
Frankies POV
I was walking through the park with Louie pretending to be on a phone call
F: wait remember delanie
L: that girl was a bitch
F: she's so crazy but you know me being awesome protected you
L: I can do it myself
F: uh huh
L: hey
F: I love you
L: hmm
F: Louie come on
L: fine I love you to
F: to the moon and back
L&F: always and forever
Someone placed their hands over my eyes
F: uhh-
?: guess who
I immediately recognized his voice and stepped away I faced him it was my ex boyfriend Owen
F: Owen what the fuck
O: hey babe
F: we broke up
O; why
F: cause you were a fucking creep you stalked me and your room was filled with naked pictures of me which I don't even know how you got
L: damn I didn't know this
O: I want you back
F: I'm..dating someone sorry Owen
O: is it that Louie kid
F: one how do you know him and two NO
O: heard your phone call
F: heard or eavesdropped
O: same thing
F: leave me alone
I tried to walk away but he held me back this made Louie mad he pushed him away using his ghost powers and I ran home when I got there louie had already told them
M: honey you ok
F: no he's back
T: I remember finding out he was a pervert
F: it.was.awful he was so creepy and he tried locking me in his house so I wouldn't leave
M: it was creepy
R: I can't wait to haunt him
F: I just said I had a boyfriend that should keep him away
I was in my room when someone placed their hand over my mouth I was with Louie but the person couldn't see him I was freaking out
?: baby it's ok
I rolled my eyes and tried kicking to get him to let go but it didn't work he's gonna rape me I'm only seventeen oh god
O: who's your boyfriend
F: (screams against hand)
L: well this is fun DAD
Ray and miles came in they all smirked
F: (against hand) shit
They beat the crap out of him using their ghost powers we dragged him out he had bruises head to toe
F: well that bastard is gone
We all laughed and went to bed
I woke up tied up I was in the corner of the room I had ducktape over my mouth Owen came in
O: hey
F: (talks against tape)
He ripps it off me I whimper
O: baby I'm sorry did I hurt you
F: Owen-
O: what happened to calling me babe
F: that was when we were dating
O: we never broke up
F: I got a restraining order against you Owen take the hint
O: never
He kissed me my eyes widen I couldn't move I didn't kiss back obviously I tried struggling but he held my arms down as he kissed me I almost cried then I realized crying was for wimps so instead I bit his lip he pulled away mad I smirked
F: oops
O: you-
F: bitch
O: why you little-
F: leave me alone
O: I want you back
F: burn in hell dipshit
O: shouldn't talk to your boyfriend like that
F: shut up
He left he came back with food but I refused to eat
O: aren't you-
he got mad as I said his name
I didn't listen
He put duck tape over my mouth i kept screaming Louie against it
He slapped me I felt my cheek getting red tears formed in my eyes he squeezed my cheeks TIGHT
O: don't make me mad
F: (says against tape) I want louie
O: what was that I didn't hear you
He took it off slowly
F: I want louie
O: babygirl why
F: only Louie can call me that
O: why
F: he's my best friend
O: and I'm your boyfriend
F: no your not
O: yeah I am
He kicked me in the stomach and left
Taylor's POV
Frankies still missing and Owens no where to be seen we all know it's him his parents were on the news we haven't found her
L: I miss that brat
R: me to
Mi: I fucking hate Owen so much
T: (gasps) miles you're said a bad word
His eyes widen we all have said a bad word BUT him
Mi: wow I really hate him
L: my big bro is finally being bad
We all sighed sadly where could she be
Owens POV
She refuses to eat and I'm getting mad I abuse her todays the day I'm gonna rape her I went in she was asleep
O: hey babe
She slowly opens her eyes hearing my voice I bent down and stroked her hair she was glaring at me I kissed her softly I bit her lip as I pulled away she didn't kiss back as usual
O; you know your gonna have to kiss back
F: never
I hit her she winced in pain
O: baby I'm sorry
F: then stop
O: no can do
I tried to give her water she refused I was fed up with this I opened her mouth and forced water down her throat I held her tight and forced her to swallow it
F: (coughs)
O: baby if you don't eat your gonna die
F: I don't trust what you give me
I smirked she flinched I grabbed her hair and pulled it really hard
O: eat the damn food
F: no
I started grabbing her wrist so tight she started bleeding
O: eat
I twisted it she nodded her head I fed her she slowly ate
O: you know I can't wait till our wedding day
She just sighed and motioned to give her more food
F: I'm full
O: you haven't eaten in a week and your plate is not even half done
She looked down I lifted her head up with my fingers
O: baby
She burst out crying
F: I've been starving myself
O: how long
F: t-two weeks
O: eat
F: but-
O: Frankie eat the damn food
She nodded her head sadly and I continued to feed her I sometimes had to force her
O: guess what today is
F: you finally kill me so I don't have to look at you anymore
O: no silly I'm finally gonna take your virginity
I smirked her eyes widen
I covered her mouth I HATE it when she says his name he's clearly important to her and I should be more important
O: baby shut the fuck up
She tried struggling but no luck
O: this should be fun
F: Owen please don't do this
O: and your to weak to fight back cause you haven't eaten
She struggled more I untied her and pinned her against the wall she winced in pain as I hit her head against the wall
F: owen stop
O: baby why
She held her head back in pain as I was squeezing her waist she looked behind me and sighed in relief
F: oh thank the fucking gods
O: what
I was being pulled off her but no one was there and everything else was a blur
