17 (kinda mama dré)

Type : Fluff
Chapter name : Spending time with there future son!
Ship : Dream heram
Summary : Ranboo is Dream's adopted son and Dream wants his lovers to spend time with there future son.
(Mama dream and dream heram mixed together)
Requested by : Someone I couldn't find the comment
~Dream's Pov~
I was gonna show my lovers to my house to show them my son Ranboo "Don't worry he is super nice!" I said "Ya im sure he is." Sapnap said before annoying George again.

When we got there I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door to see a tiny cute little half Enderman standing right infront of the door.

"Hi mama!" He said I smiled and picked him up walking inside while the others follow behind me.

When I got to the couch I put Ranboo down slowly so I don't hurt him and then turned around to look at my boyfriends "Ok guys this is Ranboo my adopted son!" I said then looked at Techno "And no killing him since he is not a orphan anymore alright." I said after Techno looked sad but nodded then I looked at Ranboo.

"Ok Ranboo while I go out they are going to watch you so be nice ok?" I said, he responded by nodding then I looked at the others "Listen if he starts speaking a different language its most likely to be enderman and that means he is angry so when he does go to his bedroom and grab this tiny plushies on his bed ok?" I said looking at George, Illumina and Techno since they were the most responsible out of them all.

They nodded then I looked just at Techno "Tech please make sure they don't burn the house down since you are the only one who knows how to cook besides me." I said and he nodded.

"Ok then also before I go no one swear infront of him got it of else." I said then walking out closing the door behind me.

~Techno's Pov~
"So uhh we should introduce our selves I guess?" Fundy said.

We all looked at eachother and nodded "I'll go first then I guess." Illumina said he looked at the kid and said "Uh hi I am Illumina." the kid nodded and looked at Fundy "Are you the furry mama talks about?" He said causing the rest of us to laugh and Fundy starting going red "I AM NOT A FURRY STOP!!" Fundy yelled.

{After they all got over that and introduced them selves}

"So how old is he again?" I asked looking at the others who just shrugged except for George "I am pretty sure Dream said he was six or seven can't remember." He said we all nodded and looked at the child infront of us.

"I'm seven!" He responded with "So what exactly do we do now?" Sapnap asked confused "Can we pway hide n seek?" The child asked "I mean I guess ill count." Wilbur said then putting his hands over his eyes beginning to count.

~Third Pov~
Everyone hid while Ranboo just teleported someone random in the house now just sitting there alone.

After abit Wilbur found everyone except for Ranboo and Techno, Ranboo decided to teleport again and ended up teleporting right where Techno was which was outside on the roof.

"Oh hallo!" Techno said surprised to see Ranboo there "Hello!" Ranboo said sitting comfortably on the roof.

After abit Wilbur decided to cheat and told Fundy to sniff them out while Fundy was saying no since he didn't like to cheat while playing games but ended up doing it anyways.

They ended up outside now looking around untill Illumina had an idea and climbed to the roof to get a better view of the backyard but ended up finding the two.

"Hey guys I found them!" Illumina yelled on the roof catching the others attention.

"Good job but make sure Ranboo gets down safely or were all dead!" Sapnap yelled causing Techno to yell "Hah jokes on you guys Technoblade never dies!!"

After they safely got Ranboo down from the roof they all went inside to watch some tv while Techno made dinner and Wilbur tryed to help.

"Wilbur you have to wait for it to preheat god dammit." Techno said face palming "It takes to fuc-" Wilbur began untill Techno covers his mouth "Watch what your saying." Wilbur laughed nervously "right-" after that they continued to wait for the oven while the others were watching a movie.

When they finished cooking Techno and Wilbur called them to the table.

~Ranboo's Pov~
I heard the Techno and Wilbur call us so I walked over with the rest and sat on my chair on my knees so I could see.

"Ok wait Techno why is there bacon on the table?" I heard the furry say Techno immediately looked at Wilby looking mad.

Wilby started to laugh while I sat there confused "Uh what's wrong with the bacon?" I asked the others looked at me "You see bacon is from Pigs and Techno is uh ya." I heard George say.

I nodded still abit confused but continued to eat whatever was on the table.

~Third Pov~
After they finished eating they sat down on the couch to finish there movie while George was putting a banded on Wilbur's cheek since Techno threw a knife at him and Illumina had to cover Ranboo's eyes to make sure no one dies.

When the movie finished George, Ranboo and Fundy all feel asleep so the rest that were awake decided to head to bed as well except for Techno who decided to wait for Dream to get home and so he could watch out for anything.

The others all were now sleeping on the couch with blankets over them while Techno was just scrolling through Twitter on his phone.

Techno heard the door open and saw dream walking in looking tired.

"Hey babe." Techno said causing Dream to look at him "Oh hey I see the others are sleeping huh?" Dream said.

Techno just nodded and walked over to Dream helping him take his jacket off "You should get some rest I'll watch over the others." Techno said Dream nodded and headed to his room while Techno sat down on the floor next to the couch falling asleep abit afterwards.

(A/n another kinda long chapter also thank you for the suggestion and also im not very busy lately so most chapters might be long but oh well you guys probably like long chapters not sure though. Anyways bye have a great day, night, morning, evening/afternoon.)

Word count : 1107
