twenty six

The gym was bustling with excitement, with Yeoljeong students buzzing around like bees from flower to flower, except in this case was to each other. Some were boasting about how they'll trash the Imoogi players the moment the timer starts, while others were worried about how they'll fare during the match. Meanwhile, I'm having a mix of emotions.

It's been two months since my injury, and I don't think less than a month's worth of training here will make up for anything. Nervous? Definitely. Afraid? Of course. Determined? Maybe. But one thing I'm sure of: I'm facing this head-on.

A bottled energy drink came into my view, snapping me out of my anxious thoughts. "Relax, it's only a friendly match," Haknyeon assured as he took a sip of his beverage. Easy for him to say, he wasn't the one who had to take a break from the sport.

"It hasn't even started and you're drinking it already?" I gestured to his half-finished bottle, while he shrugged in return. "It helps get me pumped."

Before I got a chance to answer, a commotion can be heard from the reception area. Just a second later, a group of people started piling into the gym, donning their green jackets with a snake logo on the back. Ah yes, they're here.

"Charyeot! Kyeongnet!" Coach Lee shouted as all of us got to our feet and bowed, exchanging greetings with the opposing club. "We're so glad to have you here at our training centre."

The gym roared with applause as the other club settled into a corner of the place. I examined them from the far end of the room, nervousness filling in me again. Luckily, I don't recognise any faces, but do they recognise me?

"Let's do a short briefing before we get started," Coach Lee announced as all of us gathered in front of the two coaches. After going over the rules, bouts and a constant reminder that this is a friendly match, we split back into our corners as the first few players put on their gear. Lucky for me, I won't be competing until later.

Haknyeon and I took a seat on a bench in front of the centre arena as I scanned around for Donghyuck. After our amendment that night, our training was brought to another level of smoothness in terms of productiveness. He did indeed try complimenting our progress, but it got so awkward to the point that he just went back to giving brutal remarks. Even Haknyeon found that more comfortable than his kinds words.

But there was still this barrier between us that seemed unruly to break down, and that was the only other thing that made his presence intimidating.

Haknyeon seemed to notice what I was doing as he commented, "You guys seem rather close these days. Glad to see that things are going well."

I flashed a flat smile. "At the moment. He's still keeping me on my toes." He patted my shoulder and replied, "Slowly. Friendships don't forge overnight."


"Next players, please get ready!" One of the yellow belts announced through a megaphone as the last few red belts stood up. I started trembling just by looking at them put on their guards. Another announcement was made, which was a reminder that the black belt matches were going to start soon. Which meant I was going to go up there soon.

Unknowingly, I heaved out a heavy sigh, slowly unzipping the bag that held my gear. I don't mind sparring within our club, but in front of others? I'm not prepared for that, ironically.

I felt someone scoot beside me as I started strapping on my shin guards. "Where were you? The black belt matches are starting soon," I said, thinking that the person beside me was Haknyeon, but a feminine voice made me shoot up in shock.

"Had to drop by the guesthouse for a while," Youn replied as she dropped her shoe bag on the ground, ruffling through it without looking up. I paused for a while, wondering if she suspected that I wasn't referring to her, but I realised that statement applied to both of them. "Which bout is it now?"

"The last of the red belts," I said unwillingly as she too started putting on her sparring equipment. It felt so long since we've talked, maybe because I spent more time with the two boys than her. I did ask her to join our training out of courtesy but was quite expectant of her rejection considering the members participating. She gave me a disapproving look a few times she noticed me around them too.

"So, has the self-training sessions drastically improved your skills?" She asked as if reading my mind, not even trying to hide the sarcasm. I shrugged, thinking it would be better to remain indifferent. "Well, it would be a lie to say it wasn't helping."

She eyed me bitterly, but just nodded in return. I wanted to say more, but sometimes staying vague is the best option. At that moment, another announcement was made.

"Can the black belts assemble at the warm-up area?" The same yellow belt shouted as both of us got up simultaneously. I trudged uncomfortably towards the benches near the first arena as Youn sauntered confidently in front of me. The guards around my limbs felt familiar yet awkward at the same time, with me constantly adjusting them so they could stay in place.

Another yellow belt assigned us our arenas as our opponents arrived, seating themselves across from us. I tried my best to avoid their gazes and turned to Youn, who started stretching on her own. Right, maybe that'll distract me from my nervousness.

"Shin Youn and Jo Hyemi, you're up," one of the guys announced as Youn and a black belt from Imoogi Club stood up and followed him. I don't know why I've never noticed how tall she was until she towered over her opponent by one head, but maybe because I was above the average height too.

Before they moved to their mats, Youn shot me a short smile, but it wasn't to comfort me. Rather, it was an I'm gonna do well so watch me type of smile. Sometimes I forget Donghyuck and her share similar personalities.

A nudge from the side prompted me to turn my head just as the two of them left. Speaking of the devil.

"What a nervous wreck you are," Donghyuck mocked, glancing down at me briefly. I rolled my eyes and retorted sarcastically, "Yeah, thanks for the support."

I tightened the straps around my calves until they dug into my skin as they started calling more people to their mats. I heard a sigh come from above. "What I'm saying is that there is nothing to worry about, just do what you do best."

I sneered at his sudden comfort, even though I was the one who instigated that in the first place. "Easy for you to say," I replied, keeping my eyes on the matches unfolding before me as I jiggled my legs furiously. He was silent for a while, but I guess my overflowing anxiousness was too extravagant to ignore.

"Look, if it helps," he suggested as I peered up, "Try to breathe in and out deeply to relax, that's what I do." He finally looked me in the eye with certainty in them, but I stared back with a you think I haven't tried look. That probably caused his patience to run out.

"Or you can look for me by the sidelines to stir up your determination, since that's what you've been doing all along."

I didn't get a chance to reply when my name was called, and my stomach did a full 360 inside me as I left my seat. I refused to look over my shoulder after what he said, but his words did resonate with me. It wasn't a bad suggestion.

We were allocated to the third arena, which was the furthest from the warm-up area and also closest to the door, which means closest to Imoogi Club's assembly area. I gulped as I passed the group seated on the floor, cheering on their teammate who was also my opponent.

I placed my water bottle outside the mats and did a few tucked jumps to warm up. Since this was a friendly match, matches occur concurrently with only one black belt refereeing, meaning no coach to advise us on what to do or what to avoid. I know I haven't been listening to Coach Yoon half of the time, but it was still hard to compete completely alone.

"Chung! Hong!" The referee shouted, signalling for both of us to come forward. I placed my headgear under my right arm, exchanging bows with my unknown opponent as my stomach started devouring itself. We only had two rounds, each one minute so that we could fit as many matches as possible, as Coach Lee said. I couldn't bear to waste any of it.

And there was something else bothering me. For the whole time during the testing of the equipment to getting into my fighting stance, my eyes have been stuck onto her like super glue. She seemed as nervous as me, or maybe more, so I'm guessing she's quite new to this too. But based on my experience, there was only one thing on my mind.

Never underestimate an opponent.

"Joonbi." A hand sliced between us as I fixated on the red padding in front of me, my heart pounding furiously against my chest. My first time back on the mats, there's no guarantee how I'll perform.


Both of us bounced on the spot, hesitant on testing the waters. I did a little faking with my body, before making the first move with a long turning kick towards her body. She dodged, not to my surprise, before countering with the same kick. Now without a coach around, I had to rely on my own observations.

I tried a check-kick this time, faking the first one before managing to strike her padding with the second. She stumbled back a little, but I accidentally gave her a chance to recover with the absence of a follow-up kick. Focus, Yoojin, you missed a chance there.

This time, I threw a short turning kick before closing in, attempting to score a head kick with an inward crescent. To my surprise, it worked. She looked a little flustered as the referee raised three fingers to indicate my score, trying to counter again with a check-kick. But I quickly shifted to the right and dodged it, allowing yet another opportunity to pass. At that point, I was starting to get frustrated.

To make matters worse, the timer sounded with us barely doing anything, and I trudged to my water bottle while taking off my headgear. Right, it was sort of expected. I had become timid in my moves and hesitant in my attacks, exactly how Donghyuck pointed out. Even the amount of speed and reflexes training wouldn't boost my ability back to where it was before.

Just as I took another sip of my water, a movement from the side caught my attention and I glanced towards it. The sight of that person caused another ruckus in my guts, a phrase repeating itself in my mind as he gave a slight nod back. Look for me by the sidelines.

A sudden surge of adrenaline rushed through me as my body heated up with determination. Of course, you should use him to your advantage, I reminded myself, sliding in my mouth guard as the referee called us back to the centre.

The last thing I wanted to do was lose right in front of his eyes.

The command signalled the start of the second round, and we're back to bouncing again. Except for this time, I had a rough idea of her tactics. I tested a feint at her, to which she responded pretty swiftly but with no follow-ups. Just as I suspected.

I performed another fake, this time charging in with a long turning kick, scoring two points on her padding before her blocks came in a second too late. Yes, stick to this path and don't try anything else; it's safer this way. With the same technique but with a few other kicks, I managed to gain a lead ahead of her, but this tactic won't last long.

Soon enough, I noticed she was able to read my similar attacks as she responded rather quickly against them, throwing in a few of her defences as well. This match was finally getting somewhere, but it wasn't long until the timer sounded and the referee signalled the end of the match.

"Thanks for the fight." I shook my opponent's hand as she said the same before both of us exited the arena in different directions. I looked for Donghyuck at the area he was standing, but spotted Haknyeon at his spot instead. When I approached, I noticed he was chatting with someone from our club rather discreetly.

"Hey, good job out there." He praised as he patted my back, with the girl beside him nodding in agreement. "Definitely, you totally trashed her," she grinned, but I could only grimace politely at her words.

"It was okay," I muttered, replaying the scenes that I could've done better in. Haknyeon nudged my arm, giving me an assuring smile as he said, "You tried your best."

I forced a smile back, but honestly, I was bitter inside. I finally got a first-hand experience on how much my skills have deteriorated, and how much potential I've wasted just from taking a break. Things could've been different if I hadn't, and that's something that'll be permanently engraved in my brain.

"By the way, you owe me 2 000 won." A voice beside me whispered as I peered at the two in curiosity. There was a short silence before Haknyeon sighed, "I'm not following up on this."

The girl scoffed as she folded her arms. "I don't make bets just for others to back off, besides, it's only 2 000 won." She narrowed her eyes on him, while he could only roll his. "Then you should've bet more if you knew you were gonna win," he replied sarcastically.

"Well, to be very honest, I didn't. On both her match and the bet." My nosiness was now at its max because it seemed like I was somehow involved in this.

"What bet?" I perked up as the both of them whipped around in shock, guilt written all over their faces. I didn't feel like I could count on the girl, so I turned to Haknyeon for an explanation. But he just stood there with his eyes wide.

"It's nothing," the girl stammered, putting on a big grin as if that would suddenly change the topic, which in turn grew my curiosity even more. "Really?" I asked, "It sounded like something related to my match."

Her face changed drastically as she leaned in closer, her voice almost inaudible as she asked, "How did you know?"

My face fell immediately.


okay, i realised longer chaps are inevitable from now on so hehe whoopsie
