The ugly one part 2

Tomikas POV
I was with Freddy we were walking down the hall when we heard zack and summer so us being the nosy ass people we are listened
S: ok here's the plan you act all sweet to tomika and I'll act sorry we'll get someone to kiss Freddy, you'll be Tomikas shoulder to cry on and I'll help Freddy, in no time flat I'll be his girlfriend and you'll be in her pants
Z: this plan is amazing
I was shocked I then got an idea I told freddy and we couldn't stop smirking
Summers POV
I hate tomika so much but for the sake of this plan I'll pretend
Z: hey guys
T: (coldly) hello Zachary
Z: look I'm sorry and Freddy I miss us being friends
T: I forgive you
F: and I missed you too
S: and I'm sorry tomika for picking on you and if you didn't know Freddy there's this really cute guy in my geometry class that I've been crushing on so I'm over you
T&F: we forgive you guys
We walked away smiling we high-fived each other oh they're in for a treat
Tomikas POV
I walked out of the school to see Freddy kissing jada as planned
F: Tomika?
T: (starts fake crying) how could you
F: to-
I ran away crying they were fake duh I was at my house and In 3 2 1
Z: Tomika
T: (sniffles) hi
Z: I saw what happened, you ok
T: no how could he
Z: he's a jerk
It took everything in me not to scream he wasn't
T: yeah he is
Z: here
He wraps his arm around me I snuggle into his chest
Z: you'll be fine
T: thanks
I kissed him I wanted to puke but the plan couldn't be jeapordized if you didn't know were gonna dump them in front of the whole school they'll be embarrassed and heartbroken
Freddys POV
Summer was helping me I kissed her and we made out oh how I wished it was mika
I was with summer, Zamika were making out at her locker It was so hard not to punch him in the face
S: something wrong Fredbear
F: nothing babe
The girls and other guys are in on it too just as planned Hudson passed out treddy pictures zack and summer were getting mad and I announced
Everyone looked at me
F: summer I have to say it I'm leaving you for tomika
Everyone gasped
Z: dude she's mine
T: not anymore
Z: Freddy cheated on you and your taking him back
T: we knew about your plan the whole time
They started getting worried
T: yeah I know you got jada to kiss him and all it took was a few tears and for me not to puke around you to fool you
Everyone oohed and she went up to and kissed me right in front of everybody
S: WHY WONT YOU LOVE US I'm pretty smart I'm-
T: bitch shut the fuck up
She and zack stomped away everyone cheered and me and her kissed again everyone awes and we all headed to class I love my life right now
