Type : Fluff
Chapter name : The none ruined wedding
Ship : Dundy/Fundywastaken/Fundream/Fundy x Dream
Summary : What if George didn't ruin Fundy and Dream's wedding?
Top : Fundy
Bottom : Dream
~Third Pov~
"Does anyone object?" Wilbur said looking at the audience, George really wanted to but didn't since he knew it would ruin his friendship and he wanted Dream to be happy so he held back his temptation to object and sat still.

"Ok then you may now kiss the bride." Wilbur said looking at Fundy.(Look I don't know how a wedding works so let's just say they do the yes thing first and then the objection and then the kissing shit ya ok great.)

Fundy and Dream did a short kiss not wanting to disturb the audience and since they were quite embarrassed.

After they kissed everyone clapped while Tubbo was helping Tommy from vomiting all over the place.

After the wedding Fundy decided to think what to do for there honeymoon and stayed up all night long just listing things down and slowly thinking trough it and then crossing out the ones he thought just wouldn't work.

While Dream was just sleeping peacefully in there shared bedroom.

In the morning Fundy ended up only sleeping for an hour or so, he checked his list and saw he d three choices left so he wrote them down on a separate piece of paper and decided to ask George and Sapnap since they were his closest friends.

But before he left he wrote a note telling his "wife" that he was gonna be gone for abit and just placed it down on the drawer close to the bed and then left to find the rest of the Dream team.

(Listen I don't know how any of this works so don't judge me.)

~Fundy's Pov~
I was walking around untill I saw George and Sapnap talking with bbh so I ran up to them.

"Hey guys I have a question." I said while stopping right beside Sapnap "Sure what is it Fundy?" Bad said "While I was wondering which of these three choices would be best for a honeymoon with Dream?" I asked showing them the three choices.

"Ohhh I really like this idea except does dream even know how to swim?" I heard Sapnap say (Ya dream can't swim in this Au) "Well then that would be perfect Fundy could help Dream learn how to swim while having fun with eachother right?" Bad said looking at George and Sapnap.

I looked at Sapnap who nodded and then looked at George who seemed to have mumbled something "Uh George did you say something?" I questioned catching George's attention "What no uh sorry but ya that would be perfect Bad!" George said.

"Ok then welp Fundy I guess you know what our choice is and plus the beach is a relaxing place just be careful and also whatever you do make sure to keep an eye on Dream he can be a trouble maker when left alone." Bad said.

I nodded "While thanks for the help now Imma head back to Dream see you guys soon!" I said while running.

~Third Pov~
When Fundy arrived at the house he saw Dream just sitting there sitting on the couch watching tv.

It looked like he just finished breakfast "Hey babe sorry I had something to do." Fundy said while sitting beside Dream "It's fine as long as you leave a note." Dream replied while laying his head on Fundy's lap.

The rest of the day the two just cuddled eachother while watching a movie and random YouTube videos they saw on there recommended.

(Also yes into his Au it's like there are somethings in real life that are in Minecraft also if you didn't know ya most of my chapters in this book are the same Au where there are irl things in Minecraft and stuff like this.)

The next day Fundy woke up first since his alarm but today he had to plan when he should do the honeymoon which took him like three to five and a half hours.

After time past by he decided to do it in two days.

(A/n Ya that's the end of this Chapter why because I lost motivation and I don't know what to do so you can decide also maybe when I have motivation for this I'll continue it but for now Imma just leave it like this so uh ya.Oh ya fun fact technically the two are still kinda married since George objected to late.)

Word count : 766
