Sequel? (maybe?)

A/N: ok guys i had this on mind few weeks ago so yeah

heres the prologue even though i still dont know the title to name it

There were a young girl she is (A/N: ok what is this a fairytail?! screw this crap )

so lets start again

There were a girl living in this new generation by the looks ,her looks can kill, she is of the most Bad girl you will know

her name was Celine Silverfang

she is the daughter of the famous mafia family holding Japan and Korea

like an assasin when shooting ,looks like a boy and fights and acts like a boy

she was one of the most scary assasin you can meet ,she had a white eye patch on her right eye covering her other colored eye

a straight forward bitch she was


"Sebastian lets go" she ordered

"yes my lady"

Sebastian had been watching and jeeping an eye to this girl that looks his old master

will this work out?

what does Silverfang means?

is it just a mafia family? or the new name of the Phantomhive?

tune in with Celine and Sebastian

to uncover the real truth

and the Ciel that will shock both of them

enjoy the mystery of how will they uncover the truth between the secrets of the past and future

also the secrets of the underworld

A/N: so yeah guys i know you might be waiting for this
but it still might be posponed or i might not do it anymore i dont know

but for all im going to concebtrate to my other book An Angel with A Shotgun and Eren x Levi book so yeah gonna be busy

bye bye


please continue to support my other stories

thank you
