
February 27, 2016
Amelia woke up to breakfast served in bed by her siblings and some clothes laid on her table folded. "I decided waking you the earliest and giving you food before anything, would make it easier for you" Jake said pouring her some orange juice. She smiled and hugged him and Quartz both. "You are the best siblings anyone could ever have. Jake bowed and Quartz laughed at her brother's acting. "Okay okay you two, go and brush your hair, remember we have guest coming." Jake rolled his eyes, really not wanting his sister to meet with some person she never knew especially if it turns out to be a guy. Quartz followed behind Jake knowing he would brush her hair. Amelia's mother closed the door and made sure to lock it so no one would enter. "Amelia I need to talk to you." Amelia could sense her mother's blood pulsing, making her worry and stressed out. 'Iremía' Amelia whispered as her mother's pulse slowly calms. "Listen," her mother starts, taking in a deep breath. "Don't trust anyone in that family okay, they are not to be trusted with, and don't let their heir holder gain your trust." Amelia saw the serious expression her mother held, and nodded, though she wouldn't give him her trust in the first place. "Now get in the shower, you need to be ready in a hour." Amelia headed to the shower, her wavy curly red hair out in the open before she tied it into a bun. She walked her way, to the bathroom when she bumps into a male figure who scoffed at her. "Well hello Ms.Clumsy" he said. It was her cousin, Harry.

Harry Louis Heliconia; cousin of Amelia and son of Seeta, Priya Rose's sisterHe is 14 years old and is the exact same age as Jake.

He flipped his short golden brown hair, his short bangs swayed to the side. "So it seems we have a visitor today, and knowing you, your so going to mess up, so just as a little advice, don't do anything." Amelia clenched her fist, scoffing before stomping to the bathroom. Harry smirked and continued to walk his way to his mother's room. He didn't really like his cousin, since she always got center of attention and he was a big attention whore. As a child he would blame all the problems he did on his older cousin and always made her angry, which isn't the best idea to do if she can use her blood as a weapon. She can transform it into many forms of defense and attack however she is more known to create her sword, spray her blood which was similar to acid and able to burn through a person all the way to their cells and being able to kill someone or control them by manipulating their blood.

She came out of the shower, teeth brushed, hair dried, and ready to get changed. Amelia wore a red and black ombre crop top with black jeans and her hair out but straighten. By the time she finished dressing, her siblings rushed in, Jake with a blush and Quartz with a smirk. "T-they are here" Jake said stuttering. Quartz hugged her sister and replied "your partner is a boy and very handsome. Also I think Jake has a crush on his sister." Both girls were now smirking at their brother. "Oh he has a sister? Very interesting." Jake punched her shoulder, which she hardly felt, as they all walked down the stairs.

Down the steps and pass the dinning hall stood her mother chatting with another woman, daughter and son. Amelia walked in, realizing this family preferred dresses for ladies and jeans for the guys. "Oh good heavens, I thought she'd be more like a lady" said the woman. She had blonde hair with brown eyes and a flower dress. Her daughter wore a denim skirt with a noodle strap top and some flip-flops. The son on the other hand had some jeans on with a tight fitted shirt, enough to see his muscles. Amelia didn't really bother about him, since she knew he was talking to her father. "Well then, where is the holder of the blood, he must be here somewhere" the mother of the boy said. The he sighed at his mother's choice of words. "Mother, Doctor Isaac did say it was a girl." His mother shook her head. "I don't believe a girl could ever fight against my son, so they would never agree to put a girl." By then Amelia was offended and decided to take measures into her own hands. "Well hello miss, I'm Amelia Rose, holder of the gifted blood. It's nice to meet you, especially since you already bad mouthed me in front of my face." Amelia's blood was boiling, which meant her eyes color changed to red. The woman shivered as Jake and Quartz tugged on Amelia's shirt to calm her down. This amused the son of the woman. "Hello there Amelia Rose, I am Felix Anestis." Amelia nodded her head smiling and looked at back at his mother. "Mrs. Anestis, would you still like me to demonstrate my power to you." Before she could answer, Felix smirked and replied instead. "I think it's a excellent idea, since I still don't believe you could beat me in a free hand battle." Amelia nodded as her siblings walked up to set the match. Thats when doctor Isaac walked in. "Ah yes Felix, seems you've met Amelia. So do you know each other's god and goddess?" The both shook their heads as Isaac sighed. "Well Felix has the power of Zeus, he can summon lightening from his bare hands." Felix stood with his head held high. "And Amelia-" Isaac started as he looked at her with a smirk. "-has the power of goddess Enyo, but unlike you, she manipulate her blood instead, making it into weapons." Felix nodded, smirking at Amelia which a light pink tint appeared on her cheeks. "The power of the Red Clan is more powerful than the Silver Clan Felix, are you sure you still want to fight against her?" Felix nodded and smiled. Isaac clapped his hands faced Amelia's siblings. "Could you get your uncle Gordon, he'll need to be able to keep Felix safe." Felix gave a confused look as Amelia understood completely.
They reached up the mountain which Amelia kept her regular clothes on, which once again confused Felix as he had his protective shield and sword. "Why is she just standing their? Shouldn't she preparing?" Gordon looked at Felix, who had asked him the question and decided to reply. "Well she is prepared, and a little fact about her, she is a sadist, so be careful." He nodded and took the advice before heading into the grounds. Both families stood in a protective shield so that they wouldn't be hurt by any of the attacks. "I hope you have a first aid kid for your daughter, cause my baby Felix is going to hurt her." Priya laughed and kept looking, worrying if her daughter is going to hurt him badly. "Okay lets get this battle started" Isaac said before the two stood in battle stance. Felix decided to start by sending lightening strikes at Amelia. She ran so fast, no one saw her. Once the smoke cleared up, Felix thought she had died or been send under the rock when she tapped his shoulder. "Oh come on you could do better." Felix and his mother both had the most shocked face ever. "Is it my turn already? Alright" Amelia said with the most demonic smile ever as her blood turned into a sword. Felix froze in place has his arm was cut with a deep wound. "Awe come on, lets have some fun." He ran but she was faster. He dodged her attack as her blood sword hit the ground, melting it a bit. She smirked as she put her sword up in the air. Gordon knew this attack. "AMELIA STOP" her mother yelled but it was too late. she sprayed her blood into the air, making Gordon run as fast as he could to Felix, pulling him into the cave as the boy watched the blood rot away the earth, not harming Amelia at all. She turned to Felix, giving him a cheeky grin before walking forward to him. "Seems I win" she said before walking into the cave to get a bottle water.
