
February 26, 2016

Amelia walked into her bedroom, Jake following behind her. "So you going to sleep on your bed for once or you going back to the roof?" Amelia got a few pillows and a blanket before turning towards her younger brother. Jake sighed and knew what her choice was. "I'll wake you up at 5:00 so you won't get in trouble by mom for sleeping there, again." Amelia smiled at her brother and hugged him before going through the hidden entrance to the roof. She went and set up her little tent just incase of rain and fixed her pillows properly before going into a deep slumber.
By the time she really got into her dream, Jake and a sleepy Quartz came to wake her up. "Like I said, 5 AM. Come on" he said waking her sister up. "Okay" a groggy and sleepy Amelia said as she got up and picked her things up. Both siblings helped with putting the stuff away as she went onto her bed and continued to sleep they day away. "Amelia? Amelia" her mother said, shaking her daughter so she would get up. "Get dressed and come downstairs, alright. Breakfast is set as always and you have no more practice for the week." Amelia nodded and went the everyday morning routine. After that she changed into a nice black crop top that was a bit fitted, some leggings and combed her red hair. She then made her way down the stairs to the dinning room where her father, uncle Gordon, mother, and siblings were all sitting. Quartz was crying and Jake tried to comfort her as much as he could, a sad expression plastered his face. Thats when doctor Isaac came in and also sat down. "Alright, explain the situation to her please" he said sweetly. "Jack I'll tell her" her mother said. "Amelia, we know you are handling your powers well but doctor Isaac found out that we have another family, also has a type of gifted blood like yours." "Except.." Isaac interrupted Amelia's mother, seeing the pain in her face. "..their family can use the blood for certain in human abilities like super strength, speed, and so on." Amelia was wondering why they were worried about the situation as Issac continued. "You see, your blood is more powerful than any blood clan family and especially being a sadistic holder of the blood of Enyo is even worse." Amelia was not confused as to what he was telling her still. "So?" she asked a little not worried. "They want to send you and their son on a mission the day after your 16th birthday to catch someone for them. It's very dangerous and you may die, which is unlikely, but I think you should decide." Amelia, now confused starts to think. She was being sent and requested to assist on a such a dangerous mission that she may die from by a family who most likely has no idea who she is. It sounded exciting and fun and maybe her partner would suffer or die. Now wouldn't that be a nice form of entertainment to go with this mission. "Let me think about it" Amelia says before she sat on a chair and started to eat her breakfast. Isaac was smiling seeing right through her cover up, knowing Amelia had already given the most thought into it. "Would you like to meet the partner you're working with?" Her mother and father froze, both staring at each other, filled with worried. Amelia had a completely opposite reaction. "Really? Yea, lets do it!" Her reaction shocked her parents as Isaac stood up, smiling and laughing. "As you can see, she has accepted, so she will meet with him tomorrow." Jake and Quartz stood up, Jake standing front of his sister with his head held high as if he's protecting her. "I want to meet this so called partner, because if my sister gets hurt, I'll know who to hurt." Amelia was smiling widely as her parents laughed at their son's courage. "Alright Sir Rose, calm down, she won't die, with blood like her's, she is actually immortal." Jake gave the doctor a glare before Isaac held his hands high in defeat. "I promise you, she will be fine."

Death is no more than a gift

For death gives you happiness


And Freedom

Unlike like love
