New and improved bedrooms


"Did you enjoy your week at uncle Keigo's house?" You asked your daughter "Yeah!I got to sleep in your old room mommy" Katsumi said as she walked to the front door.It was a nice hot summer day.You couldn't believe she was starting kindergarten in September
She was growing up so fast "We have a surprise for you in the house" you said with a big grin as you unlocked the door "Surprise?!" She grinned at you "Yup!Your dad couldn't wait to show you!"

You got in the house and Katsuki was on the couch watching the news  "DADA!" She said putting her backpack on the hook by the door and running to him.She jumped on him and he gladly gave her a tight hug "How was your week with bird bitch?" He asked her "It was fun!" She answered "Did you behave?" He questioned "Yes" she quickly said.He raised an eyebrow  "Well...I behaved most of the time"

"Good enough for me" he said standing up with a smile

He took her in his arms and turned to you
"Should we show her the surprise?" You asked
"Fuck yeah" he said while going to the stairs
"Fuck yeah!" She cheered earning a chuckle from her dad but a sigh from you

"Ok ready for your surprise?" You asked as Katsuki carried her down the hall.She had her hands covering her eyes as he gently set her down in front of her surprise

"Alright open your eyes brat" Katsuki said

"DADA ITS A HOUSE!" She said with a big smile "It sure is brat"  he smirked "Mama!Come play in the house" she said while motioning for you to come up the little staircase "Mommy might be a bit to big for the house honeybun" you said ruffling her hair
Katsumi just shrugged and went in the house to play  "The only thing big on you is your ass" he said giving it a slap "And the biggest thing on you is your dumb ego" you glared at him "Not my d-..?" You grabbed him by the ear and said "Don't you dare finish that sentence!"

"Dada!Don't be mean to mama!" Katsumi said from the window of her house  "Wha-?!"

"Yeah dada stop being mean to me!" You said with a grin


"How was your weekend at grandpa's house?"
You asked your son "Awesome!He cooks the best ribs!" He exclaimed as you picked him up
"Better that daddy's ribs?" You asked with a raised eyebrow  "Well I like daddy's ribs too..but I also like grandpa's ribs" he shyly smiled "It's ok honey I was only messing with you" You said as you unlocked the door

As soon as Kirishima heard the door close he ran out of the living room to see Renji
"I missed you buddy!" Eijirou said while kneeling down to give his son a hug. Renji gladly hugged back "I missed you too daddy"
Renji smiled as he snuggled into his father's chest "The house smells amazing Eiji.What are you cooking?" You ask "We're having ribs for dinner tonight" he said with a big grin

Ribs were his favorite kind of meat  "Oh what a coincidence Renji had ribs last night at my dads house" you smile as you put your shoes by the door "Oh my'll probably suck having the same meal two nights in a row huh?" He said looking down at Renji "Not at all daddy!I love ribs so much!" The boy grinned "Well that's good!"

"How about we show him that surprise we have for him?" You asked "Oh sure!Come on upstairs buddy" Eijirou said motioning for Renji to follow him

You all went upstairs and once you were about to turn the corner to Renji's surprise you told him to cover his eyes while picking him up so he wouldn't walk into anything

"Ok ready?" You asked as you stood in front of the surprise for Renji that you knew he'd be so excited for

"Ok open your eyes little man" Kirishima said

"WOAH!THIS IS FOR ME?!" He asked with a shocked expression "Yup!This is your new and improved bedroom buddy!" Kirishima said
"I love it so much!I'm gonna be a pirate!" He says running up the stairs to get on the ship
"I'll play pirates with you" you said walking up the stairs "You two have fun!I'm gonna go make dinner and we can watch Nemo after we eat sound good?"

"That sounds perfect" you said with a smile

"Thank you for my ship mama and dada!"

"You're so very welcome Renji" you said

"I'm glad you like it buddy" Kirishima said with a smile


"So how was Grandpa's house?" You asked
"It was so fun!Me and Eri colored and then we planted flowers in grandpa's backyard!" She said as she skipped to the front door of your house "I'm glad you had a good and daddy worked on something for you this weekend" you smile at her "What is it?!" She asked as you unlocked the door "I don't know" you winked "You'll have to find out"

When she walked into the house Denki came running around from the corner and gave her a big hug "I missed you honey!" He said as he spun her around "I missed you too dada!" She said while hugging him back "What did you do this weekend?" He asked curiously "Me and Eri colored and planted flowers...and then Grandpa Mic gave me a music lesson!" She smiled "Oh sounds like so much fun"

You put her backpack down by the door while smiling at Denki "You think we should show her the surprise?" You ask "Oh definitely!I've been waiting for this moment all day!" He said walking up the stairs with her

As you walked down the hallway you grinned like an idiot because of how excited you were to show her all the hard work you did for her this weekend.Denki stopped with her in front of her bedroom door and set her down

"My room?" She asked while looking at you two
"Open the door" you smiled

"Ok" she said reaching for the door knob and opening the door

"FOR ME?!" She said in shock "Yup!All for you" you smiled "Thank you!Thank you!" She said hugging you both "I'm glad you like it" Denki said

"Think of it as a present for going to kindergarten next month"


"I'm glad you had fun at grandmas" You said
"Yeah!Grandma Inko makes the best desserts!And she makes the best noodles!Oh and she does the best crafts!" He said excitedly "Well I'm glad she seems to be the best at basically everything you enjoy" you laugh "Your dad missed you this weekend" you said as you unlocked the door

"I'll give him a big hug then!" He said as he ran inside the house  "DADDY!I MISSED YOU!"
He called out as he ran into the living room to find his dad "I missed you too!" He said hugging his mini me...That's what they were named by the press after all

'Pro hero Deku and his mini me'

"Should we show him the surprise?" You asked
"Of course we should!" Izuku had been so excited to show Hiroto ever since you two finished it yesterday 

"Ok open the door to see your surprise" you smiled

"Ok mama"

"WOAH!WHO IS THIS FOR?!" He asked "It's for you silly" you said ruffling his curly green hair "Do you like it?If you don't I can go pick a different paint color or-.." Izuku started to ramble "I love it daddy" he said giving him a hug

"I'm glad buddy" he said while hugging him back


"I assume you two had an excellent weekend at Aunt Fuyumi's house?" He asked as he pulled into the driveway  "Yeah!We watched movies and we did crafts!Oh and Uncle Natsuo came  over and had cake with us!" Hinote smiled "Sounds delightful" he said while unlocking the door

"Mommy?" Kumi called out as she walked into the house "Mama!" Hinote called out to match his sister "I'm here babies" you said coming down the stairs with a grin. "How was your weekend?" You asked pulling them both on for a hug "it was fun!" Kumi said as she kissed your cheek "Yeah!We had fun" Hinote said kissing your other cheek

"Well to add to this fun... how about we show our snowflakes the surprise?" Todoroki suggested "Sounds like a plan!I just finished the last of it" you told him before turning back to the twins "Your dad and I have a surprise for you both upstairs. Wanna see it?" You asked as they both nodded eagerly.

"Ok Hinote... you're up first" you said as you stopped in front of a door. He opened it and audibly gasped.

"Mama!This is all for me?!" He said turning around to face you. "Thats right honey!" You smile at his excitement "Thank you!Thank you!" He says hugging you tightly

"Ok the door" Shoto smiled at his daughter

"WOAH!This is for me?!" She said in surprise
"Yup it's all for you sweetheart" Todoroki smiled as his daughter hugged him "Thank you!I love it so much!" She exclaimed


"How was your weekend at Nana's house?" Shinsou asked as he drove Yumi home from Mitsuki's house. "I had fun dada!We drew new ideas for dresses and Grandpa took pictures of me for his work!" She smiled "That's fantastic kitten!" He smiled at her through the mirror in the front seat. He was truly happy that she was becoming confident at a young age so she hopefully wouldn't struggle with confidence when she got older.

"Well we're home...mommy is excited to see you" he smiled as he helped Yumi out of the car and grabbed her backpack. He carried her inside the house and set her down so she could go find you in the house.

"Mama?" She called out "Welcome h-home baby!" You said coming into the hallway and giving her a big hug. "I missed you" she hugged you tightly "I missed y-you too" you said

"How about we show her the surprise?" Shinsou asked. "G-Good idea Toshi...come on Y-Yumi we have a s-surprise for you!" You says excitedly as you carried her up the stairs.

"Ok open the door Yumi" Shinsou smiled at his daughter as she reached the handle to open the bedroom door

"Wait...THIS IS FOR ME?!" She said excitedly as she turned around to look at you two. "Yup!" You smile at her "I love purple!" She said running into the bedroom to look at everything

"Thank you mommy and daddy!You're the best!" She said giving you both a hug


"They behaved themselves right?" You asked your brother in law, Bakugo. "Tch they're fine I guess..That one is loud as shit-..!" "BABE!I said you can't cuss in front of them" Kirishima reminded his husband. "It's ok!I'll see you guys for taco Tuesday?" You ask. "For sure" Kirishima grinned

"So what did you boys do this weekend?" You asked them as you drove home. "We played dinosaurs with uncle Kiri!" Haru smiled. "And!We helped Uncle Katsu make spaghetti!" Ren added. "Sounds like fun" you say as you pull into the driveway.

"Daddy!" They both called out as they entered the house. "There's my two favorite boys!" Sero said coming out of the kitchen. "I just put some tamales in the oven" Sero grinned at you "mmm smells delicious" Haru complemented his father.

"So you think they should see the surprise?" You ask your husband. "Oh yes!I'm excited to show you guys your surprises" Sero grinned. "Follow us upstairs" you sat as you all walk upstairs.

"Ok go first.." you say motioning for him to open the door.

"Ok mama" he said as he opened the door

"WOAH!This is all for me?!" He said turning around to look at you and Hanta. "Yes buddy that's all for you!" Sero smiles at his son's excitement. "Oh!I'm gonna go play now!" He smiles. "I sleep here too right?" Ren asks with a smile.

"Actually we got you your own room" you said going to the next door over. "Open the door baby" you smile at him

"Wait....this is all for me?!" He saws with wide eyes. "It sure is buddy!This is your own room!" Sero smiles at his son who is just in awe that he gets all of this stuff. "Thank you guys!" He says while hugging you and Hanta.

"Awe you're welcome buddy" you say as you hug him back

As the boys were playing you mumbled "So glad we were able to get the slime out of the carpet" to which Sero nodded


"So Keiji?Hiw was the weekend at uncle Denki's?" Iida asked his son as they drove home. "It was fun!We did lots of coloring and we ate pizza every night!" Keiji said. "I assume you two used the flash cards and worksheets I left for you right?" Iida asked in a hopeful tone.
"Uh...uncle Denki said those are stupid..." Keiji told his father

"Very well then" Iida sighed as they pulled into the driveway.

"Momma?" Keiji called out as soon as he entered the house. "Hi honey!" You says as you were there in a literal flash. "How was your weekend?" You ask him while picking him up. "Fun!" He smiles "uncle Denki threw away the worksheets" he whispered to you. "As he should" you giggled

"Well now that we're all here would you like to give him the surprise?" Iida asked you as he set Keiji's bags on the floor. "Oh for sure!Let's go!" You say walking up the stairs

"Ready Keiji?" You smile "Mhm!" He nods. "Ok open the door buddy" Iida grins at his son

"Wait-...THIS IS FOR ME?!" He says, turning around to look at the two of you. "Yup!All for you buddy!" You smile at him as he walks in the room to look at everything. "Thank you!Thank you!" He said as he zips over and hugs you and Iida.

"Of course buddy...we love you" Iida smiles

"I love you guys too!" Keiji smiles
