chapter 19

In the last chapter:

"jungkook, you didn't visit you parents even for once since you came back from the hospital, I know they always come here but you have to go, they would be happy"
"yoongi, I told I don't want to see tae, he said he never wants to see me ever again"
After so many time of talking yoongi convinced jungkook to go visit them


Jungkook's POV:

I was on my way driving to go visit my parents
I missed them
But I didn't want to make tae uncomfortable
But yoongi is right
After all that is my house and I can go whenever I wanted to

I arrived after sometime of driving
I took a deep breath before ringing the door bell
I was nervous
The door cracked open
And I can see tae behind it
Why my luck is treating me like that
Why god why I did nothing wrong
Oh.. it has been so long since anybody talked
"hi, are my parents home?"
"yeah come in"
He said that while opening the door wider for me to come
Then he ran upstairs
I came inside, closed the door, and started calling my dad
"dad, where are you"
"oh jungkookie is here" I here MRs Kim saying
And she ran towards me and hugged me
"how have you been doing sweet heart"
"fine, I am good, i've been meaning to ask you, have you told tae our little secret?"
"oh kookie it is not little at all and you know it, and no I didn't tell him"
"oh thanks"
"yeah but he needs to know sooner or later you know that right"
"yeah, I'll tell him when the right time comes, until then I don't want him to feel like he owes me anything"
"okay sweet heart"


No one's POV:

What they didn't know is that there was someone listening to the conversation between them from the stairs, and it was taehyung


Taehyung's POV:

I was thinking about going down stairs and sit with them for a while
Honestly I missed him so much
I just wanted to see him and hear him talking and laughing for a little while and then I'll go back to my room.
When I was walking downstairs I hear them talking
And jungkook saying that he doesn't want me to feel as If I owe him anything
What is he talking about
I have to find out
I continued my way to the living room
I see his smile dropping a little bit
"how are you jungkook?"
He was shocked then he said in a small voice
"I am fine, how are you doing after the surgery?"
"I am fine thanx"

He didn't look at me at all
But our parents left us alone, I think they were gone to make something for us to eat

I caught him looking at me with sadness in his eyes
I got up, I wanted to go to my room
I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or sad

But I was stopped dead in my way when I felt a hand grabbing at my wrist
I glanced at him and saw him holding my wrist and looking at the ground

Then I heard him say
"stay a bit longer"
"why jungkook, you are not even talking with me"
"I guess you are not able to remember what you have said to me"
"me? When?"
"when you were drunk tae, you said everything and made everything clear to me" he said and his voice started to get a little higher.
"jungkook, you are getting on my last nerve"
"why tae, I didn't say anything bad or wrong, I didn't lie, if you can't remember your own words that's your problem" he started shouting
"jungkook, tell me what did I say?" I started shouting too
"you said you don't want to see my face ever again"
I was shocked, I don't remember saying this
"no I did not"
"you did so, I don't lie" his voice was so high
He continued " and that is why I moved out"

Our parents came and were shocked to see us arguing and shouting at each other
"I got to go" and with that he left

I ran after him and held his hand
He pushed me away and started moving towards his car

"jungkook, please stay and let's talk about it, I didn't mean it"
"no tae you meant it"
"Maybe i said that because you were fucking some girl in your room, you didn't even think about my feelings, that is why I went to the bar and drank too much"

"face it tae, I am not responsible for this, you were the one deciding that we should break up, why haven't you think about my feelings then, or do you think that I don't feel like you do?"

I was silent, I couldn't say anything

"that's what I thought, take good care of yourself, you'll never see me again I promise you that, and even if we met in any place you'll never have to deal with me I'll be just a stranger to you, bye tae"
And with that he was gone
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