Type : Fluff (next will be part 2 maybe)
Ship : Dreamnoblade/Technodream/Technowastaken/Dream x Techno
Chapter name : The King's personal assistant
Summary : Techno gets a new personal assistant and falls in love with him.
Top : Techno
Bottom : Dream
~Techno's Pov~
"Sir your assistant has arrived" One of my knight's said.

I saw a boy walked in he had messy dirty blonde hair and he was wearing a mask witch was preventing me from seeing his face but I decided to let it be.

"Hello your majesty" He said bowing and them looking at me, I looked at me and said "Name now" he wasn't shaken but I couldn't see his eyes to tell if he was scared "The names Clay but prefer to be called Dream" he said "ok then you may leave with May so she can show you around and help you find your room after you must come back to me." He nodded and walked his way to May.

{After that}

I heard footsteps coming towards me, I turned around and saw Dream standing there "Hello again dear sir" He said looking at me "Hello im going to train so I hope you know how to fight." I said walking to the training please outside "Of course I know how to fight that's one of the reasons I got hired but am I allowed to hurt you if able?" He said following me.

When we got there he was just sitting there watching me train, I looked at him and said "can you get me some water" He got up and nodded while heading inside.

I decided to follow him just incase since my last assistance tryed to poison me.

He entered the kitchen and just got me a glass of water but then he put the glass down and said "I know your there reveal yourself" And then he took of his mask and looked my direction.

I walked out of my hiding spot and saw his face he had beautiful green emerald eyes and freckles spread across his face, he looked adorable I started blushing abit.

"Oh your majesty sorry didn't know it was you!" He said while putting his mask back on " ya whatever let's just head to my room and get to know eachother I guess..." I said while walking away.

After we got there he put the glass of water down and sat down beside me "So sir what do you wanna know about me, you can ask me and then I'll ask you if that works?" He said looking at me.

I felt me blush again "uh ya that works, uh what's your favorite colour?" I asked him "ohh I really like green and red there my favorite colours!" He said smiling I started blushing alot and looked away "cool I guess, do you have any pets?" I asked so maybe I could bring it to him" he seemed happy when I turned around facing him again "I have a cat there name is patches there adorable" he said quite happy.

I smiled abit and said "that's nice I have a dog his name his floof but he is with my younger brother in his room" I said looking at him directly in the eyes "oh you also have a little brother what's his name?" He said "Tommy" was all I responded with "that a nice name my little brothers name is Tubbo and my sister's is Drista" He said "So um it's quite late and uh I don't want you to walk all the way to your room so uhhh you can sleep with me" I said really embarrassed but worried about him getting hurt if he walked all the way to his room alone at night.

He smiled and said "Sure I guess, I'll sleep on the floor!" I looked at him and responded with "nono it's fine we can sleep in the same bed, if that fine with you?" He seemed very shocked and said "I mean sure you've also already seen my face and it would probably be uncomfortable for you to see a creepyish smile next to you" He said while taking his mask off and putting it on my nightstand.

"Before we go to bed you should drink your water here" He said handing me the cup, I took the cup from his hands and said thanks.

Then I drank the water and gave it back to him so he could put it back on the nightstand witch he did then he said we should also change and we did I changed in my room and he changed and the washroom but when he walked out I gotta say he was so cute wearing one of my hoodies witch were abit to big for him and he was also wearing some shorts.

After we got changed we laid down and bed.

~Third Pov~
They laid down in bed and feel asleep abit after wards with Techno hugging dream tightly and dreams back now touching Techno's chest, they looked very peaceful and cute together.

(A/n little do they know the next morning is gonna be a surprise lol also guys I know my spelling is bad and please don't judge how I spell certain words or where I put "!?."* or really anything like that because I'm trying and sometimes I rush alot due to me stressing and being dumb thinking I would not mess up. Also sorry for not updating alot even though I think I updated like a day or two ago I still am gonna apologies for that now good bye and have a great day,night or evening!)

Word count : 949
