#4 Who is he?! who are you?!

A/N:"ohayio! sorry it was abit late update"

"As you see we are actually seeking new characters so if you want to be part of us and be with us you can register for an entry into the previous chapter" ~Allysa

"hurry up there were only 10 available sheets left" ~Alois

"what are you doing here you booty guy?!"~Ciel

"im here to promote duh"~Alois

"ok guys let's settle now" ╯﹏╰ ~ Alyssa


"please continue to support this book so that My Lady will be more inspired Thank you for the supports too" ~ Sebastian

"yeah people out there! support this thing! or you'll be hang in the queen's name!"~Ciel

"My! my! Ciel! that not the right way to treat our beloved readers! how can we get more fans and meet new friends if your this mean?, anyways sorry for Ciel he is just actually just not good at promoting" "^________^" v ~ Nathalie

"what do you think Tanaka-san?" ~ Finny

"ho ho ho"~Tanaka

"Stop asking him Finny you won't get anything at this rate" ~ Baldo

" ok guys! stop it already were here to continue the story! remember?"

"yes our Lady" ~ eveyone except Ciel who is now pouting

"now let's continue!"

Allysa's POV

"Ciel who is she?" asked by a girl that has a blond curly hair she is now looking at me with quite some furious look

"oh Lizzy let me introduce you ,she is Allysa Monrou a new friend of mine" as Ciel said this Lizzy's eyes had soften

"oh im Lizzy Ciel's fiance" she said as she smile at me,at usual my left eye was covered with my hair again it was a big secret though

then suddenly.......

"Mama! we are finding you almost through whole london" said the two little girls i learned to loved

"Lila! , Lisa! what are you two doing here?" i asked to then while they both hug me in my waist

"we actually miss you through your absence" said the two in usion while still hugging me i look at Ciel and Lizzy they were looking at me with some curious looks

"mama who is he?" asked Lila

" is he our papa?" asked Lisa with full of excitment

" no he is a friend of mine his name is Ciel,Ciel Phantomhive" i said explaining to them , they both nodded

"so can you be our papa?" asked Lila , while Ciel fcourse having a curious look

"well drop it now girls the real question here is why are you here for?" i asked a bit scolding them they were very uncertain when Lisa answered

"were actually very worried about you nee-san you just dissapeared we go to undertaker then we found out you were here in the Phantomhive's mansion so we webt really quickly" said Lisa looking down at her foot

"oh okay i was just worried" i said as i creased both of their cheecks

"now let's introduce ourselves properly" they both said in usion

"im Lila Bruteque"

"im Lisa Bruteque"

"and we are the Bruteque twins" they both said in usion , then they look at Ciel and then their other eyes turned red then they smiled at Ciel, i see that Lizzy actually had been inside now good thing though this secret must just stay secret

"your half demons?" asked Ciel as he come closer to the twins

"no we are pure but as you see we are still very young to make a contract" they said while they both come closer to Ciel suddenly they both hug him

"will you be our niichan?" they both asked as they both look at him ,Ciel sighn and nodded

"yeah!" they both said in joyious motion

Ciel's POv

i guess being friends with Allysa was good enough to meet this two


"hey Ciel do you figure out who is our new characters?" ~Nathalie

"Not yet"~Ciel

"Bassy! come with me we can be together forever " ~ Grell

"ok Grell your out topic!"~Allysa

"tsk.....are you guys always like this?" ~ Alois

"what are you doing here again?! ou stupid booty guy!" ~ Ciel

"im her for my dear Alyssa"~ Alois

"im not giving her to you!" ~ Finny

"awww!Finny likes Allysa!" ~ Baldo

"will you stop teasing?!" ~ Finny

"hahahaha! i guess not" ~Baldo

"verg well then why are you here demon?" ~Claude

"i might asked the same question to you"~Sebastian

"no one owns Ciel just me!" ~ Lizzy

Ciel looks at Sebastianthat was actually also looking at him "i wish you know how much i feel for you" he thought

A/N: "hahahaha! Ciel are you thinking of something?"

"no! let's just end this crap!"~ Ciel

A/N:"ok ok"

A/N: "so please introduce yourselves my young ladies"

im Lisa

and im Lila

we wish you continue to support this book and also us thank you

