Ch 6

Chapter 6

Ji Xueyin despises Bai Zhi from the bottom of her heart. She obviously hates Yuyao more than anyone else, yet she still wants to eat her food. She is really spineless.

She glanced at Yuyao, and the more she looked at her, the more unconvinced she became, and she secretly vowed to get her place back.

She pressed Yuyao: "Miss Chen San, you don't know how to make money yourself, and you spend money lavishly. If Meixin's child is born, the property you receive will be greatly reduced. Meixin's child is a threat to you. The biggest, right?"

Yuyao nodded honestly: "That's right, but haven't I always been very suspicious?"

Ji Xueyin's enthusiasm was extinguished, and she still couldn't find the words to continue questioning. She opened and closed her mouth, but finally chose to shut up.

Wen Ziqian frowned and said, "Let's not always focus on Miss Chen San, but open up our minds."

Probably because he felt that Yu Yao had unique insights and was careful enough, he asked her for her opinion again.

"Miss Chen San, do you have any opinions on the case? You can speak out boldly."

Yuyao held the Coke can in both hands and asked casually: "There is something I want to ask. Everyone has found the poison that poisoned Tang Meixin. "?"

Everyone looked at each other: "...No."

"This must be the poison accidentally left by the murderer." Yuyao put the blue-topped plastic bottle she picked up from the bottom of the sofa on the table. There was a label on the bottle that read with "KCN".

"Why didn't you take it out earlier when you found the evidence?" Bai Zhi's eyes lit up and she took the lead in grabbing the bottle.

When it was in her hand, she studied the bottle for a long time, her eyebrows knitted into knots, and she muttered in a low voice: "What the hell is written here?"

Chu Ran also frowned: "I can't understand it either, I can't write well."

At first Ji Xueyin also wanted to be the first to show off, but she wasn't as fast as Bai Zhi. But no matter how fast Bai Zhi moves, it's not embarrassing.

Ji Xueyin tucked her hair away from her ears and temples, with a slight smile on her lips, and took the plastic bottle calmly.

The bottle was in Ji Xueyin's hand for less than half a second before she said: "Cyanide and potassium are highly toxic. If they come into contact with skin wounds or inhale trace amounts of the powder, they will be poisoned and die." Wen Ziqian nodded: "It seems that the murderer used cyanide and potassium. 

The powder was applied to the mouth of the wine glass and induced Tang Meixin to drink it."

Ji Xueyin: "Cyanide and potassium are controlled drugs and ordinary people cannot get them. But as far as I know, the Chen family has a mine, and mining requires gold and other metals. I think the Chen family has a way to get cyanide and potassium."

 "That's right." Xu Guochen nodded, then coughed majestically and asked Zhao Yan, "Boss, I will leave all the minerals in your hands. Yes, you are in charge now, please explain."

Zhao Yan folded his hands on his knees and said calmly: "You can go to my study immediately to check to see if there is cyanide and potassium in the mine. Young Master."

Xu Guochen snorted: "Then let's go."

Everyone walked upstairs together in a mighty manner. When Xu Guochen stepped up the steps, someone beside him helped him on the arm. When he turned his head, he found that it was Yuyao.

"Be careful, I'll help you." Yuyao held a lollipop in her mouth and grinned, revealing two shallow dimples, bright eyes and white teeth, which was very contagious.

Xu Guochen then narrowed his eyes and said with a pleased smile: "My third girl is still considerate." Now Xu Guochen looks at Yu Yao so much that he wishes she was his own daughter.

Bai Zhi couldn't see how happy Mr. Xu and Yu Yao were. She felt happy for the sake of the picture and blurted out: "Mr. Chen, you have to keep your eyes peeled. You might be the one who killed your lovely wife and son." 

Xu Guochen lowered his eyes and looked at her coldly and arrogantly said: "Then why didn't you say that I killed my beloved wife and son?"

Bai Zhi laughed: "You? How is that possible."

When passing by Bai Zhi, Xu Guochen stopped and asked sarcastically: "How is it impossible?"

Bai Zhi stamped her foot angrily, wanting to break the floor beneath her feet to vent her anger.

Chu Ran comforted Bai Zhi and said, "It's okay. I believe we will be able to find evidence to prove that the murderer is her."

"How do you expect me to believe you," Bai Zhi pushed him away hard and cursed, "You are useless as a wimp!"

Chu Ran was forced to take a few steps back, and his injured arm hit the wall, feeling another heartbreaking pain. 

The culprit Bai Zhi never looked back, leaving only a handsome back.

Chu Ran leaned against the wall, his body shaking uncontrollably because of the pain, and his eyes cast a shadow.

He found that he couldn't stand Bai Zhi more and more, she was wild, willful, and uneducated. If it weren't for the fact that he had no background and capital, was bullied by his peers, and was not favored in the draft, he would be too lazy to serve Bai Zhi.

But after persisting for so long, he would get nothing if he gave up now. No matter what, he had to earn some benefits from Bai Zhi.

Chu Ran clenched and loosened his fists, finally regaining his composure, and then followed into Young Master Chen's suite.

There were half a person's height of documents in Young Master Chen's study, and each person checked each document. Since Young Master Chen wanted to avoid suspicion, he waited outside.

More than ten minutes later, Ji Xueyin cheered: "I found it!" 

What Ji Xueyin was looking for was a backup document. The title of the document was about the retrieval of dangerous chemicals such as cyanide and potassium, and Mr. Chen's signature was below it.

This document was like a nail in the coffin. Mr. Xu was so angry that he was shaking all over. He was so angry that he roared: "Chen Zhiwen! Get out of here!"

 It was quiet outside the house, and no one came in.

Xu Guochen shouted again.

Still no one responded.

Everyone looked at each other, and a bad thought ignited in their hearts.

problem occurs!

Sure enough, Mr. Chen's suite was empty, and Zhao Yan had already disappeared.

Wen Ziqian made a prompt decision and arranged: "Everyone separates to look for Young Master Chen. It is stormy outside and Young Master Chen will definitely not be able to leave. He must still be in the villa!" 

When everyone split up to look

for Young Master Chen, Yu Yao did not rush to leave Young Master Chen's room. , she searched every corner of Young Master Chen's room carefully, just like she searched Master Chen's room.

In the end, she did get something from Mr. Chen's safe.

Half an hour later, everyone gathered in the lobby. Yuyao arrived late. This time she came down and changed her clothes again. It was a rococo-style beige dress, which made her white skin and red lips look like a delicate little Princess.

Seeing her dazzling appearance, Bai Zhi was furious: "Do you think this is your fashion show stage?"

Yuyao pushed away the small fracture fan with her lace-gloved hand and raised her chin high: "I have so many at home. What does it have to do with you to wear clothes?"

"You are simply unreasonable. Everyone is busy looking for someone, and you are still in the mood to change clothes!"

Bai Zhi winked at Chu Ran, thinking that he would pick her up like before. If so, who would have thought that his head was tilted towards where Yuyao was and he didn't even look at Bai Zhi.

Although Bai Zhi has never cared about Chu Ran, her admirer, it doesn't mean that she doesn't mind her admirer climbing the wall, especially the possibility of climbing on Yuyao's wall, which is a great shame for her.

Yuyao asked back: "You haven't changed your clothes, have you found the person?"

Bai Zhi: "It's not the problem of not finding the person, it's your attitude!"

Xu Guochen said displeased: "Miss Assistant, please calm down. My girl is pretty so she likes to dress herself up. I didn't say anything, and please don't make any comments."

Wen Ziqian also said, "Okay, don't hold on to this little thing."

Bai Zhi was stunned. She was stunned. She couldn't understand why everyone started to speak for Yuyao, a scholar. Yuyao was born in a lowly position, but because she had a face similar to her cousin's, she caught the eyes of Brother Shen and became a prosperous person.

But she was born dirty and mean. She was not satisfied with the status quo and wanted to steal her cousin's things. She wanted to steal her cousin's career and fans in the entertainment industry, and privately she also wanted to steal her cousin's man.

How can such a despicable woman be protected by everyone? !

Bai Zhi was so angry that she uttered incoherently: "You, you, you are protecting her indiscriminately!"

Xu Guochen asked her confidently: "So what if I protect my daughter?"

"I will prove to you that you are all wrong!" After finishing her words, Bai Zhi ran upstairs angrily.

Everyone was a little tired because of Bai Zhi.

Wen Ziqian rubbed his forehead and said: "A living person as big as Mr. Chen will definitely not disappear out of thin air. There must be somewhere else that we haven't found." He unfolded a piece of paper: "This is the floor plan of the villa that I asked the housekeeper for, let's circle the rooms that we have checked and check them one by one."

Just as everyone was about to gather around, the rainy night special effects restored outside the window, strong winds, lightning and thunder.

A bolt of lightning struck down, and the entire villa instantly jumped into darkness, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

At the same time, a loud scream came from upstairs.

Everyone knows something about Bai Zhi, and knows that she likes to make a fuss, so they don't take it too seriously.

The housekeeper brought out a European-style candle holder: "Everyone, please use it first. We have to wait until the power is restored."

Bai Zhi upstairs didn't stop crying. At first, everyone didn't pay attention. Later, they heard that her voice was getting worse and worse. She was crying heartbreakingly, as if she was still calling for help.

The group of people exchanged glances and immediately raised their candles and went upstairs.

Bai Zhi collapsed at the door of the utility room in the stairwell. A black object was pressing on her, making her unable to move.

Wen Ziqian squatted down and asked, "Bai Zhi, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Zhi grabbed Wen Ziqian's arm and dug her nails into his skin. She was unconscious, and her whole body was shaking like chaff. She stuttered and said, "Yes. , there are corpses."

Wen Ziqian was startled and wanted to retreat as a reflex, but Bai Zhi's strength was too strong and he couldn't pull his hand away.

He could only patiently comfort him: "Let go first and tell us where the body is." 

"No, I won't let go. You will abandon me as soon as I let go. I have called you for so long and you haven't come up yet." Bai Zhi cried till she had snot and tears, completely ignoring the image she had been working on for many years.

"If we don't leave, please let me go and talk to you carefully." Wen Ziqian ran out of patience and directly opened Bai Zhi's fingers.

Bai Zhi lost Wen Ziqian's arm and immediately hugged his leg.

While crying, she howled in despair: "What I said is true, the corpse is lying on me."

"You mean this?" Yuyao picked up the black object on Bai Zhi's body with one hand.

Bai Zhi noticed a light movement on her body and rolled and crawled to hide behind Wen Ziqian.

With the help of the weak candlelight, everyone was able to see clearly the black object carried by Yu Yao. It was the mannequin of Young Master Chen. His head was hanging down, his face and lips were cyanotic, and his death state was exactly the same as that of Tang Meixin.

Everyone was shocked and felt chills on the backs of their necks.

However, Yuyao was still holding the model by the back of the neck, tilting her head to look at the model carefully.

Then she suddenly realized, staring straight at the shivering Bai Zhi, and said in a sinister tone: "It turns out that our eldest brother came to ask for Assistant Bai's life." 

At this time, thunder and lightning flashed outside the window, and the wind blew through the hall. The only lighting candle was extinguished.

"Ah -"

Bai Zhi rolled her eyes and fainted on the ground with a "thud".
