
I took in a deep breath and straightened my uniform, before heading into the gym full of students. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I made my way to one of the benches, dumping my bag beside Donghyuck. He took a quick glance at me but kept silent.

"What's with the sudden uniform?" Another voice commented instead and I turned around. Youn scanned me from head to toe with a hint of contempt before continuing, "You finally look like you belong here."

"I should, shouldn't I?" I smirked, side-glancing the boy beside me. She raised her eyebrows at my sudden confidence, which surprised me as well. Donghyuck pushed passed the two of us and I watch him head out of the gym in a hurry. I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, now that you're in proper attire, you better live up to your status." She said, eyeing the doorway before walking away. My eyes followed her all the way to her spot where she started stretching.

For the first time, my determination was at an all-time high.

"Fall in!" Coach Lee announced as he marched to the front and faced the class, placing his hands back. I don't know if it's just me, but he looks slightly more intimidating today.

"Go for two rounds, then we'll start target training right away," he instructed and everyone immediately took off around the gym. I still lagged at the back, but gaining back my stamina was twice as hard as losing it. Still, I felt an improvement as I didn't feel as tired as before, although the other student diminished my small achievement with their steady breathing.

"Grab a partner and two targets for each pair, then line up behind there." Coach Lee pointed to the wall at the left-hand side of the gym as pairs started lining up as instructed. Youn instantly pulled me to the back of the line.

"What are we doing now?" I whispered, but she didn't even spare me a glance.

"Watch first, ask later." She nodded her head towards the front as another student demonstrated a series of kicks with Coach Lee. I tilted my head to the side. Hang on, this looks familiar.

Ten times each leg, a total of 5 sets, Coach Yoon's voice rang in my head, Don't stop until you're done. That happened every training a month before each competition to build up my speed and accuracy, which proved to be very useful once I stepped onto the mats. I could still feel the lingering ache of my thighs that remained until morning, sometimes to the point I couldn't even walk properly.

"Stop dreaming, it's our turn." Youn snapped her fingers in front of my face and I suddenly found myself standing at the front of the line, facing her with a target in each hand. The whistle blew and I lifted them up instinctively, clutching them tightly as I embraced the impact of her foot.

The unfamiliar feeling of the handles brazing my palms grew more distinct with each kick as I constantly adjusted the positioning of the targets. Besides the other training session, I have never held targets for someone else before. Not because I didn't want to, but because I was always the one being trained and not the other way round. This was definitely a new experience for me, but Youn showed no mercy either way.

"Hold them firmly," she grunted and shifted my hands into position before finishing up the last few kicks. She huffed loudly as we made out way to the back of the line again, staying silent as she watched the other pairs complete their turn perfectly. I bit my lip with guilt, looking down at the two targets that seemed to have implanted themself into my sweaty palms.

"You can't even hold a target properly? How humiliating." Donghyuck's voice sounded from a corner, but I kept my eyes on that hole in the mats, wishing I could just burrow inside it.

At that moment, a hand grabbed my wrist and straightened it firmly. I stared at it, before following their arm up to their face.

"Keep your wrist straight and never bend it upon impact," Youn guided, tilting my hand a slight angle inwards. "Hold it like this for maximum contact."

She released her grip as my hand remained in the air for a long while, getting used to the position. She sighed.

"You know what." She snatched the targets from me as we got to the front of the line again, this time my turn to kick. "I'll show you how it's done."

She tapped the targets twice, holding them in position as the whistle blew.

As my foot impacted the target, I could clearly tell the difference between the way we held. Youn's grip was firm and didn't sway one bit as I kicked, meanwhile, my wrist was always loose and bent upon impact.

We finished our turn in no time and she turned to me, cocking her head to the side. "See the difference? Make sure you hold them properly next time."

She passed the targets to me and strutted to the end of the line. For someone like her, it's hard to give her respect over all that ego, though I can't help but admire her.

Break time came and I rested on a nearby bench, feeling a presence sit beside me. Ugh, I can already feel the train of mockery chugging into the station.

"I guess your uniform was just for show too," he ridiculed, "What a disappointment."

I closed my eyes for a good three seconds, heaving in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "Aren't you tired of belittling me?"

Donghyuck laughed, and I felt his scornful gaze fix on me.

"I can't help it, knowing that this is the same person who wants to surpass me," he sneered, his remark eating my stomach heartily. Why did he have to remember that?

He stood up, towering over me as I slowly lifted my head, meeting his cold eyes.

"Use that confidence you had earlier to beat me then, instead of uselessly brandishing that dobok of yours." He looked me up and down, smirking as he walked away.

Did he just shot me with two arrows of shame?


I stomped out of the convenience store, furiously chomping on my dark chocolate ice cream despite the frostbites piercing my teeth. Even the numbing sensation couldn't drown out his words that continuously resonated in my head.

"He's so looking down on me," I grumbled, gnawing on the chocolate chips, "Just because I couldn't hold a target?"

I halted in the middle of the road, pissed at my own comment.

"You can't blame me for being constantly trained!" My voice echoed throughout the street, but I couldn't be bothered by a few stares at the moment. I narrowed my eyes at my half-eaten ice cream.

"And what makes him so confident anyway?" I shouted at it, "If it wasn't for that broken ankle, I wouldn't even be here anyway. He should be glad."

A sudden stroke of realisation hit the back of my head as I stared back at the melting solid. Right, because of that stupid mistake, I've wound myself up in this stupid club, meeting all these arrogant people. The only thing good around here was Aunt Youngshin's butter bread.

"Right, I shouldn't be complaining. It's karma in the end." I took another bite of my frosty dessert, trudging down the dark street that was only lit up by the few houses by the side. I took an extra turn for the convenience store, so I had to cross an alleyway to get back on the street where my aunt's house was.

I finished my ice cream just in time, tossing it into the bin right outside an old restaurant before the alley.

"Yah, you over there." A husky voice sounded from behind as I stopped in my tracks, turning around carefully. There wasn't anyone on the street, except for a haggard man sitting by the curb. I must be hearing things.

I decided to keep on walking, but the voice sounded again.

"Didn't you hear me?" I whipped around, this time coming face to face with that same man who was now right in front of me. I took a step back out of caution.

"May I help you?" I asked warily, putting one leg behind in case I needed to run. That man hobbled about his spot for a while before replying.

"Can you bring me home? I can't see right now," he mumbled, closing his eyes shut as he stuck his hands out at me. Okay, this does not feel right.

"Sorry, but I need to get home too." I took a quick bow and spun around, but his hand was already gripped tightly to my wrist.

"It's not far from here, I just need extra support-" He collapsed onto me, his body pressing onto my shoulder as he groaned loudly. I screamed in retaliation and tried pushing him away, but he was too heavy. My mind went into a state of panic.

"Please get off me..." I begged, but he gripped me even tighter. I struggled to get out of his arms, my breathing getting faster as anxiety took over my body. I have never felt so helpless in my life.

Just when I thought it could get any worse, I felt the man's body get jostled away, followed by a huge thud. I whipped around to see him lying on the floor, groaning in pain. He tried to stand up, but another body pinned him back down with his arm twisted to the back.

"Get off me!" He demanded and struggled, but that only caused his arm to be twisted even more. He yelled out in pain, but the other being didn't budge.

"Do you want me to call the police? Or do you want to go straight home?" Wait, his voice sounds familiar.

"F-fine, I'll go..." he stuttered and was finally released. I watch him stumble away quickly, still horrified that something like that actually happened to me.

"Are you okay?" I turned around, coming face to face with the person I least expected to be here.

Lee Donghyuck?
