Ch 23

Chapter 23

The night breeze was slightly cool, blowing Yuyao's hair. She tucked her hair and did not reply immediately.

As if afraid that Yuyao would not agree, Qiao Anming quickly offered up the exchange conditions.

"My dad promised me that when I come to the show, I will realize one of my wishes. I can give this wish to you, if you are willing to teach me." After saying that, he looked at Yuyao nervously, fearing that she would reject him.

Yuyao was unmoved and said calmly: "Oh, that's not necessary."

Qiao Anming lowered his head dejectedly. When he thought there was no hope, he heard Yuyao say: "If you want to learn, I can teach you." 

"I want to." I want to learn, I want to learn very much!" Qiao Anming nodded like a child, changing his image of a flower on the mountain from the past, becoming as obedient as a Samoyed.

Before teaching, Yuyao did not forget the three chapters of the agreement: "But you have to listen to my arrangements. If you are lazy and don't listen to my instructions, then I will automatically treat you as not learning." 

"Sister Yao, don't worry, I promise to listen. Yours." His little wish was fulfilled. Qiao Anming was overjoyed. He grinned and said, "My dad doesn't make promises easily. As long as he promises to fulfill my wish, I can do anything. Sister Yao, do you really not want it?"

Yuyao: "...Uh, there's really no need."

He followed Yuyao into the house, nagging Yuyao to accept his "repayment".

"It's okay, Sister Yao, you can think about it again."

But Yuyao remained indifferent.

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

[Zai Zai is too honest, can he tell the truth on TV when he is forced to appear on a show? 2333]

[I am real and not pretentious, unlike some people who make announcements to gain popularity]

[But Yu Yao is too good-natured, rejecting Qiao Anming so many times]

[Doesn't she know who my son's father is? He is a famous director, an old senior who is famous both at home and abroad. His resources and connections are terrifying. She still doesn't like it? 】

[How could she know Teacher Qiao if she is so low? If she knew about Qiao Anming's background, she would be eager to get involved.] 

[It is very possible that Yuyao has become famous by sucking blood and gaining popularity since her debut. She knows will An Zai let him go if he knows his identity? Joke]

No matter how maliciously the audience speculates on Yuyao through the screen, it cannot reach her ears.

After washing up in the evening, Linda complained about the many mosquitoes in the room. A flower-legged mosquito landed on her calf. She was raising her hand to swat it when Yuyao suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Linda asked loudly: "What are you doing?"

Yuyao raised her eyebrows and said: "You are a vegetarian and you kill mosquitoes?"

"What does being a vegetarian have to do with killing mosquitoes!"

Yuyao said with reason: "You didn't mean to kill animals. It will destroy their biological chain. Aren't mosquitoes a link in the biological chain? You are an environmentalist, how can you favor one and treat others equally? You should treat all living things equally." 

Linda was at a loss for words and couldn't find a suitable reason for a while. To refute, I even felt that what Yuyao said made some sense.

She could only say nonchalantly: "Then should I let them suck my blood?"

Yuyao had never thought about this question. She carried two small poisons with her, and the snakes, insects, rats and ants avoided them for fear of damn it, no mosquito has ever dared to get close to her.

"Then wait for me." She thought for a moment, left a word and ran out of the room.

After two or three minutes, Yuyao came back with a tin box of essential oil. The paint on the box was peeled off and rusty. Inside, there was a lump of milky white paste the size of peanuts. It was sticky like snot and a bit disgusting.

"If you put this on your skin, no mosquitoes will dare to bite you."

"What is it? Does any manufacturer have a shelf life?" "

None of them, but the effect is guaranteed to be better than that of regular manufacturers."

Yuyao also greeted Lan Xi by the way . Lan Xi'er said, "Please come and apply some on it too."

Lan Xi'er glanced at her with a complicated expression and thanked Bu Min: "Thank you, no, I have a mosquito repellent bracelet."

Hearing this, Yuyao didn't force Lan Xi'er. She put some on the lid and left it for Linda. She took the rest and said, "These are for you. I'll send some to the men's dormitory." 

After Yuyao left, Linda threw the lid into the trash can in disgust and washed her hands before she felt sick anymore.

The people in the men's dormitory were more accepting of the things she brought. Dai Lun was very nervous. As long as she told him that it was for mosquitoes, he would happily apply it on his arms.

Qiao Anming needs to be more particular, but now he only obeys Yuyao's orders. He obeys Yuyao's words 100% and takes action without hesitation.

After applying it, he asked Yuyao if there was any left. He felt that he had not applied it evenly.

Seeing this, the barrage went crazy.

[My dear boy, you are such a fool, how dare you put all three products on your body? Have you forgotten that you have allergies? ! 】

【Qiao Anming is still too naive. He has never seen the evil in people's hearts. Look how smart Linda is next door. ! ]

[If An Zai and Dai Lun are allergic tomorrow, I must send the blade to Yuyao! ]

Amid everyone's uneasiness, the first day ended.

When they woke up the next morning, the guests were in two different states. One group was in high spirits and chopping firewood in the yard, while the other group looked dejected, scratching mosquitoes while choosing vegetables.

"Brother Dai, take a rest for a while and let me do it." Seeing Dai Lun chopping a bundle of firewood alone, Qiao Anming couldn't help but want to go up and help.

"No, I'm not tired at all!" Dai Lun replied angrily.

He was surprised that he was in a very good state of mind when he went to bed this morning. He swung the ax hundreds of times in a row without feeling tired at all. The more he sweated, the more energetic he became. 

In the past, when the national team was in its heyday, he was not as good as he is now. If he had been in his current state back then, he would definitely have won a few more gold medals.

Qiao Anming was also exhausted and began to help Dai Lun saw wood.

The two of them were so busy that it didn't take long to chop enough firewood for Granny Liang's house to burn for half a month.

Granny Liang heard the noise early in the morning. Her house had not been so lively for a long time.

She was so happy that she couldn't help but praise them for being capable, not squeamish, and that they were all good children.

Dai Lun noticed the large mosquito pockets on Linda's arms and legs, as well as Lan Xi'er next to her. She was not much better, but the number was smaller than Linda's.

Dai Lun asked curiously: "How come you were bitten like this? Didn't you put on Yuyao's anti-mosquito plaster? It's very effective."

Linda didn't want to admit that she didn't trust Yuyao, let alone use hers. There were no products, so he laughed and made an excuse: "I have allergies and don't dare to apply random things."

Qiao Anming could see Linda's true inner thoughts at a glance from Linda's expression.

He folded his hands and lazily said casually: "I also have allergies. If I wipe it on, it will be fine."

Linda's face stiffened slightly, and she smiled reluctantly and said, "I didn't know beforehand." "

Then you wipe it now It's not too late, Sister Yao said it's also effective against mosquito bites."

Linda didn't dare to say that the plaster had been thrown away to her a long time ago, so she answered vaguely and went back to the house.

After she returned to the house, the area where the poisonous mosquito bites became more and more itchy. She walked around the room, restless.

The next second, her eyes caught sight of the plaster lying in the trash can. They didn't throw away the trash last night, so the plaster wasn't contaminated yet.

On one side is the plaster in the trash can, and on the other is the itchy mosquito bag.

In the end, the mosquito bag defeated Linda's pride. She picked up a piece of clothing to cover the camera in the house, and then squatted on the ground to dig through the trash can.

But she forgot that there was more than one camera in the room, and there was another one in the diagonal corner. It honestly recorded the process of Linda digging through the trash can.

[Hahahaha WDM is so funny. Last night I ignored you, but today I'm digging through the trash can to get at you.]

 [Hahahaha, some people are even funnier. Yesterday, I was still saying that Yuyao wanted to send razor blades for taking San Wuhai to others. , and now she is losing her memory again]

[Afterwards, after seeing the show broadcast, will Linda be so ashamed and angry that she wants to retire? After all, she has always had a sense of superiority over others]

[Speaking of which, what exactly is Yuyao's plaster? I see that after Qiao Anming and Dai Lun wiped it, not only did their sleep improve, but yesterday's sunburn was also repaired]

 [I have something, I want to buy it...]

[One person wrote in blood, begging Yuyao to disclose the brand, I want to buy it! ! ! ]

Linda certainly didn't know that every move she made was exposed to the audience. She was surprised by the plaster on her hand.

She did enough mental preparation and tried to dig out a rice grain. As soon as she applied the mosquito repellent, the itching and pain disappeared immediately, leaving only a cool feeling on her skin.

This was far beyond Linda's expectations. She didn't expect the effect to be immediate, and she applied it to other parts of herself as if she had found a treasure.

At this time, the door that Linda had closed was secretly pushed open, and Lan Xier, who sneaked in, looked at Linda.

Embarrassed, Linda was just embarrassed.

When Linda was racking her brains, thinking about how to save her respect.

Lan Xi'er pointed to the plaster on her hand and discussed in an almost inaudible voice: "Can you leave some for me?" 

A deafening "hahaha" sound broke out in the live broadcast room.

The little episode that happened in the room became a secret shared by Linda and Lan Xi'er, a secret that they agreed to rot in their stomachs for the rest of their lives and then take it to the coffin.

But their secret is already known to everyone across the country.

After the meal, it was time for the guests to go to work in the fields. Grandma Liang planted sweet potatoes and potatoes on the mountain, which are their family's main ration for the year. She did not dare to be careless in harvesting.

In the past, Granny Liang was led by cows to climb the mountain to dig sweet potatoes every year. The old woman had poor eyesight and often slipped down the mountain. Last year, she broke her arm and had to lie at home for three months. In the end, the villagers in the village helped to dig the sweet potatoes. Digging potatoes.

A group of people went up the mountain with tools. Yuyao carried a small backpack and wore the national costumes of the village. This was what Granny Liang dug out from the bottom of the box and gave it to her after she heard that Yuyao didn't bring any change of clothes last night. Every stitch and thread on it, every embroidered totem, are all made by Grandma Liang's hands.

Everyone who sees the clothes will not sincerely admire Granny Liang's skillful hands, and at the same time feel sorry for Granny Liang's eyes. If Granny Liang's eyes were not broken, I wonder how many more promising clothes she could make.

Along the way, the most eye-catching one was undoubtedly Yuyao. The villagers passing by all praised Yuyao in dialect: This girl is so handsome, and her clothes look great on her.

The two girls who were traveling with her originally had beautiful appearances, but now they were like invisible people, completely losing their presence.

Grandma Liang's house is located halfway up the mountain. As far as the eye can see, three pieces of land the size of a basketball court are covered with sweet potato vines.

Lan Xi'er immediately wailed: "This must exhaust me to death..."

Not to mention Lan Xi'er, Dai Lun's face was not relieved either. He could only bite the bullet and said: "Work first."

Linda reluctantly put down her backpack. She still regrets that she should not have agreed to her agent's participation in this show, saying that it would bring her closer to China and change the people's prejudice against her Chinese identity.

Little did she know that farm work was so hard, she was exposed to the sun, hot and tired, and the sweat on her head almost washed away her sunscreen.

Linda angrily pulled out the sweet potato vines, but caught a glimpse of Yuyao standing still.

She asked dissatisfied: "Why are you still standing and not working?"

Yuyao replied: "I'm going to pick herbs."

"What herbs are you picking?"

"My mother-in-law's eyes are not completely blind, as long as she applies medicine. You'll be fine soon."

Linda teased her and said, "Are you a doctor? Do you know herbal medicine? I think you said it deliberately to be lazy."

Yuyao asked rationally: "Am I lazy? What am I? It's time to be lazy. It's you who likes to be lazy. You didn't come back until dark yesterday when picking cabbage."

 "You!" Linda was poked in the foot and her face turned red with anger.

"Then I can be lazy now?"

Qiao Anming said, "Sister Yao, go ahead and I'll help you with your work."

Yuyao carried a basket on her back and patted Qiao Anming on the head when she passed him, with a happy face. Said: "How good."

Qiao Anming smiled shyly, and Dai Lun warned Yuyao to pay attention to safety on the road.

Seeing their happy faces, Linda felt unhappy and said, "You believe her. Can the medicine be misused? What if she makes the old woman's eyes worse?" 

Qiao Anming turned into a little fan: "I believe Sister Yao!"

Linda rolled her eyes and muttered: "Idiot."
