Chapter 3

The following day, Aaliyah was on the phone with someone as she sat on the poolside.

Jada and Andrea was looking at her from inside the house.

"Who do you think she's on the phone with?", Jada asked.

"I don't know. Maybe my dad, he isn't here", Andrea said.

"I doubt that. Adrienne was just on the phone with him trying to get on his hood side after", Jada said.

"Well I would be too if I actually really didnt do something wrong", Andrea said.

"Well y'all snitched on me", Jada said. "Dad moved his car somewhere else for a reason. He wanted to sneak up on me and King"

"I don't know about you but I was trying to get my allowance this week", Andrea said.

"And now nobody is", Jada said.

"Whatever. I just wish mom would hurry up and get off the phone", Andrea said.

"Whoever it is must be a comedian because she sure is laughing hard", Jada said.

"What if she's talking to another guy?", Andrea asked.

"No. I don't think she'd cheat on dad", Jada said. "18 years of marriage. I doubt it"

Andrea opened the door and walked outside.

"Wait. If you interrupt her, she isn't going to say yes", Jada said.

Andrea got closer to Aaliyah.

"Hey mom", Andrea said.

"Hold on, Carmen", Aaliyah said before she put the phone down. "Yes, Andrea? I'm on the phone"

Andrea looked at the phone and saw Carmen's name on it.

"Tell Aunt Carmen I said hey", Andrea said with a fake smile.

"Okay but what did you need?", Aaliyah asked.

"I forgot. Carry on", Andrea said lying.

Andrea walked back toward the house.

Aaliyah made a face then got back on the phone.

"These up to no good", Aaliyah said.

"What happened", Carmen asked.

"I don't know", Aaliyah said. "But back to this date you went on"

Carmen and Killa separated after a couple of years being together. Carmen did end up having a baby but the baby was pre mature and had a lot of issues going on so the baby didn't make it. That's what kind of caused they relationship to end.

"Oh, well he's actually a business man", Carmen said. "He owns this company, a legal one may I add, and he's doing really good for himself"

"Carmen I asked about the date. Not about his status. Did you like him? Did he like you? Was he gentleman?", Aaliyah asked.

"Yes, I hope so, and yes", Carmen said.

"Well that's good", Aaliyah said.

"I just hope that this guy is the one", Carmen said. "I'm so tired of dating"

Aaliyah didn't say anything. She was just thinking to herself.

"When was the last time you talked to Daniel?", Aaliyah asked.

Daniel is Jada's dad AKA Killa.

"It's been a few months. Why?", Carmen asked.

"Just a question", Aaliyah said.

"If you're trying to get at the fact that me and him are meant for each other, than just stop. We've dated twice and ended twice. Besides, I just don't feel right dating him when he's Jada's dad. I don't think that would feel right to Jada either", Carmen said.

"I didn't say that but okay. He's in a relationship with some woman anyway. He wants Jada to meet her", Aaliyah said.

"...does this woman know what he does for a living?", Carmen asked. "Can she handle what he does for a living?"

"Well I guess so, Carmen. They seem to be serious if he's letting her meet Jada", Aaliyah said. "I just wanted to know if you knew her so I can see what type of person she was. But you didn't know so never mind"

"Mmm", Carmen said.

"You aren't jealous are you?", Aaliyah asked.

"No. I'm happy for man and her. Whoever she is", Carmen said.

Aaliyah shook her head with a smile.

Jada walked up to Aaliyah.

"Mom?", Jada said.

Aaliyah looked at her.

"I need to talk to you about your husband", Jada said.

"Carmen I'll call you back", Aaliyah said.

"Alright", Carmen replied.

Aaliyah hung up.

"Okay, so I'm almost 19 and I don't understand why and how I'm grounded. I'm considered an adult to this society", Jada said.

"An adult with no job and one that pays no bills, once again", Aaliyah said.

"Mom, I've done applications to places already and the ones that hire me are the ones that don't even pay you much. It's like all my money is gone in one week. I don't get how I work so hard, for two weeks just to get money that won't even last", Jada said.

"Well I guess it's time you just go to college", Aaliyah said.

"College is a waste unless you're going for something for anything medical or teaching and that's something that I don't wanna do", Jada said.

"Well what do you wanna do? Because you can live here forever. One day, I'm going to need my peace and quiet", Aaliyah said.

"...I don't know", Jada said.

"Well, while you're up in New York and not worry about that boy then you can figure it out", Aaliyah said. "Let's be real you are your parents child. Just make sure whatever you do is legal, you still respect yourself, and continue to have morals"

"Can I possibly do to make money that those three would involve?", Jada asked.

"I think it's best if you not even know", Aaliyah said.

"Uh uh, mama were you doing back in the day? Spill the tea", Jada said.

"I told you I had a rough childhood. I did a lot of things I am not proud of but it helped me get money and get by. Just remember this, if you wouldn't want me or your dad to see you doing or know about you doing it, then don't do it", Aaliyah said.

Jada sighed.

"You'll think of something. You were born a hustla", Aaliyah said. "Take Andrea for instance. At every cookout or get together we go to she's always making money some how. It's never illegal, she still respects herself and she remembers her morals. I mean it's not consistent money but she's trying to get it some way and somehow. Now with you, I want you to make consistent money"

"Okay", Jada said.

"Alright. Now when you start making money, don't walk around here thinking you're grown because you aren't. You still don't know nothing about life", Aaliyah asked.

"I get it mom", Jada said

"Long as you do", Aaliyah said.

Jada laid on the lounge chair and they changed the subject and started talking about other things.

