Chapter 29

You wake up with a groan, your head pounding and your body ached, just begging you to go back to sleep. Something was holding your hand, making you open your eyes, everything blurry and there was ringing in your ears that was slowly dying down. Squinting, you looked around the bright, white room you were in, your gaze pausing on the head full of ash blonde beside you. He was holding your paw, since you never shifted back, his crimson eyes on Recovery Girl as she talked to him, his face holding a scowl, but his eyes held concern. The ringing began to go away and you could now hear a few words that were being said.

"-slow. She will be in a lot of pain for the next three days." You heard recovery girl say, turning your eyes to her. "There's a lot of damage. I did the best I could, but I could only heal the wound in her side and her broken bones without draining too much of her stamina. There is clear spinal damage, but it will go away in about a week."

You whine when you tried to lift your head, catching the attention of Bakugou and Recovery Girl. The blonde looked relieved, but worry was still dancing in his eyes, Recovery Girl also looking you over with concern. You shifted, finding that it made you feel better in a body that you could move enough without hurting yourself. You moved to try and sit up, hissing in pain, Bakugou pushing you back down gently.

"Don't move, dumb ass." He ordered in a tone that held concern and irritation. "It will only make it worse."

"W-what happened?" You questioned, laying on your back with a wince, your spine throbbing with pain.

"That stupid puppet bastard." Bakugou said, a flash of anger in his eyes. "I blew him out of the building. He went into the wall of the building opposite and was unconscious when the police came. That shit wad of a bastard isn't going to mess with you anymore."

You smile, resting your head on the pillow behind you and sighed, before your eyes snapped open, remembering that you had just shifted. A shiver went up your spine with the cool air that drafted through the room, your head tilting down to see that your clothes were ripped, torn and bloody, more like rags than clothes. You look up to see that Bakugou had found something in the corner of the room interesting, but you could see the slight spray of pink that dusted his cheeks. Recovery Girl quickly set to work on taking off the clothes and slipping you into something more comfortable, making sure the blonde was facing the other way and had even put a screen between you two.

"Your going to have to stay in here for a few days until your back is a little better." Recovery Girl said, putting the shirt over your head as you painfully sat up and fixed it. "The fight you had irritated the whip wounds on your back. They were fine until you got knocked into the walls, ceiling and floor of the building. Your lucky Bakugou stopped the man when he did, or else you wouldn't even be able to walk again, even with my quirk."

You nod, your throat dry and eyes heavy, but the pain that flared through your back was keeping you from sleep. After being dressed, the screen was taken down and you were given pain medicine and a glass of water, Bakugou turning back around and watched you with worry. After taking your medicine, Recovery Girl left the room, leaving you alone with Bakugou, who was just staring at you with a look of regret.

"I should have never taken you out to that shitty restaurant." He growled, clenching his fist as he looked into your eyes, self hate filling them with tears. "If I didn't take you out, then this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't be in pain. I should have just stayed in the dorms with you. This is my fault that your... I..."

Tears began to slide down his cheeks, and he quickly covered his eyes with his sleeve, trying to hide it from you. You winced in pain as you sat up, reaching to the crying blonde, never seeing him cry like this, surprised that he took the blame of all of this onto himself.

"It-it's not your fault." You tell him, chocking on your words from seeing your usually angry blonde being so upset. "Knowing him, he would have waited until I left the dorms, no matter what. Or would have come in by force. None of it is your fault."

You pulled his arm down so you could see his crimson eyes, tears starting to slow as he looked into your soft (e/c) eyes. He calmed down and leaned toward you, resting his head on your shoulder, trying not to put any pressure on it as he allowed the last few tears to slide down his face. You played with his surprisingly soft hair, smiling softly as he calmed down, his body leaning on the bed awkwardly.

"Why don't you just get onto the bed, Blasty?" You smirk, the blonde straitening and pulled away, a soft scowl on his face.

"Don't call me that shitty name that hair-for-brains calls me." He growled playfully, moving his body so that he could climb into the small infirmary bed, careful not to hurt you.

"Would you prefer if I called you Kacchan?" You tease, moving a little to make more room, the medicine kicking in and relieved some of the pain.

"That's even worse." He groaned, picking you up gently and laid down before resting you on his chest.

"Fine, Lord Explosion Murder." You chuckle, rolling onto your stomach, ignoring the pain if caused as you faced him.

"That's a lot better, Wolfy." He smirked as you giggle lightly, all pain and want to sleep forgotten as you stare into his crimson eyes.

"But that's to long." You groan playfully, moving so that you were now just inches from his face. "I think Blasty is better."

"Whatever you say, Puffball." Bakugou chuckled, leaning forward when you leaned down toward him.

You were trying to kiss him without hurting yourself, Bakugou shifting a but to make it easier and also began to advance toward you. It got to the point where you were just an inch from each other, your head tilting to the side on instinct, Bakugou going the other way, slowly closing the gap between you two. His warm breath fanned across your face, your eyes closing, waiting to feel his lips against yours.

"Yes." You heard someone said, making you pull back, Bakugou turning his head to the source with you.

Mina was in the doorway of the infirmary with her phone out, snapping pictures of them, Sero smiling as he watched the display. Kirishima was rubbing the back of his neck in shame as he looked at the floor, Kaminari peering in for a second before getting away from the doorway.

"Nope. Nope. Not doing that again." You heard him say, his voice getting father away.

Bakugou growled and gently rolled over, holding you to his chest gently, before setting you on the bed under him, sitting up on his knees. He was glaring at Mina with pure anger, making a move to get out of the bed, but you quickly sat up, ignoring the pain. Grabbing his collar, you pulled him to you and crashed your lips to his, his eyes wide as he looked down at you, but he soon melted into it. You were surprised by how soft his lips were, yours fitting with his perfectly, your hand sliding up his shoulder and wrapped around his neck, your eyes closed. He wrapped an arm around your waist, lessening the pain in your back, his other hand going into your hair and he deepened the kiss.

Mina had to be dragged off by Sero and Kirishima, still taking pictures and was trying to get out of their hold to get every moment of it. Eventually, it was just you and Bakugou, his lips over yours and you couldn't help but imagine them kissing and covering every inch of your body, your heart thumping hard in your chest. Soon you had to break the kiss, the need for air too great, both of you panting heavily as you lean on his chest.

"Happy you got that shitty kiss." You smile, still trying to catch your breath, the blonde's face heating up a little.

"Shut up." He said, before pulling you into another, long and passionate kiss.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.
