#3 A Half Demon?

"so welcome back our dear beloved readers this is Nathalie today and im going to be with the author more so we hoped you enjoyed this chappie of ours"

A/N:sorry it was late!

Ciel's POV

so since we solved and crack the case *because the author is lazy to recall the cases cause she said it will be boring* now im whispering to myself i look pretty crazy right now

A/N:"what did you just whispered?!  still can hear it Ciel Phantomhive! and you don't look pretty crazy you are crazy! baka!"

yeah whatever author i didin't give damn though

"you little!ˋ 3ˊˋωˊˋ 3ˊ ok i must calm down"

"so now let's go back to the story now Ciel" ~Nathalie

ok so now as you see im in my office today getting bored and all my dear cousin was drag by my own fiance to go shopping

now you know why i don't like beeing attach to others cause you see there was no use i was tied with a fiance already even though in a very young age of 12

can i request author?

"yeah what is it? my darling Ciel"

can  you transffered somebody here just so i can haved company?

"yes my lord"


so i was busy signing some papers here a certain girl bargged in the door as you know the author is very full of excitment and sceams so i really dont know who is,this girl was she looks lije around in my age

"greetings my Lord im Allysa Monrou" she said with a curtsie ,as you see she is actually became a help the works of mines and also Natalie's friend cause i remember already her face

"why do you call me? bored?" she asked as she sit in my desk while she smirk at me

"yes i hope you can be a company" i said as i look at her

"hmmm....my Lord let's talk about something interesting" she said as she smirk and jump out of  my table, she was wearing a red jacket and cap and she is wearing a white blouse and a blue skirt, a typical young lady

"what do you want to talk about?" i asked being serious cause i know this girl very well behind that smile and good attitude she has such as good thing like persuaing you she had a silver tounge because of  her power temptation like a demon

"i heard you haved developed  feelings for someone, Nathalie once tell me, is it true?" she asked her sweet innocent voice is now turned to a teased , i look away cause i know im red already

"oh i guess my guesses are right! so who is the lucky girl?" she asked *^▁^*

"or should i say guy?" she said whispering in my ear that made me blush even more

"oh i never thought you'll be this kind of flustter about this small thing" she said smirking at me while also laughing, Hiw could she laugh a Ciel Phantomhive?!

"Shut up" i said while clutching my coat while my other hand was covering my face

"don't worry it will be a secret, i will let you be the one to tell him" she said while she put a cookie on her mouth

"you know who he was?" i asked while i trembled with abit fear in my eyes  but more suprise

"yup know him pretty good he takes care of me when im still young" she said she get a lollipop now then put it in her mouth , i see that she also had a symbol in her hand and her bangs in her left eye was long 

"oh did you notice?" she asked while she put her hand in her left eye, she might notice i was looking to her covered eye

"want to see it?" she asked with an she smiled to me then she slowly put away her bangs to the side and i see her eyes it has both diffrent color ,i see her right eye was grey while the other in her left was violet

"now you know im no ordinary girl that only can temp others by my silver tounge im actually a half demon" she said with a more lot cuter smile

"how? i thought humans and demons cannot be on a relationship that's what Sebastian had told me" i said with a stuttering voice i really just can't believe that  someone as her can still be alived ,Sebastian had told me that once a human and a demon fell inlove and bear a child the child will be tortured until  it was weak enough and already ready to be killed or the human parent will suffer in the dephts of hell with the demon parent

"how do you lived?" i asked , she hesitated but talked

"my parents are the ones who been punished they insisted for me to live than them, if i wasen't born maybe they were still happy" she said as she sit on my couch and bend her knees up to her chest

"i grown up with only Sebastian by my side im diffrent from demons i don't need to eat souls or made a contract it was just that i haved the powers of a demon and the skills, i grew up tailing behind Sebastian until now but i live now with undertaker cause Sebastian is pretty busy with you now also not only persuaing other people is my ability, i can see very far too,i also can read emotions and see everything about you just by looking at you" she said with an eye smile , she took out a pendant in her neck and look at it

"young master lunch is ready and also what are you doing here Allysa?" asked Sebastian with a confussed look

"the Earl requested for someone to keep him company so we have a nice splendid talk" she said smiling at Sebastian

"very well then i just saw Julia outside" he said , she smiled

"Julia!" she called then a white owl go inside the house through the window and  has been sat on her shoulder

"now young Earl should i serve you?" she asked as she smiled towards my own way

"it will be an honor"  i said  also smiling at her

"i tell you that you shoun't haved come here you might be in danger why don't you just stay with undertaker? scolded Sebastian to Allysa while he pinch her ear

"don't you understand niichan?! im bored!" she said as she try to get out of Sebastian's grip

"fine just behave" he said as he let go of her she quickly got to the kitchen happily

"really Sebastian? big brother?!" i asked as he look at my direction

"yes my Lord quite so she grew up in my watch she is kind like a little sister" he said smiling at me and i know he treats her like a little sister the way he scolded her and descipline her is like really what an older brother is like

"eh my Lord the food was ready already" said Allysa while she is still wearing a cute frilly apron, she is smiling at me and also to his so called brother

i came to the dinning and see Mei-rin,Finny and Baldo standing in the side lines

"i haved cook a sweet and sour lobster partner with celery and a famous crab soup  with some freshly cut chicken with some secret ingridients, hope you like it!" she said while smiling at me , while she serve me some tea then she go to the side lines

"i think you can seat and eat with me your a guest after all" i said inviting her to seat , Mei-rin take off her apron then let her seat in my right side

"thank you dear Earl for inviting me to dine with you it was a pleasure" she said as she smile at me and start to eat

as we finish dininng i took her to tour the Phantomhive household

"wow! Ciel i mean my Lord this is amazing you had a very lovely mansion she said as she stare at the other direction , i smiled a little because of her nervousness

"no need to be formal just call me Ciel it will be fine" i said to her , i don't really know why i felt that im fine just being with her and i also had a feeling i like her to be my friend

"hai! ok Ciel" she said while she smiled at me even though she is still stuttering

"Ciel! who is she?!"


A/N: Hi Sorry late UD i try my best but we will haved upcoming examination so i think i can't update for a while i must review but after that i promise i will update

"hi im Allysa Monrou i wish you can support me and my Niichan by reading this story we only wish that you will like thjs story cause author work hard for it"

"Please support my young Lady we wish you will like this story and there will also be new batches of characters so tune in" ~Sebastian

"hey where was my tea?!" ~ Ciel

"oh no you don't just scold Sebby or else i can kill you early as possible" ~ Author

"Shut up! im the Earl Phantomhive i can do anything i want!"

"As if i care! remember your faith ties up with me! here i control your life!"

"fine i give up you win!"

"Good!  so tune in next time to many love complex here in Black Kiss"



