Top 10 things you didn't know about Jet

10. Jet comes from a royal bloodline
As some know Jet has the ability to turn into a Kitsune, with each tail he gains gives him a massive boost. However since he comes from a royal bloodline of Kitsune, it gives him the ability known as "Killer Instinct."

9. Jet is afraid of his own power
Many would say that Jet is a strong individual, but not many would think that he could be afraid of his own power, mainly because he doesn't know much about his own power, which will be explained in #8

8. Jet has a limiter on him
Along with almost every Babylonian, Jet has been given a limiter that limits how much power he can actually use, these limiters are used on members of Babylon, members with powers that can be dubbed as potentially unstable.

7. Jet can multiply his power depending how many personalities he has
It's no secret that Jet has a bunch of personalities, but did you know that each, when combined into one body, can multiply each other's powers? Each personality he has multiples his power.

6. Jet has died two times before
Jet may be strong, but he isn't invincible, he's died to the hands of extremely powerful people, but didn't go down without a fight, he was brought back only because he was able to solve riddles given to him by Death himself, we doubt he'll be lucky to solve the third one however.

5. It be an awful idea to erase Jet
Jet can die as many one else can, but something strange within him causes him to not be able to be erased, if he were to be erased from existence, then he'd come back but with a shockwave that'll erase everything else around him, not even himself would be able to under Why that would happen.

4. Jet has incredible amounts of stamina
Not only from fighting is where Jet gained his stamina, but also from tons of sexual acts that he's gained such amounts of stamina, which caused him to be able to last long in battle and in bed.

3. Jet has never killed an Elemental Wolf
As some of you may know Jet is half Kitsune and half Wolf Slayer, Wolf Slayers are born to kill Elemental Wolves which can grow up to instantly heights, but despite him being half Wolf Slayer and some of his personalities having the Wolf Slayer traits, he hasn't been able to kill any because 1 they can be extremely powerful and hard to kill alone and 2 there haven't been much around to kill.

2. Jet tends to prefer war over peace
A lot may not know but in Babylon they were taught to be war killing machines, their brains are wired at a young age to be war machines and to fight, its gotten to the point where Jet likes fighting and war over peace a lot of the times, he was taught at a young age to think this way.

1. Jet is destined to fail
Jet's main goal is to fight till their is nothing left to fight and to protect the ones he loves by doing so, doing the battles all himself so the ones he loves won't have to, however this cannot be done, but he doesn't care, he'll still do it no matter what, even if it is impossible, he'll still do it, but in the end he's destined to fail, from this and that loved ones of his died regardless of how much he's tried. He's destined to fail because the ones he protects eventually die without him able to do anything about it.
