Finding out


You hadn't had your period yet and according to your app it was supposed to come 5 days ago
And after Bakugo left for work this morning you kept throwing up...

Flashback to this morning...

You laid on the couch with your head in a pillow.You desperately wanted your pounding headache to go away!As much as Bakugo hated to do it...he had to be quiet for once in his life...
"Babe...?I'm gonna leave for work...and you better fucking call me if you feel worse" he tried his best to whisper "Mhm" was all you could say with your face in the pillow.You heard a sigh and the door shut

You were about to roll over to get comfortable so you could go back to sleep but your stomach had other plans.You gagged and instantly ran to the nearest bathroom which was right down the hallway

After about 30 minutes of throwing up you sighed and thought back to about 3 weeks ago...when you had asked Bakugo if you two could start a family.This got you thinking that you really were pregnant.All you had to do was take a couple tests to find out

You didn't go to work just incase you weren't pregnant but actually contagious which you doubted but it's better safe then sorry.You decided to stop at the corner store to pick out a couple of tests

As you walked into the bathroom at home you checked your phone 6:05pm.You had 25 minutes till Katsuki got home.So you had no time to waist.You had bought 3 so you could be extra sure you were pregnant before telling him
You took one and set the timer.It went off
You flipped it over.2 lines...

You gasped and smiled real big.You took another.2 lines...

Your smile grew bigger if that was even possible.You took a deep breath as you took the last one.2 lines!You were totally pregnant!
You checked your phone.6:27.You quickly hid the tests in your secret box that was hidden in the back of your closet.And you sat on the bed and started to think of how to surprise him


You were busy planning a birthday party for Kirishima.His birthday was this Friday and you wanted him to have a good birthday this year
Because last year you both had to work super late so you didn't have time to celebrate on the actual day but this year you had both gotten the day off.And the whole Bakusquad made sure they could all hang out with him

You were doing a shopping list of cake ingredients and snacks when you heard your phone ding.You looked at the notification and your eyes widened.It was your period tracking app.The notification said "Have you forgotten to input your period this month?" You slid the notification open and saw that it said
"Period:1 week late" You were surprised
You had completely forgot about it

As you returned from the pharmacy you had a bag with 3 tests in it.You weren't sure how many to get so you just settled on getting 3
You ran to the bathroom and tried to do the process as quickly as possible because Eijirou could be home any minute

You took one.Your timer went off.You opened your eyes.2 lines...You gasped and opened 2 more tests just to be sure.The next 2 came out positive and you we're overjoyed.Then you realized...

This could be a second birthday present for him!


You were in the kitchen making breakfast for yourself after Kaminari had left for an early mission.You had cracked the egg and whisked it into the bowl before putting it on the pan to cook the scrambled eggs

As you started to cook them you got a whiff of the butter on the pan and you instantly gagged
You quickly turned the stove off and ran to the nearest trash can and emptied your stomach You looked up with teary eyes "What the fuck...?" You croaked out through your burning throat

Another wave of nausea hit you and you threw up again "Oh my god what's your problem?" You said looking at your stomach

The sudden realization hit you.You were still waiting for your period to show up.And the food that you usually enjoy eating was making you puke your guts out

"Am I really pregnant...?" You thought to yourself.You and Kami were currently actively trying for a baby so you were pretty sure that was the case.But before you said anything to anyone you wanted to be 100% sure that's what was wrong

After you showered and cleaned yourself up you went to the pharmacy to pick up a couple of tests.While you were there you also picked up the pokèmon bandaids Denki likes

When you got home you immediately ran to the bathroom to take the tests.You took a deep breath as the timer went off and you flipped the test over to look at it.2 lines...

You're eyes widened and you smiled super big
You decided to take one more just incase.You held your breath as you flipped the last one over.2 lines...

You were pregnant


"Honey I'm leaving for work..." you heard Izuku say from the bedroom doorway.You rolled over to face him "Have a good day Izu" you said tiredly "Thank you...and call me if you need anything!" "Ok" you mumbled as you rolled back over to sleep some more

Izuku had called out for you sense you had a headache sense after dinner last night
And you just overall felt icky.So you thought you were just tired and stressed from all the villains at work lately.You were so wrong though

You heard the front door close and you were just about to drift back off to sleep when you heard your stomach growl and you had the urge to puke.You quickly pulled the blankets off of you and ran to the bathroom.You were a mess...

Every time you'd think it's over your tummy would have other plans for you.It lasted a good 45 minutes.You just sat there feeling terrible from throwing up

You went to google your symptoms so you could at least get some medicine for your stomach bug.However the internet had something else in mind for you.Your eyes widened as you read it over "These symptoms are usually signs of early pregnancy"
"No way!" You said while smiling

Even though you felt icky from throwing up you couldn't help but have some hope
You showered and got some clean clothes on before driving to the pharmacy to go get a couple of tests

You arrived back home and quickly ran inside to take your tests.You were too excited but you just really wanted to know.You sat in the bathroom and waited for the results.Your alarm went off.You picked it up...There were two lines...

You quickly opened another. 2 lines.And one more.2 lines!You were sure that you were pregnant now.All you had to do was surprise your husband


You were feel really fatigued lately and everything was just making you feel drained of energy.You weren't thinking too much of it at first but you started to realize that you were barely doing anything at work and your job has been fairly easy for the past 4 weeks

You were thinking it over while buying groceries when you walked past an isle full of pregnancy tests and other things in that category " that why I'm so fatigued lately...?" You asked yourself.You honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were pregnant
I mean you and Todoroki were actively trying to start a family so there's no surprise if you actually are.You shamelessly picked out a few and went to go check out

As you drove home you couldn't help but smile at the thought that there could be a living thing inside you.A baby...Your baby!

You pulled into the driveway and saw that Shoto wasn't home yet.You were honestly grateful for that.You wanted to surprise him so bad.Oh man the look on his face when he finds out!

You put away the groceries as quickly as possible and made your way to the upstairs bathroom.You pulled out 3 tests from your bag and set them on the counter

You took the first one.You heard your timer go off...You took a deep breath and flipped it over
2 lines.You smiled really wide.You pulled out another.Once it was ready you looked.2 lines
And as you waited for the last result to come in you held your breath.Your alarm went off and you picked the test up.2 lines.Now you were overjoyed and sure that you were pregnant


You came home from work feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.Like more then usual....You thought nothing of it and just went to bed at 6:30

It was around 7:45 when Hitoshi came in the room and said "Kitten...?Are you hungry or do you wanna sleep some more...?" You just mumbled "Sleep" before drifting back off
He chuckled and rubbing your head before going downstairs to clean up a little bit

The next morning you woke up feeling a little sick and uncomfortable.You woke up Hitoshi and told him you didn't feel good "T-Toshi...?"
He opened his eyes slowly "Hm...yeah?"
"I-I don't feel very good..." He instantly sat up
"Are you ok...?Are you gonna throw up...?"

He loved you but he really didn't feel like getting thrown up on so early in the morning
"I-I think so...!" You said covering your mouth and running to the bathroom.You threw up a couple times while Hitoshi held your hair back and rubbed your back

"What's up with you...?" He asked curiously "I-I think I caught the stomach b-bug that s-some of the students have been getting..." He hummed in response hoping that he didn't get it as well.Because as much as he liked resting he hated being sick (Me too Hitoshi...Me too)

You had insisted that he should go to work because they really needed him there
He was very hesitant at first but realized that you weren't gonna give up on getting him to go to work and not worry about you.As he grabbed his car keys and bag he said "Call me if you feel worse!" "Ok I will..." you said from the couch

After a while you still had the nauseous feeling
So you went to your bathroom cabinet to the the anti nausea medicine you had for times like this.You reached to get it when you halted your movements.There was a box of unopened pads and Tampons...

Your eyes widened.You had missed your period
And you were actively trying to start a family
"A-Am I...?Am I really pregnant?" You said with wide eyes

You quickly put on some leggings and a sweater and made your way to the pharmacy
While you were there you also picked up a new refill of your anxiety medication.But before you left a question in your mind caught your attention "uhm...I think I m-might be I still ok t-to take this...?" She smiled at you and read the bottle "You are perfectly ok to take this...and if you are congrats (Y/N)" Yeah you come here a lot...

You got home and put your medication away then went to take your tests.You closed and locked the door before taking your test

You waited for the results then...
Ding.You quickly checked the test "Positive!" You said while smiling.You really wanted to be extra sure so you took one more

You anxiously waited for your results when...
Ding.You picked it up.2 lines.You smiled even bigger

You couldn't wait to surprise Toshi


You sat up in bed.You looked over at the clock
2:47am "Hm..." you said still confused
Then your stomach growled.You were hungry

Hungry for ice cream and pizza.Combined...
"Man that sounds so good!" You said to yourself as you walked down the stairs and to the kitchen

You got the ice cream and pizza out of the fridge and freezer and proceeded to put the ice cream on top of the pizza.You took a bite and instantly felt relief of the craving you had
You ate 2 pieces before saying "Wait...why the fuck did I just eat that...?And find it appetizing?" You shrugged it off because it was so damn good to you and went back to bed

This continued for the next 2 nights
3 days later Hanta opened the freezing looking for ice cream "Babe what happened to our ice cream...we had like 2 tubs of it..." You suddenly remembered...You ate it all last night
"Oh...I hungry...I'm sorry..."
You apologized "Nah don't sweat it...I'll just go buy some more"

You got up to use the bathroom and when you walked past the sink and the mirror.You caught a glimpse of your stomach poking out a little bit in the mirror because of the tight tank top you were wearing "Damn I need to stop eating everything I crave..." you said as you trailed off

You turned to the side and rolled your shirt up slightly.Your bump was solid when you felt it
It wasn't fat on your body "Wait...cravings and my tummy is poking out...?" Your eyes widened
"No way" you said to yourself as you smiled

You quickly ran to the cabinet and pulled out the tests you had bought the day after you and Hanta 1st tried.You picked out 2 and went to take them.You took the 1st one and quietly timed it on your phone

Once the time was up you flipped the test over
2 lines...You smiled.You took the last one just to be sure.2 lines "Wow...there's an actual human inside my stomach..." you said while smiling to yourself

Now the only thing to do now was tell Hanta
But how...?
