Why bother

Tomikas POV
We were walking around when I see the literal hottest guy I know he has a girlfriend so why bother
S: woah that guy is cute
T: but we both know he's taken plus he looks older
We walked to a movie theater
We looked at each other some people were watching
T: my movie
S: mine I want to see a picnic
T: and I wanna see people get brutally murdered
We fought i grabbed the popcorn and started walking to the theater she grabbed it to we fought over it and lost control it landed on the guy from before everyone laughed they were watching us fight
T: oh shit
S: sorry she was trying to kill me
T: I just want to see a scary movie
S: and I want the fuzzy bears picnic adventure
?: aren't you like fourteen
S: yes
I face palmed myself
T: summer do you not hear it
?: summer really suits her
S: fuck it I'm watching it
She took a handful of popcorn off his head and walked in every one laughed
T: sorry about her
I walked into the movie embarrassed and sat down he came in he didn't see me
T: hi
?: fuck your here
T: good reaction
?: I mean-
T: shut it,your lucky your cute
?: I'm cute?
He said smirking
T: and taken
?: I'm single
T: how old are you
?: fifteen
T: fourteen and single as well
?: names chote
T: tomika your hot but not my type
C: do you even know me
T: no
C: Think of a word if we can say the same word at the same time you have to go out with me
T: deal
I thought of it
C: 3
T: 2
C: 1
T&C: death trap 3 should be a thing
We laughed
T: I made it more than one word to fool you
C: and yet I got it
He wrapped his arm around me I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on him we talked we have a lot in common the movie came on we stopped talking it was a really good
T: (screams)
I hid in his chest
C: and an angel sings
I took it out and grabbed his arm scared he chuckled I gripped onto it every time a really scary part came on he teased me and fed me popcorn
T: (whispers) shut up it's scary
He fed me some popcorn I smiled


We walked out laughing I was holding his arm we left
C: you made a mistake I can be a stalker or someone who's gonna sell you
T: and I can be a spy undercover ready to apprehend you
C: moments like this make me realize my real life sucks
We laughed
C: it was fun to see you scared
T: shut up
C: make me
T: I can't your mouths to big
He scoffed I smirked and we went to a restaurant it was fun and I got a second date
Chotes POV
She's really nice i can't wait till the second date I went to my house my friend freddy was there
F: sup
C: hey
F: where were you
C: date
F: who
C: her names tomika
F: tomika Reese?
C: she's not in our school fourteen
F: bro she's a year younger than you
C: this is her friend

His jaw dropped he stared at her with lust I looked up tomika young and this came up

I smiled and showed him I sat down and he asked about summer
F: can you get me a date
C: I'll try
We were hanging out summer came up to us
S: I want to apologize for yesterday I didn't think I'd see you again
C: I know how you can make it up to me
S: (whining) work?
C: my friend wants a date with you
S: meh
I showed her a picture her eyes widen
S: are you sure this is the right picture
I checked
C: yeah it's freddy
S: he wants a date with me?
C: showed him a picture of you yesterday his jaw dropped
C: ok I'll tell him later
C: ok ok
I texted him he thanked me she smiled and left
T: I'm sorry I have no words for her
C: psycho bitch?
T: yes
We laughed and walked along the shore of the beach
Nobody's POV
The sun was setting they walked along the shore the water sometimes hitting their foots there was no one there they were talking and laughing holding hands the whole time he turned her and kissed her she kissed back and they made out they pulled away and smiled they continued walking into the sunset
