
March 4th, 2016
Amelia slept peacefully in her room when she feels the blood of 4 living beings walking up to her room. She shrugged it off knowing who they belonged to and continued to sleep as her parents and siblings walked into her room with a birthday cake. "Happy birthday Amelia" they said in sync as the cake was rested on her lap, 16 lit candles on it as Amelia's red eyes appeared. Her father picked her siblings up, her mother rolling her eyes at her husband for being scared of their own daughter. "Amelia please stop scaring your father with your little trick." Amelia chuckled as her eyes lost is lustful crimson red color and returned to her chocolate hazel eyes. Jack placed his two younger children down as Priya picked Quartz up and held her, not knowing if Amelia may actually get back to her full sadist state. "Blow your candles out dear" Priya told Amelia as she made a wish. Jake stood next to his older sister and she smudged some of the icing on her brother's nose. "What you wish for Amelia?" She licked her finger and simply smiled which made her brother remember their birthday wish rule. His cheeks tinted pink as he rubbed the back of his head in shame for forgetting such a thing. As Amelia was about to cut the cake her mother put Quartz down and picked the cake up. "Not yet young lady, you do have the privilege of having the first slice of cake before anyone else, but not after you had a shower and brush your teeth." Amelia groaned but took her towel and walked to the bathroom and got into the shower. She walked into her bedroom to change into a beautifully made skin tight crop top, jeans, and her red and brown ombre curly hair out. Before going downstairs she wore her family heirloom ring, then she made her way downstairs.

She reached the kitchen, seeing her love sick brother knowing who was here. She walked into the the balcony to see Mr.Lightning, Felix Anestis. "Oh hello Amelia" he said getting up before shaking her hand and smiling at her to finish his sentence, "happy birthday." She smiled back and thanked him as Gordon smirked at the two. Amelia's eyes already turned crimson red and Felix smirked at this. He held her chin with his thumb and index finger as turned her head to face him. "Your crimson red eyes are quiet beautiful." He smirked at her as she decided to also play along with his little game. She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled, Felix blushing and keeping her crimson eyes as she whispered to him, "your eyes are just as gorgeous as mine Anestis." Amelia blew in his ear making him shiver, his blush spreading through his cheeks bright red. Priya walked in to see her daughter's little mischief and wanted to stop her but she couldn't move or speak all of a sudden. She knew what was happening, and she couldn't do anything about it. Her daughter was controlling her blood, and if she tried to defy it, there would be a big red mess. Amelia let her mother go and smirked at Felix before jumping off the balcony and landing safely on the ground. Felix ran to where she jumped off and saw her fine as she called her mom. She explained to her mother exactly what happened, which let her worry less about what was happening and told her where she was going. Amelia rushed off to a home, in the forest, which belonged to her best friend.

The house wasn't far from her home as it was only a 5 minute run with her speed. She walked up to the front of the door and knocked on it to be jump hug attacked by Amber, a earth gifted girl. She can control the earth, like growing crops and flowers, and destroying plants with a single temper tantrum. Amber Hestia, 16 years old, short black hair, eyes turn green when using powers. Amber is the only one of her kind, just like Amelia, and loves the outdoors. "AMELIA!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" The earth lover sprouted gorgeous roses from the earth. "Thank you Amber" Amelia said hugging her friend back just has tight.
Has the power to control the earth, fond of growing roses, weaker than Amelia. Earth Clan, also known as Green Clan.
"So Amelia what brings you here to my humble tree stump home?" Amelia laughed at her friend and simply stayed quiet. "Well it is my birthday and every year I get a party so I mean it's only the right thing to do to-" she was cut of by her friend's screaming and jumping. "TO INVITE ME TO A ROSE RED CLAN PARTY!!" Amelia laughed and nodded. The friends hugged tightly as they heard a knock on door. "I'll go check, relax okay Melia." Amelia nodded continuing to drink her tea and eat tea cakes. Amber opened the door with her charming smile. "Well hello!" The man by the door gave a confused and startled smile. "Ah yes, good morning Miss..?" Amber shook his hand and replied to him with "Amber Hestia, nice to meet cha!" Amelia chuckled from the back, the man amused by the sudden laughter. "Amber Hestia, I'm Felix Anestis. I'm here for Amelia Rose, if you know her by any chance." Amber smiled and allowed him into her home as the door locked and the surrounding room was black. Amber walked from behind with a smile on her face, ready to attack Felix at any given moment. "What do you want with Amelia ? Hm?" Felix yawned as he sent lighting strikes to the house, destroying it a bit. Amelia walked into the destroyed room as her friend's only home was ruined. She walked up to Felix and slapped him, leaving a mark on his cheek. "Are you crazy! This is her only home, and you destroyed it looking for me!" Felix was frozen in place not knowing what to actually do to explain his actions as Amelia walks over to Amber and holds her hand out for her friend to grab on to. "Why are you here Anestis?" He gulped a bit afraid of her but decided to keep his composure knowing she manipulated blood and could tell he was tense. "Priya Rose called for you." She nodded as they headed back to the mansion.
Back at the house of Rose, Isaac was sitting comfortably in one of the sofas drinking tea. "Well well well guess who joined us. The sadist, the prince, and the fairy." Amelia rolled her eyes, Amber giggling at her nickname, and Felix giving a confused look as to why he was called "the prince". "Now shall we talk about that quest Amelia, your going tomorrow." She gave a shocked look as to the decision. "Why exactly tomorrow though, can't it be next week?" Isaac shook his head and stood up. He walked out the front door, Amelia wanting to stab the man more and more. Felix smirked and walked up to her trying to mess with her. "Got a problem with the dates I see. Why is that?" Amelia simply walked away to her room, Amber staying back to explain to Felix about the situation. "Don't try talking to her because she will be extremely pissed at you but on the bright side at least you too will get to know each other better on the quest!" She ran up the stairs to Amelia's room, leaving a confused Felix to himself.

The stars will aline the dates at which the death of the son of Zeus is killed by the daughter of Enyo. The death will bring fortune to the world as the daughter will become goddess of war.
