QFTIM Bendy x Boris's Sister(You)

Author Note:Donut-Swirl0204 asked, so THEY SHALL RECEIVE!!

And since you're BORIS'S sister, Boris is in no way related to Bendy. Boreese is what you look like, minus the grey scarf, cause that's Boris's thing.

And I have bad news... Some of you may not care, some might, I dunno. But I broke my right wrist, which is my dominant hand. So I'm typing this with my shaky and useless left hand, that I haven't used for anything more than holding my paper in place for twelve years. So updates will probably be slower... I'm so sorry you guys. I'm such a horrible author, getting myself hurt like this. I'm sorry.

Now that I got that out of my system, let's start this chapter on a happy note!

(I am sorry though)

"Come on (Y/N)! We're gonna miss the parade! And Mr. Mickey is staying afterwards to meet the kids! Hurry uuuuuppppppp!" Boris whined.

I huffed and readjusted the backpack strap on my shoulder. Since my younger brother Boris carried the food bag yesterday, today it's my turn.

And of course today is the day there we not only travel the farthest, but also the fastest since we have a deadline. My little fanboy brother wants to watch Mickey's parade that's going on in town.

"Give me a second, jeez! You better tell me what you're eating to get this much energy, cause I want in!" I yelled back. He just grinned, playfully sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed and caught up to him, holding his hand.

"Let's go then!" I exclaimed, tugging him forward. He chuckled and allowed me to drag him to the parade.


"Wooooowwwww!" Whispered Boris in awe. I had to admit, Mickey's Circus is pretty damn cool. All the lights and acts, not to mention the cute little bunny kids that were singing and playing little instruments! (I died of cuteness imagining this beCAUSE IT'S SO DAMN CUUUUTEEEEE)

Once the last act had gone, the crowd went back to doing whatever they were doing before the show. "Hey Boris," I jabbed my thumb over my shoulder, smiling slightly, pointing to Mickey's tent. "let's go see Mickey!"

Boris's eyes widened as he nervously fiddled with the tip of his grey scarf. "Um, he could m-maybe be busy! We sh-shouldn't bother him (Y-" I covered his mouth with my hand and waggled my finger in his face.

"Nuh-uh. You did NOT just make me walk 6 miles in half an hour when I can barely run 2 in that time. Your are GOING to see Mickey, because YOU were the one that dragged me here! Now, GO!" I removed my hand from his mouth and pushed him toward the tent flap. Walking in after him, I took in my surroundings.

Oh my ink it's a demon.


I've ALWAYS wanted to see one!

I smiled at the demon as I stood by my younger brother, who was currently struggling to say 'I want your autograph' without stuttering in 10 different places.

I laughed a little and said calmly "Dude, he wants your autograph." I then pat Boris on the back and walked over to the demon.

'Okay, play it cool (Y/N)! Don't go fangirl mode over him!'

I grinned at him and stuck out my hand. "Hi. I'm (Y/N), that dorks brother. Nice to meet ya."

The demon smiled and shook my hand firmly. "I'm Bendy. Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)." I chuckled a little.

"Well how far can you go?" I asked.


I laughed. "You said you're bendy. So, how far can you bend?"

He facepalmed. "No that's not--I'm Bendy not--" I snorted at his reaction.

"I'm just kidding, Bendy. No worries." I gave him a smile. He rolled his eyes playfully at me.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways, what brings you here? Just come for the parade or..?" Bendy left the end of the sentence hanging in the air, waiting for new to answer.

"Oh, uh, me and my bro are actually on a little quest for a friend of ours... What brings you here?" I asked, mentally wincing at my pathetic attempt of switching topics. Bendy luckily got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.

"I'm actually on a quest too! It's personal though, so yeah... Oh! But maybe if we're heading in the same direction, we can travel together?" Bendy asked hopefully. "If you want to, of course." He quickly added afterwards. I laughed and nodded my head.

"It would be awesome to travel together. Say, what are you looking for anyway?" I asked bluntly. Bendy suddenly became nervous. "Well, I'm actually searching for machine parts. For... A machine." He said slowly. I snorted a little.

"Yeah no shiz Sherlock that you're looking for machine parts for a machine." I said, grinning. His face flushed, and he exclaimed "I'm looking for the Ink Machine! There! Go ahead and laugh now!"

So I did.

His face fell, and he spun on his heel and headed for the tent flap. Still laughing a bit, I placed a hand on his shoulder, preventing him from going any farther.

"Bendy, I'm looking for the exact same thing. Now calm yourself, and go pack your stuff so we can hit the road." I ordered, smirking.

He let out a relieved sigh, and walked over to one corner of the tent to gather his stuff. I turned back around to see a blushing Boris getting pet by Mickey.

"Aye Boris! Come on dude, we gotta go!" I yelled.


"Butts after for chairs! Now come on!"

"Okay okay! Jeez, I'm coming!"

Author Note: Short, I know, but I wanted to publish this as soon as possible! M'KAY?!


See ya next chapter!
