After the birth

You were still recovering and exhausted

It was around 3am and you were fighting to stay awake

"You did really good Teddy Bear"Bakugo said as he kissed your forehead

The nurse came back with a pink bundle in her arms

"She just fell asleep" she said softly

"Would you like to hold her?" She asked you

You smiled tiredly and nodded

The second you saw her tiny face you immediately fell in love with her

She was breathing softly and moving her little nose around as she slept

Bakugo looked at her and his eyes widened

He had never seen a more adorable baby

And it was his...

Katsumi was right in front of him

"My little cub" he said with a smile

"Here hold her Katsu..." you said handing her to him

"Wait (Y/N) that isn't a good idea what if I-.."

Next thing he knew a baby was in his arms

He breathed out

He was really holding her

His daughter

She opens her eyes and looked at him


"O-Oh um fuck...uh hello..."

She started to sniffle and tear up

"Oh shit uhhh here you take her!" He said handing her back to you

Once she saw you and you started rocking her back to sleep she shut her eyes again

"She's really cute dumb ass..."

"Yeah she is..."

Katsumi Bakugo
Hair-Ash blonde/Almost white at the ends
Chubby cheeks and long eyelashes
She has your nose,lips and Bakugo's
eye shape and a bit of a pout

You closed your eyes as Kirishima wiped the sweat off of your forehead

"You did so amazing we have our baby boy"

"Yeah..." you said tiredly as you started to drift off into sleep

The nurse came back with a blue bundle in her arms

Once she noticed you were out cold she turned to Kirishima

"Would you like to hold him until your wife wakes up?"

"Yes please"

"Ok...he's already smiling..." she said softly

Eijirou gently took the baby in his arms

The nurse was right

He was already smiling

"Ah!" Renji said as he saw Kirishima for the first time

"Hey little man...I can tell you're gonna be the manliest man ever..."

"Ah?" He said as he tilted his head to the side

"Yeah that's right Renji...Ah!"

You shifted in your sleep and opened your eyes

You looked over and saw a sight that made you smile

Eijirou was rocking Renji while he slept

"Eiji...?" You said in a tired voice

"Oh hey pebble...I was just telling Renji how manly he is"

You laughed softly

"Of course you were"

Renji Kirishima
Hair-Jet Black
Chubby cheeks and a big smile
He has Eijirou's eye and nose shape and your lip shape

They took Akina to go make sure she was healthy

"Sh-She has a lot of hair Kami...I think I even saw a yellow lightning bolt..."

"Really?!" He said perking up

"Yeah..." you said tiredly

The nurse came back with a pink blanket in her arms

"Oh my...I can tell she's gonna be the talkative type..." she said with a smile

"Would you like to hold her mom..?" The nurse asked

You nodded with a smile

As you took your daughter in your arms you couldn't help but smile

You were right

She had lots of hair for being a newborn

It was black with a yellow lightning bolt

"She's so cute...Kami look at her..." you said adjusting her so he could have a better look

"Hi Akina...I'm your dad..." he said with a big smile

Her eyes were wide and she started to babble and drool

She was just about as talkative as her father and she wasn't even an hour old yet

Suddenly to the best of her ability she stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry at Kaminari

He took offense and blew one back

They kept going back and forth until she got tired of blabbing and blowing raspberries

Then she fell asleep

You could already tell they were gonna be an iconic duo

Akina Kaminari
Hair~Jet black with a yellow lightning bolt
Eyes~(E/C) with bright yellow in the middle
She has Denki's eye and nose shape
And your lip shape
She also has bright yellow "electric" freckles on her cheeks

You were exhausted from giving birth

But you really wanted to stay awake to see your baby boy

"Izu..." you said tiredly

"Y-Yes love?"

"C-can you wake me up when they bring him back?" You said starting to drift off

"O-of course" he said rubbing your cheek

About 10 minutes later the nurse came back with the newborn boy in her arms

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked quietly because Hiroto was already sleeping

"Yes please" he said smiling really wide

She gently handed him the little boy and went out of the room to go get some things for when you woke up

Izuku looked down at the sleeping baby

That was his son

"He's adorable" he whispered as he continued to admire his sons features

You woke up about 15 minutes later to the sound of mumbling

"...and just know that your mommy loves you so much...even though she's asleep...but she worked so hard to have you here with us"

"Izu...?" You said groggily

"Oh!Hey you're awake"

"Yeah..." you said smiling

"Can I hold him..?"

"Oh you go" he said gently handing you the baby

You were speechless

He was adorable!

The way he scrunched up his nose when he slept and the way he'd make little noises while he slept

You couldn't ask for a more perfect son

Hiroto Midoryia
Hair~Green with some (H/C) tips at the ends
Eyes~(E/C) with emerald green in the middle
He has Izuku's wide eyes and your nose and lip shape

You laid back on your pillow exhausted from the delivery of your two babies

Shoto kissed your forehead and wiped some sweat off your face

"You did amazing my love"

"Thank you Sho...I'm so tired though..."

"You can rest if you'd like to my love..."

"No...I wanna see my babies"

Soon the nurse came back with a pink and blue in her arms

"Who would like to hold this handsome baby boy?" She asked

You raised your hand and she gently handed him to you

He was beautiful...

So cute!

The nurse handed Shoto the pink bundle and he about died on the spot

"Oh my..." he breathed out in disbelief

"What's wrong Sho...?" You asked raising an eyebrow

"She's...just...she's so beautiful.." he said obviously starting to tear up

But he quickly wiped it away

"He's very cute..." you commented while looking down at your son

You were focused on your baby boy who was sleeping and making the cutest faces when you heard someone next to you

"...and you're just so beautiful princess...I-I don't even know what to do...but I can assure you that there shall be no boys until you're 25.."


"Yes my love I can't have those nasty boys corrupting my beautiful daughter...besides I can assure you that she's too beautiful for any of them...they wouldn't deserve her!"

"Whatever you say honey" you say with a giggle

Kumi Todoroki
Hair~As white as the snow
Eyes~Very light blue in the middle that fades into dark blue on the outside
She has your eye and lip shape with Todoroki's nose shape
(She's older by exactly 13 minutes)

Hinote Todoroki
Eyes~Almost white in the middle but it fades into a dark gray on the outside
He has your lip and nose shape with Todoroki's eye shape

You took deep breaths

You were truly exhausted but you were so nervous about your baby that you didn't want to close your eyes until you knew she was alright

"T-Toshi..?" You said looking up at your husband from your bed

"Yeah?" He asked

"D-Do you think she's ok?" You said tearing up

He wiped your tears but he had some in his eyes as well

"I-I'm not sure kitten...I hope she's ok..."

About an hour later the nurse came back with a pink blankets in her arms

"She's very tired" she said with a smile

"Would you like to hold her?"

You nodded

You were so excited to see her

No matter how she looked you were still excited

That was your baby and you loved her no matter what

She gently handed you the tiny baby girl

She was small...

Very small

"You ok're frowning a bit..." Hitoshi said

"I-I was just t-trying to figure out h-how it hurt so much if shes this small"you said with a giggle

"I wish I could tell you...then again I don't know what you were feeling..."

You looked down at her again

She was truly beautiful

Gorgeous even...

"She's beautiful kitten..." Hitoshi said kissing your cheek

"Wanna hold her?"

He looked almost scared

"K-Kitten...are you sure?She's so small what if I hurt her?"

"Here...just relax o-ok?"

He nodded,relaxed his shoulders and took her
in his arms

"Wow..." he breathed out

"She's s-so small...and...beautiful.."

"Yeah she r-really is.."

Yumi Shinsou
Hair~Dark purple that fades into a lighter purple
Eyes~Bright purple
She has your nose and lip shape and Hitoshi's eye shape
She also has long eyelashes and chubby cheeks

You could feel the exhaustion taking over you

But you were determined to stay awake to at least hold one of your boys

It was about 2am and you just couldn't wait to see your babies

About 15 minutes later two nurses came back

Each of them had one blue bundle in their arms

They each handed you and Hanta one

You looked down at the sleeping baby boy

He was adorable

"Hey Ren..." you said kissing his cheek softly

"Well Haru seems to be an energetic one" Hanta laughed

Haru was currently babbling and drooling all over himself

As Haru finished blabbing his sentence Sero talked to him

"Oh yeah little man?Sounds awesome!"

Then Haru started drooling and babbling all over again

"Well he sure seems to talk a lot..." you said smiling at the father and son

After about 15 minutes of drool and made up words,brought to you by Haru

Both of the babies were sleeping soundly

"So how's being a parent so far?" You asked

"So far so good"

Haru Sero
Hair~Jet black
He has your nose and eye shape
And Sero's lip shape

Ren Sero
Exactly the same as his brother
