wants an audition opportunity, she will obediently give up the script.

The middle-aged man's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He knew that the film Director Tian and Yang Feiyue collaborated on must be a big production. How many stars would offend a big screenwriter for a stranger.

He had probably predicted the outcome. He hung his head and resigned himself to waiting for Yuyao to apologize to Director Tian.

Yuyao said, "Is there any unresolved problem between us?"

"Miss Yu, don't pretend to be confused with me." Director Tian tapped the script on the coffee table with his fingertips.

Yuyao understood, "You said the script, but didn't this gentleman mortgage the script to me a long time ago?"

Director Tian said with a smile: "Is Miss Yu determined to steal my things?"

"It's because you think it's expensive and you don't want to buy it. I don't think it's expensive. How can you say that I'm robbing you?"

 Seeing that it didn't make sense to go around in circles, Director Tian directly used his trump card and said, "In this case, I don't think Miss Yu is suitable either." For the role of the female lead, the audition is waived."

"Mr. Tian, ​​what are you talking about? We all agreed to let Miss Yuyao audition." Yang Feiyue's face changed greatly. He finally invited Yuyao. How could she not be allowed to audition?

Director Tian was indifferent and continued to put pressure on Yuyao: "Whether she can audition depends on how Miss Yu does it. I believe smart people know how to choose." Mr. Liu and Director Tian had the same interests and stood on the same front, forcing Ms. Yuyao to voluntarily withdrew from the competition for the script.

Sang Zhi doesn't know the cause and effect, but she knows that people in the film and television company are bullying people now.

She rolled up her sleeves and asked, "You called me this morning to invite us to audition. We arrived and waited for almost an hour. You said you wouldn't let me audition if you didn't want us to audition. Do you think we are easy to bully?"

Yang Feiyue hurriedly stood up to ease the atmosphere: "It's nothing, just wait a moment and we'll discuss it."

Director Tian couldn't listen to anything he said. It's okay to say that he hasn't read the script. The key is that he has read and knows these scripts. How high the quality is, it is definitely enough for him to move up the ladder. If it falls into Yuyao's hands, his losses will be immeasurable.

He waved away Yang Feiyue and said stubbornly: "There is nothing to discuss. If Miss Yu wants to cooperate with us, she must show some sincerity."

Yuyao put on her sunglasses, lightly moved her red lips, and told the truth in one sentence: " You came to me to cooperate, not me begging you to cooperate."

Sang Zhi put her hands on her hips and added: "Isn't it true that you forgot to call us this morning and begged us to come?"

Yuyao instructed the middle-aged man to pack up the script on the table and leave without looking back. Yang Feiyue stayed in the capital. Can't keep it.

Watching them leave, Director Tian gave an ultimatum with a dark face: "Miss Yu, you have to think clearly. It will be difficult for you to find a better script and team if you lose this opportunity to us."

Yu Yao turned around and took the photo. The young man held a thick stack of document bags in his arms and smiled confidently: "Fortunately, I have four books here."
