Chapter 50

Aaliyah drove into a neighborhood and pulled up to a house to meet XL. It kinda reminded of her of how things were when she first met Dre.

XL was already outside so by the time Aaliyah got out of the car, he was walking toward her.

"Why am I here?", Aaliyah asked.

"So I can answer your prayers", XL said. "I'll take the tracker out"

"You mean bomb?", Aaliyah asked.

"No. I mean tracker. I lied", XL said. "Now come on"

"I rather go see a doctor. You know, a professional", Aaliyah said.

"I rounded one up just for you. You should be lucky", XL said.

Aaliyah made a face.

"You know, all you have to do is sit outside of a hospital and wait for one to come out", XL added. "His family was a good motivation for him"

Aaliyah started walking with him.

"How is the divorce going? I see you moved into your own place", XL asked.

"None of your business. Just know it's happening", Aaliyah said as a tear rolled down her eye.

"And that is why you get the tracker out. I mean like I think I will still need you later on but I feel like a person listens better when their master is nice", XL said.

"Master?", Aaliyah asked.

"Yea. I mean so far you've done everything I've said", XL said.

"Look, I'm divorcing Dre for my own reasons okay? At the end of the day I was going to play you", Aaliyah said.

"Well I don't know what happened between you and him but I'm glad it did, because if you played me, you would've been in a body bag", XL said.

Aaliyah rolled eyes.

"I don't care. Just take this tracker out of me", Aaliyah as she walked into the house.


After Aaliyah came from seeing XL she went to Dre's house to get a few more things. She didn't let him know ahead of time, because she didn't think she needed to.

Aaliyah unlocked the door and walked in. She saw Nae sitting on the couch and made a face.

Nae stood up.

"Aaliyah I just wanna say that I'm not here for any reason you think I may-"

"Dont talk to me. Get out", Aaliyah said.

"But I was-"

"I don't care. Get the fuck out", Aaliyah said.

Dre came downstairs.

"Woah woah, since when did you choose who comes in the house? You don't live here any more right?", Dre asked.

"I do get to choose who's around my children", Aaliyah said.

"We're getting a divorce right? Something you wanted. So what if it's another woman around the girls? If I trust them, that's all that matters", Dre said.

"It's not about having another woman around them, it's about it being her! I don't want that bitch around my kids, Dre", Aaliyah said.

"Don't call me that", Nae said.

Aaliyah looked at Nae.

"Why shouldn't I? That's what you are", Aaliyah said.

Nae got a little frustrated and looked at Dre.

Dre stopped looking at Nae once she gave him a look and looked at Aaliyah.

"Look, I know what she did in the past bae, but I promise you that isn't her right now", Dre said.

"Dont call me bae", Aaliyah said.

"Damn, I forgot", he said.

"Well remember", she replied as she walked past him to go upstairs for the rest of her things.

" you guys are really getting a divorce... what happened?", Nae asked.

"Some stuff", Dre replied. "Look, here's the money"

Dre handed her a stack of money.

"Dre I didn't need this much. I just needed some money for a plane ticket so I could go home", Nae said.

"Well you know me, I guess", Dre said. "Just put it up before Aaliyah sees it"

"I can't take this much though", Nae said as she started to take some money from out of the band.

"Nah. Take it because I'm not taking it back", Dre said.

They heard Aaliyah coming downstairs and Nae put the money in her back pocket and mouthed the words "thank you".

Dre nodded as a sign for you're welcome.

Aaliyah walked passed them.

"I hope you guys have a great night. But you know, out of this house with my kids in here", Aaliyah said as she opened the door.

"Bye ex-wife", Dre said with aggravation.

"Bye ex-husband", Aaliyah said as she walked out and shut the door.

"You need me to take you to the airport?", Dre asked.

" I'll call an Uber", Nae said as she sat down and pulled her phone out.

Dre looked at her for a moment.

"You sure you wanna go back home? I mean like XL found you once and that doesn't mean he can't find you again", Dre said.

"Where else am I supposed to go?", Nae said.

"I don't know. I just feel like, you'd feel more safe if you were around people you actually know", Dre said.

"What? Move here?", Nae asked.

Dre shrugged his shoulders.

"Thanks for thinking of my safety but I got me. I'll hide in the shadows a little better that's all", Nae said. "...XL tricked me a little bit"

"What do you mean?", Dre asked.

"I thought he was you trying to get in contact with me", Nae said.

Dre didn't say anything.

"But now I know it wasn't", Nae added as she looked back at her phone to get a uber.

Dre sighed.

"Remember when Aaliyah and I first got together and um...I almost shot her so she bounced? Then I came to your house high as hell and we did some things and then the next morning you asked me what was up with me and I told you-"

"And then I gave you some advice on how to fix it?", Nae asked. "Yea I remember that morning"

"...I kinda need that advice right now", Dre said.

"...I'm sorry but I can't give it to you", Nae said.

"Why not?", Dre asked.

"Because...this isn't just a break up. It's a divorce. That major. Therefore, something happened that is probably not fixable Dre", Nae said. "Whatever happened has completely damaged you and hers relationship. Not only that but it includes everything else that has happened in the past...things get build up and it's only so much a person can take before they just breakdown"

Dre looked down.

"Alright. Get the Uber. I'm going upstairs, so let me know what you're leaving", Dre said.

"...okay", Nae said.

Dre walked upstairs.

