Thank You!

Ok so, first off, freakin Thank You! I didn't think ANYONE, literally ANYONE, would read this! I only kept writing because of one person who read it. WolfiezDaWarrior
I thought, 'If at least one person enjoys my awful story, then I'll keep going.' Then more of you started reading it and now I have about 43 readers! I know to some people, they're probably like "Why are you getting so excited? It's only about 43 people! Other writers have, like, 2K people reading THEIR stories!" And I give those people with over 2K readers respect! But to me, this is a big achievement. Cause
1. This is my first story
2. I'm still not even in high school yet
3. This is the first time people actually take time to read what I write and enjoy it.
When I write things, people are usually like, "Oh, that's really good. You can have this back." So Thank You all! And I also need ideas for the next Bendy x Reader mini story. I don't know what trait to give the reader, like Shy, or Scared. So if you can, please give me suggestions or ideas! XD. Thank You all so much for reading my boring rant, and I'll try to update as soon as possible.

... This is a little longer than I expected...
