
As the ombré red-haired girl sat outside the palace doors waiting for Felix, as the blonde boy carried the bluenette to her room. Problem was that he had no clue where it was and as he scanned every single room, it seemed impossible to find which room belonged to the royal princess.  The minutes slipped by quickly as the day slowly got darker and Amelia got very anxious hoping the princess hadn't woken up and seduced Felix. Why would she care anyway? He is just someone who is helping her on a quest. It wouldn't make a difference if he fell for that blue haired snotty girl. Besides, she was born to the red blood clan and a sadistic holder of the war goddess Enyo!! She shouldn't even care...yet she does.
she screams making a prick on her finger and letting her blood cut one of the pillars when she hears a loud crash inside the palace. Amelia sprung up and rushed into the castle jumping onto the railing of the stairs to move faster till she got to the floor where she saw the princess smirking with a blush on the floor and Felix on top of her looking rather bored rolling his eyes at the princess. Amelia gasped, causing the two to turn her direction, Felix's eyes grew wide and blushed hard.

"A-Amelia!! It's seriously not what you think,"
the boy said trying to defend himself. He quickly got up and looked at the war goddess holder with a genuine look of love, and Amelia was going to forgive him until the princess decided it was time for her to have a little word.

"Oh Felix, you rascal, don't even know my name or whether I'm single and you pounce on me like that? You're so forward."
She looked directly at Amelia as the rage flowed through her blood, her eyes and her hair crimson red, and her blood boiling as she jumps to the entrance of the palace and runs out. Felix screams her name as she runs out, death glaring the princess.

"What? Oh, by the way, my name is Princess Genevieve"

she said smiling before handing Felix the bottle and giggling.

"I'm a bit of a troublemaker since I don't get guest much. But do me a favor, bring your girlfriend back here please?"

Felix nodded before running off to get the now angered sadist back.

He searched the castle and even used his lightning to try and find her but she was gone. The blonde started panicking that he lost his partner because of a misunderstanding, then he hears an extremely loud scream of anger, at least he thought, with a huge statue of the princess falling into dust. Felix ran to the area, looking at an angry Amelia as a small creature pops out of nowhere grunting at her.

"Couldn't you have not destroyed the poor girl's statue?"

Felix stood there smiling at the sadist as she looks dead in his eyes and runs up to him trying to throw a punch but froze when she got to his face, the boy not flinching. His smile grew as he wrapped one hand around the girl and his order holding her chin so that she'd look up at him. Her red eyes turned back brown as a tint of pink spread across her cheeks and a soft kiss was planted on her cheek by him.
"You calmed down?"
he asked, his worry showing in each word and she pushes him away and looks down nodding. The princess runs to the spot where she saw both of them and chuckled. She made her hand into a heart and looked through it, thinking the two made a cute couple.

"If you two are done being lovey-dovey could you listen to me for a few minutes?"

The silver and red blood holders blushed hard looking at each other and then looking away before walking up to Genevieve.
"Alright you two, if I gave you this bottle I know you would hold it safe but do you have any idea why are you collecting these?"

Amelia shrugged, Felix stepping forward looking a bit annoyed at her reaction.
"We are collecting these bottles so we may speak to the gods themselves. Each bottle contains a drop of the blood of one of the clans and their element. There are 6 clans, weakest being the green clan also known as the earth clan and the strongest being the red clan or as widely known as the clan of blood."
He stood proudly at his knowledge while Amelia just rolled her eyes
"Moron" she spoke.
