#11 The game of Love is so......

A/N: hi so im quite sorry that you are not able to hear towards me almost the whole week, gomenasai!o(╥﹏╥)o sees the the stupid internet!

"roses are red just like me i love you truly so be with me, SEBAS-CHAN!" ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ~ Grell

A/N: *kicks Grell on the face* stupid shinigami! shut up will you?!

"but Mistress i just really like to have a scene with my Bassy"(★O★) ~still Grell

A/N: shut it! baka!

" hey Author never heard of you for a long time"~ Baldo *fist pump*

A/n:" sorry a bit busy"

" what actually happen to the love story?" (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ~Nathalie

A/N: just hold your horses im actually going to write what am i here for?

"but i havent had scenes with Grell" (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ~Shaycee

" me too with Ciel"ಥ_ಥ~Alexa

A/N: ok ok ill made some up ok?

"lets just continue this story! for God's sake!('・⊝・´) ~Ciel

"and ewww with Shaycee? yuck" ~Grell


Everyone: ⊙﹏

A/N: ok thank you


Ciel's POV

it has been quite a week for me still remembering Sebastian had kiss me in the cheeck in the party so whenever i look at him i always cant look at him straight in the eyes speacially now that im loving him even moreヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

God! i talk like a maiden that is so inlove( ̄へ ̄)

but wait a minute.......i do talk like im a maiden that was so inlove\(〇_o)/

ahhhhhhhhh! this cant be happening! ⊙︿⊙ im not gay!!!!

A/N: so what do you call a man that was also inlove to a man?o((*^▽^*))o hahaha! your so funny my lord

ahhhhhhh! Author shut up!

when im actually having debates towards my self and my heart and brain is fighting there came a knock in the door and it dwelts......Sebastian

ahhhhhhhhh! why so cruel! i dont want to see him today! i might raped him!

eh what? raped him?! \(〇_o)/ i might haved gone insane!

i quickly cover myself with my blanket and cover my face with a pillow

"boochan its morning already, i might suggest that you should wake up" i hear Sebastian had said

A/N: hahaha! here he goes Ciel

shut it Author! im dwelling some hard sympthoms here

A/N: what kind of symthoms? hahahaha!( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

its called heart pressure you can feel to much loved in it

A/N: hahahaha! i never heard such a thing before hahaha! i guess love is to much for you to handle my lord ↖(^ω^)↗

"boochan wake up already" said Sebastian as he snuggle his head in my nape which gives me goose bumps but it also feel seems right

"cmon now boochan" he said as he lifted my covers then there i see his face smirking at me but then he lifted me up and bring me to the bathroom

"now boochan you must be clean before Allysa came here to fetch you" he said while smirking , i turn my back at him cause i know im blushing so hard i can feel my cheecks burn (>/////////////

Stop already! my chest is going to explode! slowly i put out my nightware then Sebastian chuckle and put me to the tub and wash my hair

God i can still feel my heart aches to his every touch

i guess i really loved my butler like this

and every day im loving him more

i like him to be officially mine

"boochan come here now" said Sebastian as he wide up the towel i quickly run towards him then there he envelope me in a hug

"now now boochan no need to hurry" he said as i hear him chuckled i look down to hide my blushing face then suddenly he hug me more tighter

"i gueas there is nothing wrong about it" he said then he kis me in my neck which makes me blush even more ,then he dry me up and dress me up as usual

"now boochan lets go to the garden Allysa Lila and Lisa are there already" he said ,i nodded and begab to walk

" oh boochan you forgot something" he said , i look at him then suddenly he tilted my chin up and its so sudden........

his lips on mine

i slowly close my eyes and put my arms in his nape pulling him closer and  kiss him back which earned him a smile it felt right so damn right why?

he suddenly put me down and smiled at me he put long finger in his lips

"shhhhh...be quite now boochan" as he said this he give me abother peck and then we both already got in the garden

what just happen? O_o

did he feel the same way?

does he know?

what the actual fuck?Q_Q

what the fuck just happen?

Sebastian's POV

hmmmmm...... im satisfied seeing boochan like that it made up my day hmmmm.... i guess he do feel the same way

it makes me unbelivably happy

i guess i can do it more often

how can i belove sick towards him?

i cant even control myself

sheesh! i guess i love him that much

Allysa's POV

i think something happen Ciel is burning red over here already hmmmmm.... somethings fishy i knew ill find that out as soon as possible

A/N: konbanwa so as you see i updated and it was my first mussy and full of fluff i really like working on this so i wish you like my every updates


love yah nekos

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