(a/n I wrote this at one am since we have to leave before fuckin six am.)

It's Fluff and the ship is Dreamnoblade there is no description since I am to lazy to re write all that and this is part 2 of when Technoblade finds out about Ranboo aka Dream's adopted child. (Different au)

~Third Pov~
After a bit Dream checked the time and realized how late it was "Ok Ranboo time for bed now." Dream said while getting up.

"Aw but I wanna watch still..." Ranboo replied "Ranboo listen to your mom?" Techno said confused on what to call Dream.

"Fine dwad." Ranboo said mad, he got up and started to walk towards Dream.

"Up! Up!" Ranboo said while raising his hands up and waving them around.

Dream laughed at his actions but then picked him, Techno was just processing what Ranboo called him as Dream didn't notice for some reason.

Voice 1- What did he call him?
Voice 3- Dad im pretty sure
Voice 2- Awww
Voice 1- I don't like this
Voice 4- You don't like anything besides blood and violence.
Voice 2- They ain't lying tho-
Voice 1- Fuck you all
Voice 3- Shhh I wanna hear the twos conversation.

(Sorry if they don't act like how they did in part 1.)

~Dream's Pov~
"So you just put him to bed while I go look for something ok?" I said handing Ranboo to Techno.

"Uhhh and why can't you do this?" He asked me "Because your his new dad I guess or whatever so you'll have to learn how to take care of him!" I replied "I would punch you or slap you if it wasn't for this oreo thingy." "He has a name and it's Ranboo." "Whatever just do what you gotta do." Techno said before I walked out closing the door behind me.

~Technoblade's Pov~
As Dream walked out I just stared at the child not knowing what to do with him.

"Uhhh how about you go to bed while I just sit right beside you?" I said.

"Nwo read bed time stowry!" He said, I looked at him "You want me to read a bed time story?" I questioned, he just nodded.

So I put him in the little bed since for some reason Dream didn't just make him a crib.

"Ok what story weird child?" I asked, he pointed a certain direction.

I looked over and saw a certain book laying on the ground "Oh that one." I said looking back at the child who just nodded in response.

I sighed and got up heading towards the book, when I reached it I picked it up and walked back over.

I sat right back down to where I was right before and then looked at the cover "Oh you picked a fairy tale one." I said.

"Ya! I wike them awot!" He responded, I then started to read the book.

{After a bit}

~Technoblade's Pov~
I stopped reading the book when I started to hear tiny snores.

I closed the book and saw a sleeping oreo thing that I guess im supposed to call Ranboo?

I pushed that aside and then put the book down on the floor.

I got up and tucked Ranboo in, I smiled now that I was finished with this stuff until I heard the door open.

"Oh I see he is asleep now!" Dream said behind me, I turned around to face him "Yes he is now im heading to bed." I said while getting up.

"Ya go ahead also there are clothes in the closet well just get you new ones another time." He said, I just nodded and continued to walk and open ever single door since I hadn't asked him where it was.

~Third Pov~
Once Techno found his room he went to the closet and got changed and then went straight to bed.

Dream also went to bed and it was a peaceful night.

(A/n since this is gonna take forever I will be making a book for this when I get back but anyway bye and see y'all in two days!)

Word count : 697
