Chapter 26

"Hey! Give it back!" You call out trying to grab your book back from Bakugou.

"Not until you tell me where you put my shirts." He teased, dangling the book over your head and out of your reach. "Sure you look cute in them, but I still want them back."

"Never going to happen." You smirk, your cheeks a little pink.

You had accepted his offer to start dating yesterday, and already, you were closer than ever before. Bakugou no longer had any shame about admitting his feelings around you, and it was a weight off his chest. He was already smiling a lot more, even though it was only the day before when you started.

"Come on Wolfy, I want my clothes back." He sighed, getting bored as he got the book away from you when you had jumped for it.

You continued to try and get your book, Bakugou chuckling in amusement as he only brought it higher or moved it at the last second. Smiling, you tackled him, catching him off guard and he fell on his bed room floor, still holding the book up, his head landing on the blanket that was dripping off the bed. Sitting on his chest, you quickly grabbed your book, Bakugou wrapping his free arm around your waist.

His arm pinning you to his chest and your hand gripping onto your book to get it back, not noticing how close you were. Tugging to get the book out of his hold, you glanced at him to see that he was smiling, his eyes clouded over like he had just lost himself in a daydream. You turned your head toward his, confused why he was looking at you like that, his crimson eyes staring into yours.

Slowly, he lowered his arm down that held the book, bringing you down with it, your eyes never leaving each others. Now only a few inches separated the two of you, his warm breath fanning across your cheeks and you heart was pounding. Letting go of the book, he brought his hand up and caressed the back of your head, bringing you closer to him. He lifted his head up slowly, his lips brushing yours, his eyes never leaving yours, your heart pausing.

The door suddenly was slammed open, making you sit up a little, turning your head to the door, Bakugou doing the same. There stood Kaminari, smiling wide until he noticed the way you and Bakugou were, panic flashing across his face. Backing away from the door, he lifted his hands up, his golden eyes turning to the wall, finding it very interesting.

"S-sorry that I interrupted. I-I was n-never here." He stuttered, Bakugou growling and sat up, making you slid into his lap. "J-just go back to what you were doing."

"Dunce face." Bakugou said in a low tone that promised death, his eyes hidden by his hair, even from where you were.

Kaminari backed away, watching Bakugou closely, worry in his eyes as he waited for him to say more or do something. The explosive blonde grabbed your waist gently and lifted you off his lap, standing up and walked to Kaminari. The door closed behind him, and next thing you heard was a loud yell, screaming and explosions. Your face was still hot from being so close to actually kissing him, your hand hovering over your lips, wondering if it was ever going to happen without and interruption.

Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you grabbed your book that laid on the floor and carried it with you as you went into the hall. You could hear the yelling still, but it was faint, making you smile a little, thinking about the hotheaded blonde. Getting into the elevator, you went down to the ground floor, the yelling now louder when the door opened, before the yelling ended. Turning the corner, you found Bakugou coming toward you with a deep scowl on his face, your head tilting a little to see past him.

Kaminari apparently had short-circuited again, his face holding a derppy expression, both his thumbs up and going back and forth. He was giggling and was staring at a wall, a small chuckle escaping you before you look back at the blonde. Bakugou stood in front of you, his hands stuffed in his pockets, trying to think of what to say, his crimson eyes on the floor. He was sulking, and it was kind of cute. You quickly kissed him on the cheek, smiling to yourself, before walking to the couch in the common area.

Looking over your shoulder, you saw that Bakugou was following and had his hand over the place where you had kissed him. You got onto a couch and began to read, but it wasn't long before the blonde sat beside you, his hand covering the book and made you lower it. Looking at him, annoyed, you saw that his face was a little red as he looked at you, only to look away.

"I'm going to take you out to dinner." He told, not looking at you as you tilt your head, confused. "Might as well go on a date if we're dating."

"When? Where is it?" You ask, getting excited, since this was going to be your first date ever.

"It's tonight, and it's this restaurant I found that you probably might like." Bakugou explained, looking back into your (e/c) eyes, smiling slightly after you accepted. "It will probably be pretty shitty, but it would be better than eating here with these damn nerds."

He tilted his head toward Kaminari, and you turned your head to see that Jiro was covering her mouth, trying to keep from laughing. Mina was mimicking what Kaminari was doing, Sero watching with a smile beside them. Shaking your head, you look back at Bakugou, where he suddenly grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to him, a smirk on his face. Quickly, before anyone saw, he kissed your cheek before standing up and walking away.

"Might want to start getting ready." He called out to you, walking back to his dorm. "Wear something nice."

You got really close that time.

Thank you guys for reading my story, you guys are really awesome. I can't believe that so many of you like my story.

P.S. Please check out my other story, Monsters in the Night, I need some request for it. I have ideas, just can't think which monsters I should use.
