Chapter 51

A few weeks later, Aaliyah pulled up to pick Adrienne up from practice and Dre was already there so instead of getting out of the car, she called him. He didn't answer the first call, so she called him again and he answered.

"What's up?", he asked after answering the phone.

"Why are you here? It's my week with the girls. We had a deal", Aaliyah said.

"Sometimes deals are broke alright?", Dre said. "I told the girls, I'd take them shopping"

"You did that shit on purpose. This is your second time doing with Andre", Aaliyah said.

"First, stop calling me that. And second, and? So what? It's just for this evening. You'll see them tomorrow", Dre said.

"And if you were going to do this, you could've said it earlier", Aaliyah said.

"Bye, Aaliyah", Dre said.

Aaliyah hung the phone up and rolled her eyes. She pulled out of the parking lot and drove off.

As she was driving, she got a call from Kevin.

"Hello", she said with aggravation after she answered the phone.

"Damn. What I do?", he asked.

"Nothing. Nothing. It's's a lot going on right now", she said.

"Hell, I'm all ears. I have nothing else to do", Kevin said.

"It's just some things I don't wanna talk about right now. Too much to deal with", she said.

"...sounds like you're stressing", Kevin said.

"I am...a lot", she said.

"Well, back in the day, the only thing that would calm you done was food. Well that and getting your hair done. But I can't do hair, but I can buy you something to eat. If you want that", Kevin said.

Aaliyah was quiet for a moment. It didn't feel right to her, to go out to eat with Kevin because he was her ex. But then again, it's not like Dre was thinking about her feelings when it came to Nae

"...I'm already out so do you just wanna meet somewhere?", Aaliyah asked.

"Yea. I was thinking that burger joint around the corner from the kids school", Kevin said.

"Well, I hope you drive fast because I'm literally right by it", Aaliyah said.

"Damn. Well I'll just get there as soon as I can", Kevin said.

"Okay. Cool", Aaliyah said. "I mean it shouldn't take you long because you live like five minutes away from the school"

"Yea, and I'm literally putting on my shoes as speak. I'll see you in about six minutes", he said.

"Alright", Aaliyah replied before she hung up.

Less than 10 minutes later, Kevin finally pulled into the parking lot. Aaliyah and him both got out of their cars and Kevin walked to her.

"What's up?", he asked with a smile. "You ready to eat"

"Yea", Aaliyah replied. "And by the way, I'll be paying for my own meal"

"Nah. I invited you", he said.

"Yea, but you don't need to pay for me. I just...I just thought it would be good to talk to someone in person", Aaliyah said.

"...I'm guessing the divorce isn't going so good", Kevin said.

As Kevin talked away looked passed him and saw Dre's car at a street light. She couldn't see through the windows because it was rented but she knew that he saw her.

" It's not going that well", Aaliyah said as she looked at Kevin. She smiled slightly to keep from crying. Basically hiding her emotions.

"Well, let's get a burger and talk about whatever you wanna discuss. I'll just listen", he said.

"Honestly, anything but the divorce is fine with me", she said as they walked inside.


Kevin and Aaliyah ate and talked about different things and kind of catching up with each other.

"Since when did you so salsa dancing?", Aaliyah said.

"When I met Jeremiah's mom", Kevin said. "She loves to dance. Her whole family does"

Aaliyah smiled. "I guess it's good to try new things", She said. "She seemed like a great woman"

"Yea. She is great", Kevin said. "She just...I guess she wasn't the woman for me"

Aaliyah nods.

"But Maybe I could take you one day and show you how it's done", Kevin said.

"I haven't danced in a long time, Kev", Aaliyah said.

The waitress comes back over with their receipts. She gives Kevin his card back, with his receipt. Then she gives Aaliyah her's back.

"Um ma'am. I'm sorry but your card decline", she whispered.

"Declined? This credit card has over 20,000 dollars on it", Aaliyah said.

"I don't know ma'am. It declined. Maybe you froze the card. Or maybe you should call the credit card company and ask them about it. I just need another form of payment", she said.

Aaliyah started to think about how her card declined.

"Here", Kevin said as Aaliyah was in her own world. He handed the waitress his card. "I'll pay for it"

"Okay. I'll be right back", she said as she walked away.

"Dre must've frozen my card and maybe even the others", Aaliyah said. "Even after he told me he was going to help me out until I get back on my feet"

"Damn", Kevin said.

Aaliyah shook her head.

"I need to hurry up and find a job but it's kinda hard when you don't get any calls for interviews", Aaliyah said.

"..I can help you", Kevin said.

"No. I'm fine. I got it. It's just going to take some time. I don't really have any job experience. I mean like Dre has always made the money so I never needed to", Aaliyah said. "He made the money, he has the credit, everything is in his name...I mean I told him he can have it all anyways so...I guess I should've been more prepared when I made that statement"

Kevin didn't say anything.

"Thank you for paying. I really appreciate it", Aaliyah said as she grabbed her purse.

"You leaving already?", he asked.

"I'm sorry. I enjoyed my time, it really got my mind off of things", Aaliyah said.

"Aaliyah? If you're going to go to your apartment and be alone then that's just going to put you back at square one with your mind on this whole situation. Look, I know this is a difficult time for you right now and I just wanna be the one to help things be a little less difficult", he said. "Have some know I never really seen you do that since...since Keyanna"

Aaliyah started thinking to herself. He was actually right.

"But then again I haven't been with you 24/7 so I'm just going to reword that. I haven't seen you be so full with life, since Keyanna passed", Kevin said.

"...what do you wanna do then?", Aaliyah asked.

"Do you have something you have to do?", Kevin asked.

"No", Aaliyah said.

Kevin smiled. " karaoke", he said.

"No", Aaliyah said. "Uh uh"

"Why not? It's not like you have a bad voice", Kevin said. "Besides, it's fun to watch the drunks go up there"

"...I'll go but I'm not singing", Aaliyah said.

"Yes. Thank you. I mean look at it like this. It's like a night of freedom and fun through hard times. Better than being home alone thinking about it. You may do things you'll regret", Kevin said.

Aaliyah looked down.

The waitress comes back with Kevin's card and receipt.

"Here you go. You guys enjoy your night", she said.

"Thank you", Kevin and Aaliyah both said.

The waitress walks away.

Kevin put a tip down.

"Come on. Let's go", he said as he scooted out of the booth.

Aaliyah got up from the table and followed Kevin out of the restaurant.

(I will put what happens for the rest of their night in the next chapter)

