Chapter 63

Andrea walked out of her dorm building at the time that BJ said to meet him. She was nervous and she didn't know whether or not he was with the guys that were trying to get her and against them. She wanted to call her dad but at the same time she hadn't talked to him since she yelled at him.

BJ was outside as planned and she got into the car.

"I don't about this BJ", said Andrea.

"Everything will be fine... well hopefully everything will be fine", BJ said.

"See now you have me even more stressed out", Andrea said.

BJ started driving. He took a gun from the arm rest and placed it in the cubby under the radio.

"Do you even know how to shoot that thing?", Andrea asked.

"I guess it's always a first time for everything. But he said I probably wouldn't need to use it", Bj replied.

"Who is he?", Andrea asked.

"You wouldn't know. He's my Uncle. His name is Olin. He knows people", Bj said.

"I think I—"

"Hold on real quick. Somebody calling me", he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Then he answered it.

"Hello....yea....okay", said BJ before he hung up.

"Who was that?", Andrea asked.

"Them? They kinda stupid. Why would they call while I'm with you", said BJ.

Andrea watched BJ as he drove.

"If you're really trying to help me. I just wanna say thank you and I'm sorry for blowing you off....I'm still trying to understand why you're doing all of this for me since you just met me but...thank you anyway. I think my dad and his friends will take care of the rest", said Andrea.

"Huh?", Asked BJ.

"Olin... he works with my dad and my older sister's dad", Andrea said.

"Damn. Small world", BJ said.



"What the fuck are you doing here?", Killa asked Aaliyah.

"She's my daughter", Aaliyah replied.

"Girl, take yo ass back to the hotel", said Killa.

"Hold up, you doing too much now. Don't talk to me like that. I ain't Carmen", Aaliyah said.

"You my baby mama though", said Killa.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes. "Do you know how many times I saved that nigga's life over there", Aaliyah said as she pointed at Dre who was sitting to himself. "Multiple"

"I don't give a damn. When the last time you even shot a gun?", Killa asked.

"Fuck you", Aaliyah replied before walking to Dre.

"Everything is going to okay alright", said Aaliyah. "Andre will be okay"

"...seems like no matter what I try to do as a father I fail. I don't wanna fail again", Dre replied.

"You never failed", said Aaliyah. "You just had some ups and some down. Every parent does"

"I let Andre get killed...I thought spending less time with him would keep him safe but it didn't. I let Andrea get auctioned off to some sick bastards and I've tried to do so much with keeping them safe growing up", Dre said. "And then you...don't let me get started on your hardheaded ass"

"Dre you can't control everything. Things happen regards of how hard you try to prevent it. You just gotta let it play it", said Aaliyah.

"And then there's them little ass boys that Andrea and Adrienne are messing with. They gone protect her. I know Adrienne's boyfriend's dad is a pussy ass Bitch. Hope he don't have that gene", Dre said.

Aaliyah chuckled. "Dre you really gotta stop being mad at the man. You shot him in the leg for God's sake. I thought that took your anger out", she said.

"Maybe I need to shoot him one more time", Dre replied.

Aaliyah shook her head.

Killa walked over.

"Ay man I don't mean to over step my boundaries and shit but she gotta go", Killa said referring to Aaliyah.

"You think I want her here. Nah. We argued up and down after her being here but she here. Fuck it", Dre said.

"Exactly", Aaliyah said with a smirk on her face and her arms folded.

"Well stay out of the way", Killa said before he walked away.

Dre stood up and looked at Aaliyah. "I just wanna say that if anything happens...I love you", he said.

"You and everybody else will be fine", Aaliyah replied before kissing his cheek. "But I love you too. Let's go"

Aaliyah took Dre's hand and lead the way.



"So your dad really be out here on the streets like that???", BJ asked.

"Yea. According to them, he has calmed down", Andrea said.

"Shit, I don't know. Maybe we do need to stay friends. He ain't about to fuck around and kill me", BJ replied.

Andrea laughed.

BJ glanced at her then back at the room. "Finally. You're lighting up your mood a little bit", he said.

Andrea stopped laughing but kept smiling a little bit. "Cause you're a clown", she said. "And pussy"

"I was just joking", BJ replied with a smile. "I ain't scared of no old man"

"Mhm", Andrea replied.

"But we here", BJ stopped the car.

Andrea looked out the window and saw a van.

"Here we go", she said.

"Act scared", BJ replied.

"Is my dad even here?", Andrea asked.

BJ got out of the car and walked to the passenger seat.

"No", Andrea said as she tried to stop BJ from grabbing her. "Please no"

BJ grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the car.

"I can't believe you", Andrea said as she started crying.

BJ kept a straight face. But at the same time he was concerned. He didn't know if her acting skills were that good or if she was really scared.

"Look I gotta get back to campus. So here", said BJ.

Andrea continued to look at BJ. He seemed so believable. As if he was serious about what he was saying.

A guy started to grab Andrea but a bullet flew through his head.

Andrea gasped.

"Oh shit", BJ said as he pulled Andrea back.

"You bitch. You set us up", one of the guys said as he pulled a gun out.

A bullet flew from somewhere else and hit the guy's hand then his another went through his head.

John got back into the van and started to drive off but Dre came to the van and shot the tires.

"Get in the car and go!", Dre said aggressively to BJ and Andrea.

Andrea stood there.

"Now!", Dre said before he opened the driver's door and saw John. "Get out of the car and put your hands up. Try something? I'll shoot you"

"You'll shoot me anyway", said John.

"No I won't", Dre replied. "Get out of the car or I'll blow this ugly ass van up"

John got out do the car with his hands up.

"You think shit cool? You think that selling little girls' bodies is good? Especially my little girl, you sick ass bastard?", Dre asked.

John didn't respond.

"Talk or I will shot you in yo lazy ass eye", Dre said.

"I don't have nothing to say", John said.

Aaliyah walked up to them.

John started checking Aaliyah out.

Dre shot John in leg.

"Ahhh!", John shouted in pain as he went to the ground. "You said you wouldn't shoot"

"Keep your eyes on me. Not on her", Dre said.

Aaliyah took a pistol from her purse.

"You know what I'm tired of looking at yo—", Dre paused in his sentence to kick the guy in his face. "Dumb ass"

Dre started walking away.

"Bae handle his ass", Dre said.

"Gladly", Aaliyah said before she aimed the gun at John. "Wanna say anything else before you go to hell"

"Yea...if your daughter felt the way she did I know you'd feel even better", he said as he gave her a look as he checked her out.

Aaliyah shot him and continued to shoot until she ran out of bullets. She was so angry at what he just said that she started crying.

When she ran out of bullets, she looked over and saw Andrea looking at her.

Dre walked over to Aaliyah.

"Why you crying?", Dre asked.

"Nothing", Aaliyah replied as she wiped her tears.

Andrea walked over to them and hugged them.

"I thought I told you to leave", Dre said as he hugged her and Aaliyah back.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you guys", Andrea replied.

"I'm sorry you had to see that", Aaliyah said.

"Sorry?", Andrea asked as she pulled away. "Mom I didn't know you were about that life." Andrea started smiling.

Aaliyah smiled a little. She didn't like she did that in front of Andrea. But she smiled anyway because it was stopping her from being upset.

"I want you two to go back to campus alright? It's getting late", Aaliyah said changing the subject. "Call me when you get there"

"...okay", Andrea replied.

Aaliyah kissed Andrea's forehead.

"Goodnight", said Andrea.

"Goodnight", Dre and Aaliyah replied.

Andrea walked to BJ and they left.

"The boy was smart enough to set this up but I still don't know if I like him.", said Dre.

"She said he isn't even her boyfriend. She just got to school, they just met. No need to judge the boy they are just friends", Aaliyah said.

" gonna tell me when he said to you?", Dre asked.

"Doesn't matter...let's go. Come on", Aaliyah said before she started walking.

Dre stood there for a moment to think about what John could've said to Aaliyah.

"We got this from here", Killa said as he walked to John's body. "You and your lady can go. Y'all stressed yourselves enough tonight"

Dre nods and catches up with Aaliyah.

